NgRx/Store 4 + Angular 5使用教程

这篇文章将会示范如何使用NgRx/Store 4和Angular5。@ngrx/store是基于RxJS的状态管理库,其灵感来源于Redux。在NgRx中,状态是由一个包含action和reducer的函数的映射组成的。Reducer函数经由action的分发以及当前或初始的状态而被调用,最后由reducer返回一个不可变的状态。你可以在@ngrx/store中找到我们将在下面的例子中讨论到的相关的API。

Action: Action是状态的改变。它描述了某个事件的发生,但是没有指定应用的状态如何改变。


ActionReducer: 它被用于创建reducer,例如logger。

MetaReducer: 在应用中使用StoreModule配置的MetaReducer构成了根的meta-reducer。

StoreModule: StoreModule@ngrx/storeAPI中的一个模块,它被用来在应用模块中配置reducer。

createFeatureSelector: 它为状态(state)创建一个feature selector。

createSelector: 它创建一个selector用于生成一个指定的状态。

Store: 它提供了来与reducer协同工作。用于选择一个selector,Store.dispatch()用于向reducer分发action的类型。

1. 使用到的技术


  1. Angular 5.0.0
  2. Angular CLI 1.5.0
  3. NgRx/Store 4.1.1
  4. TypeScript 2.4.2
  5. Node.js 6.11.0
  6. NPM 3.10.10

    2. 安装Angular CLI和NgRX/Store

  7. 确保已安装的Node和NPM的最低版本为:Node 6.9.x和NPM 3.x.x
  8. 在命令行中输入以下命令:
    npm install -g @angular/cli
  9. 运行以下命令生成一个新的项目:
    ng new my-app
  10. 现在安装@ngrx/store。使用命令行进入my-app目录,然后运行如下命令:
    npm i @ngrx/store --save


    3. 创建State


    export interface AppState {
    articleState: ArticleState;
    export interface ArticleState {
    articles: Article[];

    4. 创建Action类



    export const JAVA = ‘Java‘;

    export const MY_ARTICLES = ‘Favorite_Articles‘;

export class JavaArticlesAction implements Action {

readonly type = JAVA;


export class FavoriteArticlesAction implements Action {

readonly type = MY_ARTICLES;

constructor(public payload: Article[]) {}


####5. 创建Reducer

export function reducer(state = initialState, action: fromActions.All): ArticleState {

switch(action.type) {

case fromActions.JAVA: {

return {articles: JAVA_ARTICLES};


case fromActions.ANGULAR: {

return {articles: ANGULAR_ARTICLES};

case fromActions.MY_ARTICLES: {
  return {articles: action.payload};
default: {
  return state;



####6. 使用createFeatureSelector和createSelector()
`createFeatureSelector()`被用于为任意指定的state创建一个feature selector。

export const getArticleState = createFeatureSelector

`createSelector()`使用feature selector来创建selector。

export const getArticles = createSelector(


(state: ArticleState) => state.articles


####7. 使用ActionReducerMap
`ActionReducerMap`注册了reducer。我们需要在我们配置我们的reducer的地方创建一个 `ActionReducerMap`的常量。然后在应用模块中使用`StoreModule`来配置这个常量。

export const reducers: ActionReducerMap


export function logger(reducer: ActionReducer

 `MetaReducer`由我们所创建的一系列`ActionReducer`所组成。在应用中使用`StoreModule`配置的`MetaReducer`构成了根meta-reducer。`@ngrx/store`默认使用 `combineReducers`在创建根meta-reducer。

export const metaReducers: MetaReducer

####10. 使用StoreModule


imports: [


StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, {metaReducers})




####11. 使用``和`Store.dispatch()`
``和 `Store.dispatch()`与是reducer配合使用的。``用于选择一个selector,`Store.dispatch()`用于向reducer分发action的类型。
要使用`Store`, 在组件中创建一个`Observable`类型的属性。

articles: Observable


constructor(private store: Store


showJavaArticles(){ fromActions.JavaArticlesAction());


