Mysql –>EF edmx(model first)–> Sql server table

  • 一、mysql environment

When we create an new database,first We need draw er diagram for somebody to show your idea,but our company have no good

authorised tool to design sqlserver ER diagram,so I use mysql graphical tool to design it, after that,you can use mysql to create edmx

us entityframwork,and use this edmx to create new sqlserver database or table.The following is details:

1、first you need install mysql,the download address is,this version is no need to install,

after that,you need install mysql,the install detail and config,you can see the article.,

for operating mysql database conviniently,you can download grapahics tool workbencn

after you create new datatable use mysql.

二、EntityFrameWork connect Mysql to create EF

you can folling the article to install

note:(1)you need install MySQL for Visual Studio and Connector/Net correctly,otherwise you will happen some terrible,

for example;you will not find  mysql Databse option。

(2)if you have isntall ef,but don‘t find  ADO.Net entity Data Model,maybe you have make something wrong,you

can uninstall Entity framework at control panel and reinstall it.

三、EF edmx create sqlserver database。

1、you can use Generate Database from Model to create sqlserver table

2、change connection Type to Sql server  and connect to database you want to create table


2、Next you will meet the following error

you need change edmx file xml,click right mouse on edmx file,and you will find the following and



<Schema Namespace="RightsDataModel.Store" Provider="System.Data.SqlClient" ProviderManifestToken="2012" Alias="Self" xmlns:store="" xmlns:customannotation="" xmlns="">

replace <Schema Namespace="mydbModel.Store" Provider="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" ProviderManifestToken="5.7" Alias="Self" xmlns:store="" xmlns:customannotation="" xmlns="">

after that,you build project,you will find the following error,you need delete Precision and rebuild again.

If you want define table column type,you can define at this palce,and it will affect database table type。

After that,you can use Generate Database from Model ,you can see the following window means

it is success,you can copy script to sqlserver studio to execute it or not。

时间: 2024-10-12 21:24:10

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