To be contine ,NW NMM backup sqlserver failed.

Last time, we talk about separate under one cluster backup into two diffetent AG backup. Does it works ? How is it ?

Let we it this time:

Unfortunately, there is still error when separation was done. It shows error soon or later.

Maybe, Maybe , I need to continue to separate backup.. Then I did like .

I also got failed result  after finihsed this,.

so ,I use   nsr_render_log -l 

I also got failed result  after finihsed this,.

and  got this

What ? can not establishing with server ?? wait wait , can you tell me which server ? sorry , I can not get answer from render log.

I had no idear and decide to reboot betworker backup server.

Maybe , all things are oK.


时间: 2024-12-15 19:23:57

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