关于Oracle 11gR2中的Database Smart Flash Cache特性以及该特性所适用的操作系统


How To Size the Database Smart Flash Cache (文档 ID 1317950.1)

首先是对Database Smart Flash Cache的介绍:

The Database Smart Flash Cache is a new feature in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2).
The Database Smart Flash Cache is a transparent extension of the database buffer cache using solid state device (SSD) technology.
The SSD acts as a Level 2 cache to the (Level 1) SGA.

Database Smart Flash Cache can greatly improve the performance of Oracle databases by reducing the amount of disk I/O at a much lower cost than adding an equivalent amount of RAM.

Database Smart Flash Cache特性所适用的操作系统:

Your database is running on the Solaris or Oracle Linux operating systems.
The flash cache is supported on these operating systems only.

那么好了,在RHEL设置了Flash Cache后,数据库实例是起不来的,如下:

SQL> startup;
ORA-00439: feature not enabled: Server Flash Cache

而Oracle Linux下的数据库实例就能正常启动

时间: 2024-12-10 06:30:36

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