Maximum 贪心

3000MS     Memory
0KB     64bit IO
%lld & %llu

Submit Status


Let x1x2,..., xm be
real numbers satisfying the following conditions:


-xi ;


x1 + x2 +...+ xm = b *  for some integers a and b (a >

Determine the maximum value of xp1 + xp2 +...+ xpm for
some even positive integer p.


Each input line contains four integers: mpab ( m2000, p12, p is even).
Input is correct, i.e. for each input numbers there existsx1x2,..., xm satisfying
the given conditions.


For each input line print one number - the maximum value of expression, given
above. The answer must be rounded to the nearest integer.

Sample Input

1997 12 3 -318
10 2 4 -1

Sample Output


 1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #include<string.h>
3 #include<set>
4 #include<math.h>
5 #include<iostream>
6 #include<algorithm>
7 using namespace std;
8 int main()
9 {
10 int m,p,a,b;
11 double ans;
12 while(~scanf("%d%d%d%d",&m,&p,&a,&b))
13 {
14 if(b<0)
15 b=-b,ans=a*b*pow(sqrt(a*1.0)/a,p),m-=a*b;
16 else ans=b*pow(sqrt(a*1.0),p),m-=b;
17 int rr=m/(a+1);
18 m%=(a+1);
19 m--;
20 ans+=rr*(pow(sqrt(a*1.0),p*1.0)+a*pow(sqrt(a*1.0)/a,p*1.0));
21 if(m>0){
22 ans+=m*pow(sqrt(a*1.0)/a,p);
23 ans+=pow(m*sqrt(a*1.0)/a,p);
24 }
25 printf("%.0lf\n",ans);
26 }
27 }

Maximum 贪心,码迷,

时间: 2024-11-08 18:07:43

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