Scetion 1: The Flowgraph
The flowgraph moves data from sources into sinks.
Example of data moving with rate changes.
The flowgraph must check the bounds to satify input/output requirements.
All input streams and output streams must satify the constraints.
The boundary conditions can change with rate changing blocks.
Decimators need enough input to calculate the decimated output.
The conditions are independently established with each block.
This block is asking for less than it can on the input.
Scetion 2: The general_work and work functions
The input and output buffers
general_work / work have two vectors passed to it.
int block::general_work(int output_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items) int block::work(int output_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
intput_items is a vector of pointers to input buffers.
output_items is a vector of pointers to output buffers.
Scetion 3: Scheduler‘s job
The scheduler handles the buffer states, block requirements, messages, and stream tags.
Message Passing Layer
Send commands, metadata, and packets between blocks.
Asynchronous messages from and to any block:
tb.msg_connect(Blk1, "out port", Blk0, "in port") tb.msg_connect(Blk2, "out port", Sink, "in port")
Scheduler Handles the Asynchronous Message Passing
Asynchronous Message Passing:
- When a message is posted, it is placed in each subscribers queue.
- Messages are handled before general_work is called.
- The scheduler dispatches the messages:
- Checks if there is a handler for the message type.
- If there is no handler, a queue of max_nmsgs is held.
- Oldest message is dropped if more than max_nmsgs in queue.
- max_nmsgs is set in preferences le in [DEFAULT]:max_messages.
- Pops the message off the queue.
- Dispatches the message by calling the block‘s handler.
- Checks if there is a handler for the message type.
Stream tag layer
Adds a Control, Logic, and Metadata layer to data flow
Tags carry key/value data associated with a specic sample.
Tags are propagated downstream through each block.
Tags are updated by data rate changes.
Propagate tags downstream based on the tag_propagation_policy.
Tag propagation:
- tag_propagation_policy typically set in block‘s constructor.
- Defaults to block::TPP_ALL_TO_ALL.
- Called after general_work.
- If propagating:
- Gets tags in window of last work function.
- If relative_ratio is 1, copies all tags as is.
- Otherwise, adjusts offset of tag based on relative_ratio.
Review of propagation policies
- Tags are not propagated and are removed from the stream.
- Can allow block to handle propagation on its own.
set_alignment(int multiple)
Set alignment in number of items.
- Restricts number of items available to multiple of alignment.
- Not guaranteed, but recovers quickly if unalignment unavoidable.
Output Multiple
set_output_multiple(int multiple)
- Restricts number of items available to set multiple.
- Similar to alignment, but this is guaranteed.
- If not enough for alignment, will wait until there is.
- Cannot be set dynamically.
Overloaded function of the class
Tells scheduler how many input items are required for each output item.
- Given noutput_items, calculates ninput_items[i] for each input stream.
- Default: ninput_items[i]=noutput_items+history()-1;
- Decim: ninput_items[i]=noutput_items*decimation()+history()-1;
- Interp: ninput_items[i]=noutput_items/interpolation()+history()-1;
- Use this to reduce the book-keeping checks in a block.
- Can guaranteed ninput_items[i] > noutput_items
- Don‘t have to check both conditions.
History sets read pointer history() items back in time.
- Makes sure we have valid data history() items beyond noutput_items.
- Used to allow causal signals between calls to work.
Buffer Size and Controlling Flow and Latency
Set of features that affect the buffers
- set_max_noutput_items(int)
- Caps the maximum noutput_items.
- Will round down to nearest output multiple, if set.
- Does not change the size of any buffers.
- set_max_output_buffer(long)
- Sets the maximum buffer size for all output buffers.
- Buffer calculations are based on a number of factors, this limits overall size.
- On most systems, will round to nearest page size.
- set_min_output_buffer(long)
- Sets the minimum buffer size for all output buffers.
- On most systems, will round to nearest page size.
Scheduler Manages the Data Stream Conditions
General tasks:
- Calculate how many items are available on the input.
- Calculate how much space is available on the output.
