1 create or replace procedure 存储过程名 ([参数] [参数类型],[参数] [参数类型]) 2 as 3 4 successc number; 5 failc number; 6 begin 7 insert into [表名]( 8 字段, 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 字段) 13 (select 14 字段, 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 字段 19 from [表名] where [条件]); 20 21 update [表名] set xx=‘xx‘ where [条件] ; 22 23 commit; 24 select count(1) into successc from [表名] where Flag=‘1‘; 25 select count(1) into failc from [表名] where nvl(flag,0)<>1; 26 27 open cur_arg for select successc as successc,failc as failc from dual; //打开游标查找 28 end;
create or replace procedure Proc_PX_SchoolInportScore(PlanType nvarchar2,BanQGuid nvarchar2,CountryNums nvarchar2, cur_arg out sys_refcursor) as successc number; failc number; begin update PX_SchoolInportScore set CountryNum=CountryNums where nvl( identitynum,‘‘)<>1; --导入成绩 insert into pk_user(RowGuid, Name,--姓名 IdentityNum,--身份证号码 Age,--年龄 Sex,--性别 EducationCode,--学历 DanWeiName,--单位名称 WorkType,--工种 IsEnable,--是否启用 Status,--状态 UserType--类别 ) (--插入到人员表 条件:临时表里的人员不在人员表中 判断依据 IdentityNum select LOWER(sys_guid()), Name, IdentityNum, Age, (case Sex when cast(‘男‘ as nvarchar2(10)) then cast(‘0‘ as nvarchar2(10)) else cast(‘1‘ as nvarchar2(10)) end) as Sex, (select ItemValue from VIEW_CodeMain_CodeItems where CodeName=‘PX_学历‘ and ItemText=Education) as EducationCode, DanWeiName, WorkType, ‘1‘, ‘1‘, ‘0‘ from PX_SchoolInportScore WHERE not exists (select pk_user.IdentityNum from pk_user WHERE PX_SchoolInportScore.IdentityNum=pk_user.IdentityNum) ); insert into PX_BaoM(RowGuid, Name, UserGuid, LoginID, DanWeiName, PXPrograms, Note, CountryNum, Ispay ) (--插入到报名表 条件:从临时表里插入成功到人员表中的人 并且这些人不存在报名表中 条件:人员表的RowGuid 报名表的UserGuid select LOWER(sys_guid()), a.Name, b.RowGuid, a.IdentityNum, a.DanWeiName, ‘02‘, Note, CountryNum, ‘1‘ from PX_SchoolInportScore a inner join pk_user b on a.IdentityNum=b.IdentityNum --where b.rowguid not in (select UserGuid from PX_BaoM) where not exists (select UserGuid from PX_BaoM where userguid= b.rowguid) ); insert into PX_BaoMDetail( RowGuid, ItemGuid, IsDel, ClassGuid, ParentGuid ) (--插入到报名子表 条件:插入成功到报名表里的人 并且这些人不在子表中 子表的ParentGuid 报名表的 RowGuid select LOWER(sys_guid()), PlanType, ‘0‘, BanQGuid, c.RowGuid from PX_SchoolInportScore a join pk_user b on a.IdentityNum=b.IdentityNum join PX_BaoM c on b.rowguid =c.UserGuid where c.RowGuid not in (select ParentGuid from PX_BaoMDetail) ); update PX_BaoM set CountryNum=CountryNums,IsPay=‘1‘ where RowGuid in ( select a.RowGuid from View_Score_UserType a inner join PX_SchoolInportScore b on a.IdentityNum=b.IdentityNum where a.ClassGuid=BanQGuid and a.TypeGuid=PlanType ); update PX_SchoolInportScore set flag=1 where IdentityNum in (select LoginID from view_schoolimportscore where classGuid=BanQGuid ); commit; select count(1) into successc from PX_SchoolInportScore where Flag=‘1‘; select count(1) into failc from PX_SchoolInportScore where nvl(flag,0)<>1; open cur_arg for select successc as successc,failc as failc from dual; end;
PX_SchoolInportScore 临时表
protected void upload1_FileUploadCompleted_Custom(object sender, EventArgsOperate.AttachEventArgs[] args) { if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(@"ImportExcel"))) Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath(@"ImportExcel")); string mark = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString(); string oldfileName = args[0].FileName; string documentType = oldfileName.Substring(oldfileName.LastIndexOf(‘.‘), oldfileName.Length - oldfileName.LastIndexOf(‘.‘)); string fileName = "Import_" + mark + documentType; args[0].CuteArgs.CopyTo(Server.MapPath(@"ImportExcel\") + fileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DDLBQ.SelectedValue)) ReadExcel(Server.MapPath(@"ImportExcel\") + fileName); else { this.AlertAjaxMessage("请选择班次"); } }
