




struct aarch64_opcode aarch64_opcode_table[] =

1209 {

1210  /* Add/subtract (with carry).  */

1211  {"adc", 0x1a000000, 0x7fe0fc00, addsub_carry, 0, CORE, OP3 (Rd, Rn, Rm), QL_I3SAMER, F_SF},

p=jk/arm64/binutils.git;a=blob;f=opcodes/aarch64-tbl.h;h=d360b1406718257da86050f5b3a760cd02196250;hb=aarch64#l1212">1212  {"adcs", 0x3a000000, 0x7fe0fc00, addsub_carry, 0, CORE, OP3 (Rd, Rn, Rm), QL_I3SAMER, F_SF},




/*The name of the mnemonic.  */

const char *name;

/*The opcode itself.  Those bits which willbe filled in with operands are zeroes. */

aarch64_insn opcode;

/*The opcode mask.  This is used by thedisassembler.  This is a mask containingones indicating those bits which must match the opcode field, and zeroesindicating those bits which need not match (and are presumably filled in byoperands).  */

aarch64_insn mask;

/*Instruction class.

enum aarch64_insn_class iclass;

/*Enumerator identifier.  */

enum aarch64_op op;

/*Which architecture variant provides this instruction.  */

const aarch64_feature_set *avariant;

/*An array of operand codes.  Each code isan index into the operand table.  Theyappear in the order which the operands must appear in assembly code, and are terminatedby a zero.  */

enum aarch64_opnd operands[AARCH64_MAX_OPND_NUM];

/*A list of operand qualifier code sequence. Each operand qualifier code qualifies the corresponding operandcode.  Each operand qualifier sequencespecifies a valid opcode variant and related constraint on operands.  */

aarch64_opnd_qualifier_seq_t qualifiers_list[AARCH64_MAX_QLF_SEQ_NUM];

/*Flags providing information about this instruction */

uint32_t flags;









OP3 (Rd, Rn, Rm)













