理解IPSP(Internet Protocol Support Profile)


  • 允许支持IPSP的设备彼此发现和通信;
  • 关于IPv6数据包基于BLE的传输详见文档RFC7668【IPv6 over BLE】



IPSP定义了两个角色:Node role  and  Router Role;

Router role用于设备路由IPv6数据包;Node role仅能originate or consume IPv6应用数据包;

A Node Role shall support GAP peripheral role;

A Router Role shall support GAP Central role;

A device may support both Node role and Router role;

Node Role Requirements:

GATT Server Role  , IPSS(Service)

The IP support service is used during service discovery to determine support for the IP Support
Profile’s Node role.

The service UUID shall be set to « Internet Protocol Support Service» [ 0x1820 ]

L2CAP Requirements:

In this profile, only the LE Connection Oriented Channels feature with the LE Credit Based Flow
Control Mode shall be used.

建立L2CAP 连接:(建立链路层连接之后)

  • LE Credit Based Connection Request Packet格式为:

IPSP中指定LE Credit Based Connection Request Packet的LE_PSM字段设置为LE_PSM_IPSP(0x0023);

LE Credit Based Flow Control Mode参见L2CAP Spec 10小节

MTU size shall be 1280 octets or higher.

时间: 2024-08-10 23:13:39

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