public void ReadExcel(string ExcelFile) { DataSet ds; string ms = "0";//记录导入成功数 string mf = "0";//记录导入失败数 string strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + ExcelFile + ";" + "Extended Properties=‘Excel 12.0‘;"; OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(strConn); DataTable dtExcelSchema = new DataTable(); try { conn.Open(); dtExcelSchema = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new object[] { null, null, null, "Table" });//获取需要上传的Excel的Sheet conn.Close(); } catch { throw; } for (int k = 0; k < dtExcelSchema.Rows.Count; k++) { try { string SheetName = (string)dtExcelSchema.Rows[k]["TABLE_NAME"]; if (SheetName.Contains("$") && !SheetName.Replace("‘", "").EndsWith("$")) continue;//过滤无效SheetName //OleDbDataAdapter oada = new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from [Sheet" + k + "$]", strConn); OleDbDataAdapter oada = new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from [" + SheetName + "]", strConn); ds = new DataSet(); oada.Fill(ds); } catch { throw; } DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; int count = dt.Rows.Count; // if (count == 0 || (count > 0 && dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "")) continue;//过滤无数据的sheet string tableName = "PX_SchoolInportScore"; bool flag = false; BulkToDB(dt, tableName, out flag); if (flag) { M_PX_ZhuanYe m_zy = b_zy.SelectByZhuanYeNum_PXProgram(plantype, programs); DataSet dsscore = b_bmd.InportSchoolScore(m_zy.RowGuid, DDLBQ.SelectedValue, DDLCountry.SelectedValue); // 展示成功多少个 失败多少个 if (dsscore.Tables.Count > 0) { DataView dvs = dsscore.Tables[0].DefaultView; ms = dvs.Count > 0 ? dvs[0]["successc"].ToString() : "0"; mf = dvs.Count > 0 ? dvs[0]["failc"].ToString() : "0"; } b_bmd.DeleteSchoolScoreAll();//每次导入完成后删除零时表中数据 } } string alerterror = "成功导入:" + ms + "人,导入失败:" + mf + "人"; this.AlertAjaxMessage(alerterror); }
public static void BulkToDB(DataTable dt, string targetTable, out bool flag) { string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CoonString"].ToString(); bool flags = false; OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString); if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Open(); } OracleBulkCopy bulkCopy = new OracleBulkCopy(conn, OracleBulkCopyOptions.Default); bulkCopy.BatchSize = 100000; bulkCopy.BulkCopyTimeout = 260; bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = targetTable; try { if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Open(); } if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count != 0) { bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("姓名", "Name"); bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("性别", "Sex"); bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("年龄", "Age"); bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("学历", "Education"); bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("工作单位", "DanWeiName"); bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("工种", "WorkType"); bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("身份证号码", "IdentityNum"); bulkCopy.WriteToServer(dt); flags = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { flags = false; Epoint.Frame.Common.LogOperate.WriteLog(ex.ToString()); } finally { flag = flags; conn.Close(); if (bulkCopy != null) bulkCopy.Close(); } }
时间: 2024-10-15 05:44:26