iOS Game Development Cookbook


Book Description

Want to build games with iOS technologies? This cookbook provides detailed recipes for a wide range of common iOS game-development issues, ranging from 2D and 3D math to Game Center integration, and OpenGL to performance. If you’re familiar with iOS and Objective-C, this is the problem-solving guide you want.

Rather than focus on specific game engines for iOS, such as Cocos2D or the Corona SDK, the recipes in this cookbook strictly deal with baked-in iOS technologies. You’ll learn solutions for everything from tile-matching games to racing, with working code that you can use right away.

  • Lay out the structure of your game
  • Build and customize menus with UIKit
  • Detect and respond to user input
  • Use advanced techniques to play sound effects and music
  • Work with data, using iOS devices and the cloud
  • Create 2D graphics with SpriteKit
  • Add physics simulation to your game
  • Learn beginning to advanced 3D graphics
  • Create challenges with artificial intelligence
  • Use networking to add multiplayer capabilities
  • Work with game controllers and multiple screens


时间: 2024-12-25 11:31:47

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