import requests from pytesser import * myRequests = requests.Session() headers = {‘User-agent‘: ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0‘} myRequests.headers.update(headers) class IMG(object): def __init__(self): self.codeImg = ‘codes.png‘ self.iMg = self._openImg(self.codeImg) self.Im = self._openImg(self.codeImg.capitalize()) self.w,self.h = self.Im.size self.cookies = def _openImg(self,name): try: im = Image.open(name) return im except: print ‘[!] Open %s failed‘ % name exit() def Pytess(self,name): threshold = 140 table = [] for i in range(256): if i < threshold: table.append(0) else: table.append(1) #识别到一些其他字符,进行转换 rep = {‘O‘:‘0‘, ‘I‘:‘1‘, ‘L‘:‘1‘, ‘Z‘:‘2‘, ‘S‘:‘8‘, ‘Q‘:‘0‘, ‘}‘:‘7‘, ‘*‘:‘‘, ‘E‘:‘6‘, ‘]‘:‘0‘, ‘`‘:‘‘, ‘B‘:‘8‘, ‘\\‘:‘‘, ‘ ‘:‘‘ } data = self._openImg(name) try: text = image_to_string(data) text = text.strip() text = text.upper() except : text = 0 for r in rep: text = text.replace(r,rep[r]) return text
data = self._openImg(name) imgry = data.convert(‘L‘) out = imgry.point(table,‘1‘)
def pIx(self): data = self.Im #图片的长宽 w = self.w h = self.h #data.getpixel((x,y))获取目标像素点颜色。 #data.putpixel((x,y),255)更改像素点颜色,255代表颜色。 try: for x in xrange(1,w-1): if x > 1 and x != w-2: #获取目标像素点左右位置 left = x - 1 right = x + 1 for y in xrange(1,h-1): #获取目标像素点上下位置 up = y - 1 down = y + 1 if x <= 2 or x >= (w - 2): data.putpixel((x,y),255) elif y <= 2 or y >= (h - 2): data.putpixel((x,y),255) elif data.getpixel((x,y)) == 0: if y > 1 and y != h-1: #以目标像素点为中心点,获取周围像素点颜色 #0为黑色,255为白色 up_color = data.getpixel((x,up)) down_color = data.getpixel((x,down)) left_color = data.getpixel((left,y)) left_down_color = data.getpixel((left,down)) right_color = data.getpixel((right,y)) right_up_color = data.getpixel((right,up)) right_down_color = data.getpixel((right,down)) #去除竖线干扰线 if down_color == 0: if left_color == 255 and left_down_color == 255 and right_color == 255 and right_down_color == 255: data.putpixel((x,y),255) #去除横线干扰线 elif right_color == 0: if down_color == 255 and right_down_color == 255 and up_color == 255 and right_up_color == 255: data.putpixel((x,y),255) #去除斜线干扰线 if left_color == 255 and right_color == 255 and up_color == 255 and down_color == 255: data.putpixel((x,y),255) else: pass #保存去除干扰线后的图片 data.save("test.png","png") except: return False
因为循环结构是从左到右 从上到下的顺序去循环,所以要匹配的时候不需要匹配左上角位置像素点。
将抓取到的数据用bs4 + 正则去匹配,使用邮箱发送抓取到的信息。
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import requests,os,re,smtplib,time from pytesser import * from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart myRequests = requests.Session() headers = {‘User-agent‘: ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0‘} myRequests.headers.update(headers) webSite = ‘‘ webUser = ‘‘ webPass = ‘‘ CodesImg = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ‘codes.png‘) def _transcoding(data): if not data: return data result = None if type(data) == unicode: result = data elif type(data) == str: result = data.decode(‘utf-8‘) return result sender = _transcoding(‘电信短信平台余额‘) receiver = [‘‘] #receiver = [‘‘] subject = ‘电信短信平台余额‘ smtpserver = ‘‘ username = ‘‘ password = ‘‘ def send_mail(balance): msg = MIMEMultipart(‘alternative‘) msg[‘Subject‘] = subject html = """ <h4>短信剩余余额:</h4> <h2><b>%s</b> ¥</h2> """ % balance part = MIMEText(html,‘html‘,‘utf-8‘) msg.attach(part) smtp = smtplib.SMTP() smtp.connect(‘smtp.exmail.qq.com‘) smtp.login(username,password) smtp.sendmail(sender,receiver,msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() class