

View the Exhibit to examine the details for an incident. Which statement is true regarding the status of the


A. The incident has been newly created and is in the process of collecting diagnostic information.

B. The incident is now in the Done state and the ADR can select the incident to be purged.

C. The DBA is working on the incident and prefers that the incident be kept in the ADR.

D. The data collection for the incident is complete and the incident can be packaged and sent to Oracle


Answer: D

查看图表,检查事件的详细信息。 关于事件的状态哪种说法是正确的?

D.用于事件的数据收集是完整的, 事件可以打包发送给 Oracle 支持网站

时间: 2024-10-15 10:35:10


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