const aarch64_field fields[] =


{  0,  0 },      /*NIL.  */

{  0,  4 },      /*cond2: condition in truly conditional-executed inst.  */

{  0,  4 },      /*nzcv: flag bit specifier, encoded in the "nzcv" field.  */

{  5,  5 },      /*defgh: d:e:f:g:h bits in AdvSIMD modified immediate.  */

{16,  3 },       /*abc: a:b:c bits in AdvSIMD modified immediate. */

{  5, 19 },       /* imm19: e.g. in CBZ. */

{  5, 19 },       /* immhi: e.g. in ADRP. */

{29,  2 },       /*immlo: e.g. in ADRP.  */

{22,  2 },       /*size: in most AdvSIMD and floating-point instructions.  */

{10,  2 },       /*vldst_size: size field in the AdvSIMD load/store inst.  */

{29,  1 },       /*op: in AdvSIMD modified immediate instructions. */

{30,  1 },       /*Q: in most AdvSIMD instructions.  */

{  0,  5 },      /*Rt: in load/store instructions.  */

{  0,  5 },      /*Rd: in many integer instructions.  */

{  5,  5 },      /*Rn: in many integer instructions.  */

{10,  5 },       /*Rt2: in load/store pair instructions.  */

{10,  5 },       /*Ra: in fp instructions.  */

{  5,  3 },      /*op2: in the system instructions.  */

{  8,  4 },      /*CRm: in the system instructions.  */

{12,  4 },       /*CRn: in the system instructions.  */

{16,  3 },       /*op1: in the system instructions.  */

{19,  2 },       /*op0: in the system instructions.  */

{10,  3 },       /*imm3: in add/sub extended reg instructions. */

{12,  4 },       /*cond: condition flags as a source operand. */

{12,  4 },       /*opcode: in advsimd load/store instructions. */

{12,  4 },       /*cmode: in advsimd modified immediate instructions.  */

{13,  3 },       /*asisdlso_opcode: opcode in advsimd ld/st single element.  */

{13,  2 },       /*len: in advsimd tbl/tbx instructions.  */

{16,  5 },       /*Rm: in ld/st reg offset and some integer inst. */

{16,  5 },       /*Rs: in load/store exclusive instructions. */

{13,  3 },       /*option: in ld/st reg offset + add/sub extended reg inst.  */

{12,  1 },       /*S: in load/store reg offset instructions. */

{21,  2 },       /*hw: in move wide constant instructions. */

{22,  2 },       /*opc: in load/store reg offset instructions. */

{23,  1 },       /*opc1: in load/store reg offset instructions. */

{22,  2 },       /*shift: in add/sub reg/imm shifted instructions. */

{22,  2 },       /*type: floating point type field in fp data inst.  */

{30,  2 },       /*ldst_size: size field in ld/st reg offset inst. */

{10,  6 },       /*imm6: in add/sub reg shifted instructions. */

{11,  4 },       /*imm4: in advsimd ext and advsimd ins instructions.  */

{16,  5 },       /*imm5: in conditional compare (immediate) instructions.  */

{15,  7 },       /*imm7: in load/store pair pre/post index instructions.  */

{13,  8 },       /*imm8: in floating-point scalar move immediate inst.  */

{12,  9 },       /*imm9: in load/store pre/post index instructions.  */

{10, 12 },         /* imm12: in ld/stunsigned imm or add/sub shifted inst.  */

{  5, 14 },       /* imm14: in test bit and branch instructions.  */

{  5, 16 },       /* imm16: in exception instructions.  */

{  0, 26 },       /* imm26: in unconditional branch instructions.  */

{ 10, 6 },       /* imms: in bitfield andlogical immediate instructions.  */

{16,  6 },       /*immr: in bitfield and logical immediate instructions.  */

{16,  3 },       /*immb: in advsimd shift by immediate instructions.  */

{19,  4 },       /*immh: in advsimd shift by immediate instructions.  */

{22,  1 },       /*N: in logical (immediate) instructions. */

{11,  1 },       /*index: in ld/st inst deciding the pre/post-index.  */

{24,  1 },       /*index2: in ld/st pair inst deciding the pre/post-index.  */

{31,  1 },       /*sf: in integer data processing instructions. */

{11,  1 },       /*H: in advsimd scalar x indexed element instructions.  */

{21,  1 },       /*L: in advsimd scalar x indexed element instructions.  */

{20,  1 },       /*M: in advsimd scalar x indexed element instructions.  */

{31,  1 },       /*b5: in the test bit and branch instructions. */

{19,  5 },       /*b40: in the test bit and branch instructions. */

{10,  6 },       /*scale: in the fixed-point scalar to fp converting inst.  */




[1] ARMv8的编译器binutils,结构体aarch64_opcode_table定义见line 1208


[2] 结构体aarch64_opcode定义,line451


[3] 《ARMv8 InstructionSet Overview 》page11

时间: 2024-12-10 16:46:14



2012年11月份的资料,之前ARMv8手册还没发布,我想办法从编译器的binutils中提取出了所有ARMv8指令的二进制编码,之前不能随便发,现在相当于解禁了^_^. 问题1:提取ARMv8的指令编码 答:ARMv8指令的opcode可以在支持ARMv8的编译器binutils中找到,该工具能在网上找到,见参考资料[1],或者在[1]中搜索aarch64_opcode_table. 为了说明指令编码细节,现将网页中部分内容摘录如下: 1208 struct aarch64_opcode aa

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本文接着上文对前面的示例进行优化,在前面的build.xml中,有些代码是重复的,我们可以将其抽象出来拿来共同使用,比如将一些路劲提取出来放入properties,可以达到共用的同时,还可以增强程序的可维护性,以后路劲变了只需改配置文件,不用改动build.xml.properties维护简单,以键值对形式存放:而xml不单可以提取属性,还可以提取target. 比如在上文中可以将src1,src2,src3的路劲提取出来,放入properties,以后要是路劲变了,直接更改properties

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镇场诗: 清心感悟智慧语,不着世间名与利.学水处下纳百川,舍尽贡高我慢意. 学有小成返哺根,愿铸一良心博客.诚心于此写经验,愿见文者得启发.------------------------------------------ introduction: 解析 博客园-博客备份 生成的XML文件,获得所有博文的标题. code: 1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.IO; 4 using System