5-22 龟兔赛跑 (20分)





在一行中输出比赛的结果:乌龟赢输出@[email protected],兔子赢输出^_^,平局则输出-_-;后跟1空格,再输出胜利者跑完的距离。




@[email protected] 726
 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <string.h>
 4 int main(void)
 5 {
 6     int i, m, flag = 0;
 7     int  turtle=0, rabbit=0;
 8     scanf("%d", &m);
 9     for (i = 0; i<m ;i++ ){
10         turtle += 3;
11         //如果兔子不在休息,且每10分钟看到比龟快,来判断要不要休息
12         if (flag==0 && i%10==0 && rabbit>turtle) {
13             flag = 30;  // 休息30分钟
14         }
15         //休息结束
16         if (flag == 0){
17             rabbit += 9;
18         }else{  //休息中
19             flag--;
20         }
22     }
24     char win_s[5];
25     int win_d;
26     if (rabbit>turtle){
27         strcpy(win_s,"^_^");
28         win_d = rabbit;
29     }else if (rabbit<turtle){
30         strcpy(win_s,"@[email protected]");
31         win_d = turtle;
32     }else{
33         strcpy(win_s,"-_-");
34         win_d = turtle;
35     }
36     printf("%s %d\n", win_s, win_d);
37     return 0;
38 }  
时间: 2025-01-20 06:41:32

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