AttributeHierarchyEnabled 属性的值确定是否创建属性层次结构。如果将该属性设置为 False,则不创建属性层次结构,并且无法将该属性用作用户层次结构中的一个级别;该属性层次结构只作为成员属性存在。
创建一个用户定义的层次结构Product Hierarchy,按照提示将ProductKey,ProductSubcategoryKey和ProductCategoryKey的AttributeHierarchyVisible设置为False,使这三个属性的属性层次结构不显示出来,以便使User产生混乱。
2 在Browser选项卡中,在Hierarchy列表中没有Color ,也没有AttributeHierarchyVisible为False的属性层次结构。
3 成员属性为其他成员提供额外的信息
3.1 选中一个叶级成员,鼠标悬浮在其上方,Excel会显示出成员属性Color的值
3.2 选中一个叶级成员,点击右键快捷菜单,Show Properties In Report --》Color,PivotTable会增加一列Color。
4 成员属性的值,如何通过MDX来查询
4.1 通过dimension properties语句来查询,这体现了MDX能查询更多的MetaData的优势。
select [Measures].[Unit Cost] on columns, [Dim Product].[Product Hierarchy].Members dimension properties [Dim Product].[Product Hierarchy].[Product Key].Color on rows from [Adventure Works DW2012]
从左边列种选中一个叶级节点,双击点卡Member Properties对话框,查看成员的属性,最后一个是Color
4.2 通过Properties函数来查看
with member [Measures].Color as [Dim Product].[Product Hierarchy].CurrentMember.Properties("Color") select [Measures].Color on columns, [Dim Product].[Product Hierarchy].Members on rows from [Adventure Works DW2012]
You can retrieve user-defined member properties using either the PROPERTIES keyword or the Properties function.
Using the PROPERTIES Keyword to Retrieve User-Defined Member Properties
The syntax that retrieves user-defined member properties is similar to that used to retrieve intrinsic level member properties, as shown in the following syntax:
DIMENSION PROPERTIES [Dimension.]Level.<Custom_Member_Property>
The PROPERTIES keyword appears after the set expression of the axis specification. For example, the following MDX query the PROPERTIES keyword retrieves the List Price and Dealer Price user-defined member properties and appears after the set expression that identifies the products sold in January:
SELECT CROSSJOIN([Ship Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].Members, [Measures].[Sales Amount]) ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY Product.Product.MEMBERS DIMENSION PROPERTIES Product.Product.[List Price], Product.Product.[Dealer Price] ON ROWS FROM [Adventure Works] WHERE ([Date].[Month of Year].[January])
Using the Properties Function to Retrieve User-Defined Member Properties
Alternatively, you can access custom member properties with the Properties function. For example, the following MDX query uses the WITH keyword to create a calculated member consisting of the List Price member property:
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Product List Price] AS [Product].[Product].CurrentMember.Properties("List Price") SELECT [Measures].[Product List Price] on COLUMNS, [Product].[Product].MEMBERS ON Rows FROM [Adventure Works]