IMG(object): def __init__(self): self.codeImg = ‘codes.png‘ self.iMg = self._openImg(self.codeImg) self.Im = self._openImg(self.codeImg.capitalize()) self.w,self.h = self.Im.size self.cookies = ‘‘ def _bs4(self,soup): list = [] Soup = BeautifulSoup(soup,"html.parser") for i in Soup.find_all(‘td‘): list.append(i) return list def _openImg(self,name): try: im = Image.open(name) return im except: print ‘[!] Open %s failed‘ % name exit() def _processImg(self,name): threshold = 140 table = [] for i in range(256): if i < threshold: table.append(0) else: table.append(1) img = self._openImg(name) imgry = img.convert(‘L‘) out = imgry.point(table,‘1‘) filename = self.codeImg.capitalize() out.save(filename) def getCodes(self): self.Cookies =[] url = "%s/verifyCode.jsp" % webSite r = myRequests.get(url=url) if r.cookies: self.Cookies = str(r.cookies).split(‘ ‘)[1] f = open(CodesImg,‘wb‘) f.write(r.content) f.close() def pIx(self): data = self.Im w = self.w h = self.h try: for x in xrange(1,w-1): if x > 1 and x != w-2: left = x - 1 right = x + 1 for y in xrange(1,h-1): up = y - 1 down = y + 1 if x <= 2 or x >= (w - 2): data.putpixel((x,y),255) elif y <= 2 or y >= (h - 2): data.putpixel((x,y),255) elif data.getpixel((x,y)) == 0: if y > 1 and y != h-1: up_color = data.getpixel((x,up)) down_color = data.getpixel((x,down)) left_color = data.getpixel((left,y)) left_down_color = data.getpixel((left,down)) right_color = data.getpixel((right,y)) right_up_color = data.getpixel((right,up)) right_down_color = data.getpixel((right,down)) if down_color == 0: if left_color == 255 and left_down_color == 255 and right_color == 255 and right_down_color == 255: data.putpixel((x,y),255) data.save("text2.png","png") elif right_color == 0: if down_color == 255 and right_down_color == 255 and up_color == 255 and right_up_color == 255: data.putpixel((x,y),255) data.save("text3.png","png") if left_color == 255 and right_color == 255 and up_color == 255 and down_color == 255: data.putpixel((x,y),255) else: pass data.save("test.png","png") except: return False def Pytess(self,name): threshold = 140 table = [] for i in range(256): if i < threshold: table.append(0) else: table.append(1) rep = {‘O‘:‘0‘, ‘I‘:‘1‘, ‘L‘:‘1‘, ‘Z‘:‘2‘, ‘S‘:‘8‘, ‘Q‘:‘0‘, ‘}‘:‘7‘, ‘*‘:‘‘, ‘E‘:‘6‘, ‘]‘:‘0‘, ‘`‘:‘‘, ‘B‘:‘8‘, ‘\\‘:‘‘, ‘ ‘:‘‘ } data = self._openImg(name) imgry = data.convert(‘L‘) out = imgry.point(table,‘1‘) try: text = image_to_string(out) text = text.strip() text = text.upper() except : text = 0 for r in rep: text = text.replace(r,rep[r]) return text def loginSite(self,loginname,passwd,randnum,cookies): url = ‘‘ params = { ‘loginname‘:loginname, ‘password‘:passwd, ‘randnum‘:randnum, # ‘returnUrl‘:‘/admin/index/index.action‘ } r = myRequests.post(url=url,data=params) r.encoding = ‘utf-8‘ loginUrl = ‘‘ r2 = myRequests.get(url=loginUrl) html = r2.text.encode(‘utf-8‘) return html if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: i = 0 while True: time.sleep(5) i += 1 print ("[!]第%d次尝试发送"%i) I = IMG() #获取验证码 I.getCodes() #验证码图片处理 I._processImg(I.codeImg) #去除干扰线 I.pIx() #获取验证码 codes = I.Pytess(‘test.png‘) #cookies cookies = I.cookies #登陆 htmlSoup = I.loginSite(webUser,webPass,codes,cookies) List = I._bs4(htmlSoup) if List: st = List[3] text = re.search("\d{1,}",str(st)) Balance = text.group(0) print (‘[!]短信余额为:%s,正在发送!‘ % Balance) send_mail(Balance) print (‘[!]发送成功,正在退出程序...‘) time.sleep(2) exit()