Cross platform GUI for creating SSL certs with OpenSSL

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There are some of you that know your way around OpenSSL’s options in your sleep, but for me, I found this tool to be very helpful in learning the available options *and* creating SSL certificates for testing purposes with those options.

Works on Linux, Windows, BSD, and OS X.

With GUI

User friendly!

Built with Qt.

Works on Linux, Windows, BSD, and OS X.


  • Start your own PKI and create all kinds of certificates, requests or CRLs
  • Manage your Smart-Cards via PKCS#11 interface
  • Export certificates and requests to a OpenSSL config file
  • Create name and/or extension templates to ease issuing similar certs
  • Convert existing certificates or requests to templates
  • Supports v3 extensions as flexible as OpenSSL but user friendlier
时间: 2024-10-28 23:57:34

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前言 要自建CA需先了解openssl工具和ssl协议还有各加密类型 ssl(Secure Socket Layer)安全套接字层当前版本为3.0,浏览器与Web服务器之间的身份认证和加密数据传输,它工作在传输层和各应用层之间,用户可以选择是否使用ssl进行传输,选择ssl协议将调用ssl函数库,端口也会发生变化. 加密类型 对称加密:任意加密数据块和流的内容,加密和解密用同一个密码, 通常明文通过算法和密钥生成密文,再由接受者用相同的密钥和算法解密获取明文. 算法:(DES.3DES.AES现