
The Internet provides a global open infrastructure for exchanging and sharing of various resources for the people all over the world. The rapid development and wide application of the Internet makes it a new mainstream platform for software to be used, developed, deployed and executed. Meanwhile, as a dynamic, open and ever-changing environment, Internent impose new requirements on software.

More specifically, in order to adapt to such an environment, the structure model of software system will be autonomous, context-sensitive, continuous-reactive, evolutionary, and proactive, etc.. The software entities dispersed on distributed nodes over the Internet, which evolved from objects in object-oriented methodology to software components (component-based software development), now are further turned into self-contained, autonomous and adaptive software services in service-oriented computing of state-of-arts. These software entities will be coordinated by coordinators statically and dynamically in various kinds of interaction styles (passively and actively) such as integration, cooperation, orchestration to achieve flexible design objectives. So a so-called “software-web” instead of information-web is weaved. This software-web as a whole is able to perceive the changes of open, dynamic, and uncertain environment and respond them in the way of transforming the architecture. Furthermore, the flexible design objective of the software-web is reflected by its exhibiting several compatible goal-directed behaviors according to its up-to-date knowledge about the outside environment.

The Internet provides a global open infrastructure for exchanging and sharing of various resources for the people all over the world. The rapid development and wide application of the Internet makes it a new mainstream platform for software to be used, developed, deployed and executed. Meanwhile, as a dynamic, open and ever-changing environment, Internet impose new requirements on software.

More specifically, in order to adapt to such an environment, the structure model of software system will be autonomous, context-sensitive, continuous-reactive, evolutionary, and proactive, etc.. The software entities dispersed on distributed nodes over the Internet, which evolved from objects in object-oriented methodology to software components (component-based software development), now are further turned into self-contained, autonomous and adaptive software services in service-oriented computing of state-of-arts. These software entities will be coordinated by coordinators statically and dynamically in various kinds of interaction styles (passively and actively) such as integration, cooperation, orchestration to achieve flexible design objectives. So a so-called “software-web” instead of information-web is weaved. This software-web as a whole is able to perceive the changes of open, dynamic, and uncertain environment and respond them in the way of transforming the architecture. Furthermore, the flexible design objective of the software-web is reflected by its exhibiting several compatible goal-directed behaviors according to its up-to-date knowledge about the outside environment.

In order to support various new application styles and accommodate the fundamental change of underlying support platform, Internetware is introduced to describe the emerging software paradigm for the Internet computing environment. Internetware is a software paradigm for Internet Computing where software is architected as the Internet, developed with the Internet, and executed on the Internet. Sometimes Internetware is also used to denote such software itself. Specifically, Internetware can be defined as follows: an Internetware system is a software system consists of self-contained, autonomous entities situated in distributed nodes of the Internet and coordinators connecting these entities statically and dynamically in various kinds of interaction styles (passively and actively). As a whole, it is able to perceive the changes of open and dynamic environment such as Internet, respond to changes in the way of architectural transformation, and exhibit context-aware、adaptive and trustworthy behaviors in the open and dynamic environment in order to meet its flexible design objectives. Internetware challenges many aspects of software technologies, from operating platforms, programming models, to engineering approaches, etc.

Internetware was first proposed by Chinese researchers from Peking University and Nanjing University in 2003.Through the support from two Chinese National Basic Research Programs (also known as 973 programs) from 2002–2008 and 2009–2013, approximately 80 researchers from different Chinese universities, institutes and companies have participated in the research of Internetware, and a large number of papers have been published. After over ten years effort, Internetware has been a key R&D theme in the High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (also known as 863 program) and National Natural Science Foundation of China. More than 30 Internetware related projects have been approved and sponsored.

The annual International Internetware symposium aims to provide an interactive forum where researchers and professionals from multiple disciplines and domains meet and exchange ideas to explore and address the challenges brought by Internetware. From 2009, we have five wonderful annual symposiums, 2009 (Beijing), 2010(Suzhou), 2011(Nanning), 2012(Qingdao) and 2013(Changsha).

