Chapter 2 The OSI Model and the TCP/IP protocol suite'

2. The OSI Model and the TCP/IP Protocol Suite

The layered model that dominated data communication and networking literature before 1990 was the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. Everyone believed that the OSI model would became the ultimate standard for data communications-- but this did not happen. The TCP/IP Protocol suite became the dominant commercial  architecture, because it was used and tested extensively in the Internet; the OSI model was never fully implemented.

  In this chapter, we first briefly discuss  the OSI model and then we concentrate on TCP/IP as a protocol suite.


  The chapter has several objectives:

  • To discuss the idea of multiple layering in data communication and networking and interrelationship between layers.
  • To discuss and the OSI model and its layer architecture and to show the interface between the layers.
  • To briefly discuss the functions of each layer in the OSI model.
  • To introduce the TCP/IP protocol suite and compare its layers with the ones in the OSI model.
  • To show the functionality of each layer in the TCP/IP protocol with some example.
  • To discuss the addressing mechanism used in some layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the delivery of a message from the source to destination.

2.1 Protocol Layers

In Chapter 1, we discussed that a protocol is required when two entities need to communicate. When communication is not simple, we may divide the complex task of communication into several layers. In this case, we may several protocols, one for each layer.

  Let us use a scenario in communication in which the role of protocol layering may be better understood. We use two examples. In the first example, communication is so simple that it can occur in only one layer. In the second example, we need three layers.

Example 2.1

Assume Maria and Ann are neighbors with a lot of common ideas. However, Maria speeks only Spanish, and Ann speeks only English. Since both have learned the sign language in their childhood, they enjoy meeting in a cafe a couple of days per week and exchange their ideas using signs. Occasionally, they also use a bilingual dictionary. Communication is face to face and happens in one layer as shown in Figure 2.1.

Example 2.2

Now assume that Ann has to move to another town because of her job. Before she moves, the two meet for the last time in the same cafe. Although both are sad, Maria surprises Ann when she open a packet that contains two samll machines. The first machine can scan and transform a letter in English to a secret code or vice versa. The other machine can scan and translate a letter in Spanish to the same code or vice versa.  Ann takes the first machine; ,Maria keeps the second one. The two friends can still communicate using the secret code, as shown in Figure 2.2.

  Communication between Maria and Ann happens as follows. At the third layer, Maria writes a letter in spanish, the language she is comfortable with. She then uses the translator machine that scans the letter and creates a letter in the secret code. Maria then puts the letter in an envelop and drops it to the post office box.

Chapter 2 The OSI Model and the TCP/IP protocol suite'


时间: 2024-11-06 08:05:10

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1)OSI七层模型 OSI中的层 功能 TCP/IP协议族 应用层 文件传输,电子邮件,文件服务,虚拟终端 TFTP,HTTP,SNMP,FTP,SMTP,DNS,Telnet 表示层 数据格式化,代码转换,数据加密 没有协议 会话层 解除或建立与别的接点的联系 没有协议 传输层 提供端对端的接口 TCP,UDP 网络层 为数据包选择路由 IP,ICMP,RIP,OSPF,BGP,IGMP 数据链路层 传输有地址的帧以及错误检测功能 SLIP,CSLIP,PPP,ARP,RARP,MTU 物理层


1. ISO/OSI的参考模型共有7层,由低层至高层分别为:物理层.数据链路层.网络层.传输层.会话层.表示层.     应用层.各层功能分别为: (1)物理层          提供建立.维护和拆除物理链路所需的机械.电气.功能和规程的特性:提供有关在传输介质上传输非结构的位流 及物理链路故障检测指示.在这一层,数据还没有被组织,仅作为原始的位流或电气电压处理,单位是比特. (2)数据链路层         负责在两个相邻结点间的线路上,无差错地传送以帧为单位的数据,并进行流量控制.每一帧包括

第二章 OSI参考模型和TCP/IP模型(续)

3.TCP/IP模型 3.1 TCP/IP的层次结构 网络层

TCP/IP Protocol Family

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