







I wrote these essays, most of the time in accordance with the order of the day.

Morning, is still eight o‘clock to get up, was alarm clock, but very sleepy. I think this is not normal, adequate sleep, get up early should not be so sleepy.

Morning work time, according to yesterday‘s plan, redraw all the pictures, drawing with visio for so long, even with the basic rectangle, plus a straight line, but also draw a lot of plans. But today seems to be a bottleneck, suddenly feel visio drawing is a boring thing. In the past, I will go to some more challenging and more difficult to do, or to use the new drawing software. But I understand that I am still at the elementary level and that this matter needs to be continually improved.

At noon, made a chop hands of the attempt, in vain spent 30 yuan, is to install a mobile phone comes with the software activation. Only to find mobile phone factory settings to re-activate the phone after a few really less software. Before that, the phone comes with the software itself is very easy to use. It‘s not too time-consuming to try out new software. This little thing, even so I can not sleep for a long time, to the teaching room, met students, he did not fall asleep, I think this is weather-related.

Department of pre-defense, always timely to our pressure, spur us. This is a very good thing, the research section of the three students can not help but cursed. On the pressure, since I went to practice in June, then there will be pressure from the company, there will be the ultimate pressure from the school, but still in that period of time, leaving a lot of good memories. In the face of stress, in the work of time, the work will be more focused, more calm, duty-bound to move forward; in the holiday time, forget the pressure of time, can better release themselves and enjoy life. So say, in a stressful day, work, life is good. Pressure is not bad.

In such a day, occasionally will find some interesting things, novelty things. On the paper, only the continuous summary, and constantly update their knowledge. To create a clear logic, content-rich article, yes, the paper has been changed twice, the third time, is on the logic of this matter, the beginning of the consideration of not perfect, and only through the number of times to make up for the original Logic is unclear. Of course, still will refer to some classic article.

Leaving a special time to wait for updates, but always bounce, when the key drop chain, will make people very impatient!

时间: 2024-09-29 17:18:06



一直以来,对这样的概念很是模糊,今天总结了一下 先说说逻辑与(&&),逻辑或(||) 他们是短路形式的,举例说明 int i = 0;    System.out.println ( i++ == 1 && i++ == 2);//打印false    System.out.println (i);//打印1 //这里先判断i++是否等于1,因为是右自增,所以这里i++ == 1是错误的,短路就是说不用执行后面的i++ == 2了,   直接返回一个false,所以这就是最

Linux 逻辑卷逻辑卷的创建,扩展,缩减

Linux 逻辑卷逻辑卷的创建,扩展,缩减   在生活中会遇到磁盘空间不足的情况,为了不影响Linux系统的正常使用,我们需要在线扩展和缩减逻辑卷大小.首先需要先了解一下LVM(Logical Volume Manager),它是Linux环境下对磁盘分区进行管理的一种机制,LVM是建立在硬盘和分区之上的一个逻辑层,来提高磁盘分区管理的灵活性. LVM的工作原理其实很简单,它就是通过将底层的物理硬盘抽象的封装起来,然后以逻辑卷的方式呈现给上层应用.在传统的磁盘管理机制中,我们的上层应用是直接访问


ylbtech-逻辑:逻辑 狭义上逻辑既指思维的规律,也指研究思维规律的学科即逻辑学.广义上逻辑泛指规律,包括思维规律和客观规律.逻辑包括形式逻辑与辩证逻辑,形式逻辑包括归纳逻辑与演绎逻辑,辩证逻辑包括矛盾逻辑与对称逻辑.对称逻辑是人的整体思维(包括抽象思维与具象思维)的逻辑. 逻辑指的是思维的规律和规则,是对思维过程的抽象. 从狭义来讲,逻辑就是指形式逻辑或抽象逻辑,是指人的抽象思维的逻辑:广义来讲,逻辑还包括具象逻辑,即人的整体思维的逻辑. 1.返回顶部 1. 中文名:逻辑 外文名:Logi

js 逻辑与 逻辑或

a && b : 将a, b转换为Boolean类型, 再执行逻辑与, true返回b, false返回aa || b : 将a, b转换为Boolean类型, 再执行逻辑或, true返回a, false返回b转换规则:对象为true非零数字为true非空字符串为true其他为false && ||遵循“短路”原理: 若&&中第一个表达式为fasle则不会处理下一个表达式:||第一个表达式为true则不会执行下一个: 当||时,找到为true的分项就停止处


在javaScript里&&运算和||运算使用非常频繁,但是在某种情况下你当真明白其中含义? 例如:今天分析JQ addClass方法的时候出现的这句 proceed = typeof value === "string" && value 刚看到的时候真是一头雾水,发现基础薄弱,还等什么,立马百度呀,于是找到一篇不错的文章 : 一.先来说说||(逻辑或),从字面上来说,只有前后都是false的时候才返回false,否则返回true. alert(tru

&&:逻辑或 ||:逻辑与

&&:逻辑与A && B && C所有条件都为true时结果才为true,否则为false ||:逻辑或A || B || C所有条件都为false时,结果才为false,否则为ture & :位与按位(bit)进行与与运算,对应位都为1时,结果位为1,否则为09 & 3 = 1位表示为:   1001 (9)&  0011 (3)--------------=  0001 (1) |: 位或按位(bit)进行或运算,对应位都为0时,

逻辑于 逻辑或

&&逻辑与  ||逻辑或 1.在条件判断中 &&: 所有条件都为真,整体才为真 ||: 只要有一个条件为真,整体就为真 2.在赋值操作中 ||  A||B 首先看A的真假,A为真返回A的值,A为假返回B的值(不管B是啥) 1||2 ==>1 0||false ==> false &&: A&&B 首先看到A的真假,A为假返回A的值,A为真返回B的值 1&&2 ==> 2 · 0&&false

opencart - 后台逻辑/页面逻辑

opencart采用mvc+l的架构 c: controller v: view l: language m: model 前台后台各一套独立的结构,文件目录结构是类似的 见: 其中admin为后台入口,catalog为前台入口. 前台和后台唯一不一样的地方在于前台的view目录结构为view/theme/default(此处为选择的模板名称)/template/module/...tpl 其数据走向见下图: 北京找富婆男人包养信息 海淀找富婆男人包养信息 东城找富婆男人包养信息 西城找富婆男人

逻辑与 逻辑或

/* 运算符:逻辑运算符 & &&  |  || ! ^ 说明: 1.逻辑运算符 操作 的都是 boolean类型变量*/ class LogicTest { public static void main(String[] args)  {  //区分& 与 &&  //相同点1:&  与&&的运算结果相同  //相同点2:当符号左边是true时 二者都会执行符号右边的运算  //不同点:当符号左边是false时 &继续执行