Freebie: Material Design UI Kit


Following the guidelines laid out by Google, this free UI kit has been designed so that you can easily get your next Material Design project kickstarted quickly. Every element, widget, button and form within the kit can be fully customised as per your requirements. It comes in PSD format and you’re completely free to use the kit in both your personal and commercial design projects.

Thanks to Designtory for designing this UI kit and allowing us to release it as a freebie.

Free Material Design UI Kit

Download: Material Design UI Kit [8mb]

UI Kit Preview

Click the image below to view the full-size preview.

You are free to use this free Material Design UI Kit in both your personal and commercial projects.

If you are looking for some more Material Design UI kits, you should check outthis post. And if you would like to see some live examples of Material Design in action,this post is for you.

时间: 2024-08-27 07:24:36

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