- Determine restrictions: alignment, output_multiple, forecast requirements, etc.
- Adjust as necessary or abort and try again.
- Call the general_work function and pass appropriate pointers and number of items.
- Take returned info from general_work to update the pointers in the gr::buffer and gr::buffer_reader objects.
Scetion 4: Scheduler Flow Chart
Scheduler Flow Chart: top_block.start()
Start in
Initialize thread for each block:
Each block‘s thread runs the loop until done
Handles messages, state, and calls run_one_iteration:
run_one_iteration in
Start of the iteration:
If block has inputs (sinks/blocks), handle input/output reqs.:
run_one_iteration::try_again: Fixed Rate
Fixed rate blocks have special restrictions:
run_one_iteration::try_again: Alignment
Works to keeps buers aligned if possible:
run_one_iteration::try_again: Failure
If something goes wrong, try again, fail, or block and wait:
Call work and do book-keeping:
When the owgraph can‘t continue, end it:
"Get items_available for all inputs"
Gets dierence between write pointers and read pointers for all inputs:
"Calc space on output buffer"
Space available is the difference between write pointers to the first read pointer. noutput_items is the minimum for all output buffers:
"call forecast, sets ninput_items_required"
Given noutput_items, forecast calculates the required number of items available for each input.
void sync_decimator::forecast(int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required) { unsigned ninputs = ninput_items_required.size(); for(unsigned i = 0; i < ninputs; i++) ninput_items_required[i] = fixed_rate_noutput_to_ninput(noutput_items); } int sync_decimator::fixed_rate_noutput_to_ninput(int noutput_items) { return noutput_items * decimation() + history() - 1; }
"Do all inputs have nitems req.?"
Tests that items_available[i] >= ninput_items_required[i] for all i.
- If yes, run the setup_call_to_work section.
- Otherwise, we‘re in a fail mode:
- If we still have enough output space, goto try_again.
- If the input is marked done, goto were_done.
- If block requires more than is possible, goto were_done.
- Otherwise, we‘re blocked so we exit and will start over on next iteration.
Scetion 5: Buffer Creation
Buffers are handled almost completely behind the scenes
Standard Creation
- GNU Radio selects the best option for how to create buffers.
- Allocated at the start of a page.
- Length is a multiple of the page size.
- Memory mapped second half for easy circular buffer.
- Guard pages one either side.
User controls
- Minimum buffer size.
- Maximum buffer size.
Circular buers in memory
Shows guard pages and memory-mapped half
Buffer creation techniques
Controlled by the vmcircbuf classes
- Selects from:
- vmcircbuf_createfilemapping.h
- vmcircbuf_sysv_shm.h
- vmcircbuf_mmap_shm_open.h
- vmcircbuf_mmap_tmpfile.h
- Reads from a preference file, if set.
- Tests all factories, saves preferred to preference file.
Buffer creation: Create File Mapping
Generally used for MS Windows
- size required to be a multiple of the page size.
- Uses CreateFileMapping to get a handle to paging file.
- Allocates virtual memory of 2*size.
- Uses VirtualAlloc to get first_tmp.
- Map the paging file to the first half of the virtual memory.
- Uses MapViewOfFileEx with first_tmp as pointer base.
- Map the paging file to the second half of the virtual memory.
- Uses MapViewOfFileEx with first_tmp+size as pointer base.
- Both first and second half are mapped to the same paging file.
Buffer creation: Memory-mapped Temp File
Generally used for OSX
- size required to be a multiple of the page size.
- Creates a temp file with permissions 0x0600.
- Uses unlink to hide file and remove it when program closes.
- Sets length of temp file to 2*size.
- Uses ftruncate.
- Map the first half of the file to a pointer first_copy.
- Uses mmap to point to start of temp file.
- Map the second half of the file to a pointer second_copy.
- Uses mmap to point to first_copy+size.
- Resets temp file to size with ftruncate.
- Uses first_copy as the Buffer‘s base address.
Buffer creation: System V Shared Memory
Generally used for Linux/POSIX
- size required to be a multiple of the page size.
