时序分析Timing Analysis

以下内容来自Quartus II Handbook Version 13.1 Volume 3: Verification /Section II. Timing Analysis

6. Timing Analysis Overview

Comprehensive static timing analysis involves analysis of register-to-register, I/O, and asynchronous reset paths.


Timing analysis with the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer uses data required times, data arrival times, and clock arrival times to verify circuit performance and detect possible timing violations.

TimeQuest根据“数据要求时间” data required times,“数据到达时间”data arrival times和“时钟到达时间”clock arrival times来验证电路性能,检测可能的时序违规timing violations。

The TimeQuest analyzer determines the timing relationships that must be met for the design to correctly function, and checks arrival times against required times to verify timing.



This chapter is an overview of the concepts you need to know to analyze your designs with the TimeQuest analyzer.

一、TimeQuest Terminology and Concepts  术语和概念

术语   Definition
结点 nodes 最基本的时序网表单元. 表示 ports, pins, registers.
单元 cells

引脚 pins cells的输入和输出
网络nets pins之间的连接
端口ports 顶层模块的输入和输出,比如设备的引脚
时钟clocks Abstract objects representing clock domains inside or outside of your design.

The TimeQuest analyzer requires a timing netlist to perform timing analysis on any design.


After you generate a timing netlist, the TimeQuest analyzer uses the data to help determine the different design elements in your design and how to analyze



Figure 6–1shows a sample design for which the TimeQuest analyzer generates a timing netlist equivalent.


Figure 6–2shows the timing netlist for the sample design in Figure 6–1, including how different design elements are divided into cells, pins, nets, and ports.

下图为上图电路对应的时序网表,包含了如何将不同的设计单元分割成cells,s, pins, nets, ports.

Timing paths connect two design nodes, such as the output of a register to the input of another register.


Understanding the types of timing paths is important to timing closure and optimization.


The TimeQuest analyzer uses the following commonly analyzed paths:
■ Edge paths—connections from ports-to-pins, from pins-to-pins, and from pins-to-ports.

边沿路径: ports-to-pins、pins-to-pins、pins-to-ports

■Clock paths—connections from device ports or internally generated clock pins to the clock pin of a register.

■ Data paths—connections from a port or the data output pin of a sequential element to a port or the data input pin of another sequential element.

数据路径:从一个时序单元的一个端口或数据输出到 另一时序单元的输入输入引脚。
■ Asynchronous paths—connections from a port or asynchronous pins of another sequential element such as an asynchronous reset or asynchronous clear.


时间: 2024-12-13 08:57:06

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