####12. 完整的例子




| |

| |--app

| | |

| | |--actions

| | | |

| | | |--article.actions.ts

| | |

| | |--components

| | | |

| | | |--article.component.html

| | | |--article.component.ts

| | |

| | |--models

| | | |

| | | |--article.ts

| | |

| | |--reducers

| | | |

| | | |--app.states.ts

| | | |--article.reducer.ts

| | | |--reducers.ts

| | |

| | |--app.component.ts

| | |--app.module.ts

| |

| |--main.ts

| |--index.html

| |--styles.css





import { Action } from ‘@ngrx/store‘;

import { Article } from ‘../models/article‘;

export const JAVA = ‘Java‘;

export const ANGULAR = ‘Angular‘;

export const MY_ARTICLES = ‘Favorite_Articles‘;

export class JavaArticlesAction implements Action {

readonly type = JAVA;


export class AngularArticlesAction implements Action {

readonly type = ANGULAR;


export class FavoriteArticlesAction implements Action {

readonly type = MY_ARTICLES;

constructor(public payload: Article[]) {}


export type All = JavaArticlesAction | AngularArticlesAction | FavoriteArticlesAction;


export interface Article {

id: number;

title: string;

category: string;


export const JAVA_ARTICLES: Article[] = [

{id: 1, title: ‘Java Article 1‘, category: ‘Java‘},

{id: 2, title: ‘Java Article 2‘, category: ‘Java‘},]

export const ANGULAR_ARTICLES: Article[] = [

{id: 1, title: ‘Angular Article 1‘, category: ‘Angular‘},

{id: 2, title: ‘Angular Article 2‘, category: ‘Angular‘},]

export const FAVORITE_ARTICLES: Article[] = [

{id: 1, title: ‘Java Article 1‘, category: ‘Java‘},

{id: 2, title: ‘Angular Article 2‘, category: ‘Angular‘}]


import { Article } from ‘../models/article‘;

export interface AppState {

articleState: ArticleState;


export interface ArticleState {

articles: Article[];



import { createFeatureSelector, createSelector } from ‘@ngrx/store‘;

import * as fromActions from ‘../actions/article.actions‘;

import { JAVA_ARTICLES, ANGULAR_ARTICLES } from ‘../models/article‘;

import { ArticleState } from ‘./app.states‘;

export const initialState: ArticleState = { articles: []};

export function reducer(state = initialState, action: fromActions.All): ArticleState {

switch(action.type) {

case fromActions.JAVA: {

return {articles: JAVA_ARTICLES};


case fromActions.ANGULAR: {

return {articles: ANGULAR_ARTICLES};

case fromActions.MY_ARTICLES: {
  return {articles: action.payload};
default: {
  return state;



export const getArticleState = createFeatureSelector

export const getArticles = createSelector(


(state: ArticleState) => state.articles



import { ActionReducerMap, ActionReducer, MetaReducer } from ‘@ngrx/store‘;

import { AppState } from ‘./app.states‘;

import * as articleReducer from ‘./article.reducer‘;

import { environment } from ‘../../environments/environment‘;

export const reducers: ActionReducerMap

export function logger(reducer: ActionReducer

export const metaReducers: MetaReducer


import { Store } from ‘@ngrx/store‘;

import { Component } from ‘@angular/core‘;

import { Observable } from ‘rxjs/Observable‘;

import * as articleReducer from ‘../reducers/article.reducer‘;

import * as fromActions from ‘../actions/article.actions‘;

import { ArticleState } from ‘../reducers/app.states‘;

import { Article, FAVORITE_ARTICLES } from ‘../models/article‘;


selector: ‘app-article‘,

templateUrl: ‘article.component.html‘


export class ArticleComponent {

articles: Observable

constructor(private store: Store<ArticleState>) {
    this.articles =;
showJavaArticles(){ fromActions.JavaArticlesAction());
showAngularArticles(){ fromActions.AngularArticlesAction());
showFavoriteArticles(){ fromActions.FavoriteArticlesAction(FAVORITE_ARTICLES));



Java Articles
Angular Articles
Favorite Articles

  • {{}} - {{article.title}} - {{article.category}}

import { Component } from ‘@angular/core‘;


selector: ‘app-root‘,

template: <app-article></app-article>


export class AppComponent {



import { NgModule } from ‘@angular/core‘;

import { BrowserModule } from ‘@angular/platform-browser‘;

import { StoreModule } from ‘@ngrx/store‘;

import { AppComponent } from ‘./app.component‘;

import { ArticleComponent } from ‘./components/article.component‘;

import { reducers, metaReducers } from ‘./reducers/reducers‘;


imports: [


StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, {metaReducers})


declarations: [




providers: [


bootstrap: [




export class AppModule { }



原文地址:NgRx/Store 4 + Angular 5 Tutorial



时间: 2024-10-03 20:40:46

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