时间: 2024-08-10 13:29:21



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网管软件在巨大的市场需求的推动下,发展前景已经被业内人士普遍看好.据统计,去年中国网管市场容量为5-8个亿.而且,自2001年以来,市场每年保持15%-30%的高增长率.随着国内网络应用的发展,近两年越来越多的企业认识到,除了要依靠网络设备本身和网络架构的可靠性之外,网络管理是一个关键环节,结构越来越复杂和规模越来越大的网络系统需要网络管理软件来保证系统的正常运作,网络管理的质量会直接影响网络的运行质量,管理好一个网络与网络的建设同等重要. 与此同时,各类网管软件层出不穷.从实际应用来看,网管软


随着计算机网络的迅速发展,特别是国际互联网的不断地推广,计算机网络的使用越来越广泛,人们的生产生活学习对计算机网络的依赖也越来越大.同时,随着计算机网络的网络规模的不断扩大和连入网络的设备越来越多样,网络的复杂性也越来越高,网络的异构性也越拉越高.于是,网络管理就成为了一个重要的研究课题. 网络管理是对硬件.软件.人力的综合使用和协调,对网络资源进行监视.测试.配置.分析.评价和控制,从而以合理的价格满足网络的需求,如实时运行性能.服务质量等.从定义中可以看出,网络管理包含了两个重要的任务,一是


随着Java和web技术的成熟及其在Internet上的广泛应用,网络管理技术和模式迎来了又一次革命.在网络管理领域,通过Web技术(如Web服务器,HTTP协议.HTML和Java语言等)来集成网络管理系统,就能够获得可运行于各种平台的简单有效的管理工具.特别是目前人们对计算机网络管理工具的要求已不仅仅局限于集中式管理模式,而要求网络管理工具具有分布计算能力.近几年来随着Java.EJB.XML等技术的发展与成熟使人们对网络管理的分布式要求已成为现实. 1. 基于Web的网络管理模式的特点 分


OpenNMS是网络管理系统Network Management System 的简称,是一种开源软件网络监视工具.可用来自动发现网络节点,监控网络服务,如HTTP,DNS,SSH等,当系统服务停止时,OpenNMS会依管理者所建立的规则寄出通知,告知运维人员网络障碍,事件汇整,自动执行对应动作,以及服务层级效能监控.?它可以支持SNMP网络管理协议,确保管理的扩展性,并且提供定制功能从而有利于管理范围的伸缩,流量和接点系统硬件使用情况需要在配置snmp. 目前,OpenNMS专注以下三个方面:

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Nagios简介 Nagios是一个监视系统运行状态和网络信息的监视系统.Nagios能监视所指定的本地或远程主机以及服务,同时提供异常通知功能等.Nagios可运行在Linux/Unix平台之上,同时提供一个可选的基于浏览器的WEB界面以方便系统管理人员查看网络状态,各种系统问题,以及日志等等.Nagios通常由一个主程序(Nagios).一个插件程序(Nagios-plugins)和四个可选的ADDON(NRPE.NSCA.NSClient++和NDOUtils)组成.Nagios的监控工作

办公室内网监控软件 泄密案件逐年上升

近期,南京法院审理了一起有关员工泄露企业机密的案件,南京某科技公司的段某将公司中的机密信息和公司重要资料全部拷贝,之后以 技术入股的形式到了其他竞争对手的公司.直接盈利超过千万元.而根据南京市检察院公诉一处副处长颜畅介绍,从2013年开始,各类企 业员工泄露企业机密的案件就有增长的趋势,这给很多公司带来了巨大的挑战,很多公司都因为公司中的高级管理人员泄露公司的机密最 终付出了惨痛的代价.公司管理阶层人员泄密,泄露信息量大,对公司造成的损失和危害也是不可设想的,因此更要从根本上防止这部分 人员泄密


从ACM会议分析我国计算机科学近十年发展情况 来源:<中国计算机学会通讯>2015年第10期<专栏> 作者:陈 钢 2006年,承蒙李国杰院士推荐,<中国计算机学会通讯>发表了我的一篇文章“从ACM会议论文数量看差距”.该文就中国大陆学者在ACM会议上论文发表情况,将中国计算机科学同国际水平进行了比较和分析.得出的结论是,从论文发表角度看,当时中国的计算机科学同国外的差距非常大,尤其是在顶级会议上,中国的论文凤毛麟角,在不少重要会议上甚至是0.近十年来,中国计算机学术界