Selenium2Library系列 keywords 之 _SelectElementKeywords 之 unselect_from_list_by_index(self, locator, *indexes)

 1     def unselect_from_list_by_index(self, locator, *indexes):
 2         """Unselects `*indexes` from list identified by `locator`
 4         Select list keywords work on both lists and combo boxes. Key attributes for
 5         select lists are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about
 6         locating elements.
 7         """
 8         if not indexes:
 9             raise ValueError("No index given.")
11         items_str = "index(es) ‘%s‘" % ", ".join(indexes)
12         self._info("Unselecting %s from list ‘%s‘." % (items_str, locator))
14         select = self._get_select_list(locator)
15         if not select.is_multiple:
16             raise RuntimeError("Keyword ‘Unselect from list‘ works only for multiselect lists.")
18         for index in indexes:
19             select.deselect_by_index(int(index))

方法名:unselect_from_list_by_index(self, locator, *indexes)


公共方法 移除所给indexes的选中状态


14行:使用_get_select_list(self, locator)方法,返回Select对象

时间: 2024-12-24 09:46:20

Selenium2Library系列 keywords 之 _SelectElementKeywords 之 unselect_from_list_by_index(self, locator, *indexes)的相关文章

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