FATFS 初学之 f_chmod/ f_utime


 1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 2 /* Change Attribute                                                      */
 3 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 5 FRESULT f_chmod (
 6     const TCHAR *path,    /* Pointer to the file path */
 7     BYTE value,            /* Attribute bits */
 8     BYTE mask            /* Attribute mask to change */
 9 )
10 {
11     FRESULT res;
12     DIR dj;
13     BYTE *dir;
17     res = chk_mounted(&path, &dj.fs, 1);
18     if (res == FR_OK) {
19         INIT_BUF(dj);
20         res = follow_path(&dj, path);        /* Follow the file path */
21         FREE_BUF();
22         if (_FS_RPATH && res == FR_OK && (dj.fn[NS] & NS_DOT))
23             res = FR_INVALID_NAME;
24         if (res == FR_OK) {
25             dir = dj.dir;
26             if (!dir) {                        /* Is it a root directory? */
27                 res = FR_INVALID_NAME;
28             } else {                        /* File or sub directory */
29                 mask &= AM_RDO|AM_HID|AM_SYS|AM_ARC;    /* Valid attribute mask */
30                 dir[DIR_Attr] = (value & mask) | (dir[DIR_Attr] & (BYTE)~mask);    /* Apply attribute change */
31                 dj.fs->wflag = 1;
32                 res = sync(dj.fs);
33             }
34         }
35     }
37     LEAVE_FF(dj.fs, res);
38 }



f_chmod函数当_FS_READONLY == 0并且_FS_MINIMIZE == 0时可用。


 1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 2 /* Change Timestamp                                                      */
 3 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 5 FRESULT f_utime (
 6     const TCHAR *path,    /* Pointer to the file/directory name */
 7     const FILINFO *fno    /* Pointer to the time stamp to be set */
 8 )
 9 {
10     FRESULT res;
11     DIR dj;
12     BYTE *dir;
16     res = chk_mounted(&path, &dj.fs, 1);
17     if (res == FR_OK) {
18         INIT_BUF(dj);
19         res = follow_path(&dj, path);    /* Follow the file path */
20         FREE_BUF();
21         if (_FS_RPATH && res == FR_OK && (dj.fn[NS] & NS_DOT))
22             res = FR_INVALID_NAME;
23         if (res == FR_OK) {
24             dir = dj.dir;
25             if (!dir) {                    /* Root directory */
26                 res = FR_INVALID_NAME;
27             } else {                    /* File or sub-directory */
28                 ST_WORD(dir+DIR_WrtTime, fno->ftime);
29                 ST_WORD(dir+DIR_WrtDate, fno->fdate);
30                 dj.fs->wflag = 1;
31                 res = sync(dj.fs);
32             }
33         }
34     }
36     LEAVE_FF(dj.fs, res);
37 }



f_utime函数当_FS_READONLY == 0并且_FS_MINIMIZE == 0时可用。


1 // 设置只读标志,清除存档标志,其他不变
2 f_chmod("file.txt", AR_RDO, AR_RDO | AR_ARC);

FATFS 初学之 f_chmod/ f_utime

时间: 2024-08-30 12:04:15

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