Oracle's Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Manager 基本概念

Oracle‘s Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Manager :BIACM

Once the BIAPPS installation is completed, the newly introduced web-based JAVA applications, BI Configuration Manager (BIACM) and Functional Set-up Manager (FSM), are available for administrators to complete the set-up related


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cd / ade/ aime1_dte****/ oracle/ work/ BIAPPS_INSTALL_SPLIT_OPL/ DATABASE

cat export.txt




Oracle's Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Manager 基本概念

时间: 2025-01-08 12:46:59

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Oracle's Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Manager 基本概念

Oracle's Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Manager :BIACM Once the BIAPPS installation is completed, the newly introduced web-based JAVA applications, BI Configuration Manager (BIACM) and Functional Set-up Manager (FSM), are available

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