- Uses shmget to get 2*size (plus guard pages) as schmid2.
- Uses shmget to get size as shmid1.
- Attach shmid1 to first half of schmid2 with shmat.
- Attach shmid1 to second half of schmid2 with shmat.
- Memory in both halves of shmid2 are mapped to the same
- virtual space.
- Keep guard pages as read-only.
- Return memory in shcmid2+pagesize as Buffer base location.
- Keeps 2*size allocated.
Buffer creation: Memory-mapped Shared Memory
Alternative implementation for Linux/POSIX
- size required to be a multiple of the page size.
- Creates a shared memory segment with shm_open.
- Sets length of memory segment to 2*size.
- Uses ftruncate.
- Map the rst half of the file to a pointer first_copy.
- Uses mmap to point to start of memory segment.
- Map the second half of the file to a pointer second_copy.
- Uses mmap to point to first_copy+size.
- We should reset memory segment to size with ftruncate.
- on OSX this isn‘t allowed, though; not actually compiled.
- Uses first_copy as the buffer‘s base address.
VM circular buffer preference setting
Working VM Circular Buffer technique is stored in a prefs file
- Handled by vmcircbuf_prefs class.
- Path: $HOME/.gnuradio/prefs/vmcircbuf_default_factory
- Single line that species the default factory function:
- e.g., gr::vmcircbuf_sysv_shm_factory
- If no file, we find the best version and store it here.
- Should only be created once on a machine when GNU Radio is first run.
Building a gr::buffer
Buffers are built and attached at runtime
- When start is called, flowgraph is flattened and connections created.
- gr::block_details are created and a gr::buffer for each output.
- Buffer size is calculated as the number of items to hold.
- min/max restrictions applied, if set.
- Buffer size is calculated as the number of items to hold.
- Connects inputs by attaching a gr::buffer_reader.
Calculating gr::buffer size
- Takes in item_size.
- Calculates number of items: nitems = s_fixed_buffer_size*2/item_size.
- s_fixed_buffer_size = 32768 bytes.
- doubling the size to allow double buffering.
- Checks that nitems is at least 2x output_multiple.
- Checks max_output_buffer & min_output_buffer settings.
- Both default to -1, which means no limit.
- Checks that nitems is greater than decimation*output_multiple+history.
- Must have enough to read in all of this at one time.
Calculating gr::buffer size: granularity
gr::buffer::allocate_buffer handles the actual creation
- Checks if we have the minimum number of items:
- Based on system granularity (i.e., page size) and item size.
- Rounds up to a multiple of this minimum number of items.
- Rounding up based on item size may result in unusual buffer sizes.
- We handle this; just sends a warning to the user.
- Calls VM circular buffer default factory function.
- Sets d_base, the address in memory for the buffer, from the circular buffer.
Controlling the size of buffers: min/max
User interface allows us to set min/max buffer for all blocks
- Methods of gr::block:
- gr::block::set_min_output_buffer(port, length)
- gr::block::set_max_output_buffer(port, length)
- Methods to set all ports the same:
- gr::block::set_min_output_buffer(length)
- gr::block::set_max_output_buffer(length)
- Will still round up to the nearest granularity of a buffer.
- Can only be set before runtime to have an effect.
Scetion 6: Wrap-up
This presentation covered:
- The responsibility of the scheduler.
- And understanding of the user interaction with the scheduler.
- The roles the scheduler plays in the three data streams:
- Overview of the data stream, message passing, and tag streams.
- Alignment, output multiple, forecast, and history.
- Flow chart of the threaded loops each block runs.
- Launching the thread body.
- Handling messages.
- calling run_one_iteration and its tasks.
- In-depth look into how the scheduler makes its calculations.
- Buffer structure, calculations.
From the information in this presentation, you should be able to:
- Better interact with the three data stream models
- Use the features of the data flow model (forecast, history, etc.) to improve logic, performance
- Understand how the buffer system works and how to extend or alter it for dierent architectures
参考链接: Overview of the GNU Radio Scheduler
参考链接: Explaining the GNU Radio Scheduler