Magnetic field constraints and sequence-based matching for indoor pose graph SLAM





First, we can extract local relative heading information from the magnetic measurements under certain situations of robot motions such as spinning. This renders additional self-motion constraints to the pose graph.

首先,我们可以在机器人运动(例如旋转)的某些情况下从磁测量值中提取局部相对航向信息。 这给姿势图带来了附加的自运动约束。



Vallivaara等。 [15]在Rao–Blackwellized粒子滤波器的框架中显示了基于磁场的环路闭合。 他们根据磁场测量模型通过高斯过程对闭环粒子进行加权。 但是,它们在某些具有相似磁场的区域中无法闭合回路。 这是因为即使使用概率滤波方法,单点测量也不足以区分磁场的模糊性。 在这种情况下,采用一系列测量可以显着降低歧义度,如本文稍后所述。 然后可以基于磁测量的顺序设计闭环算法,并将其应用于优化。

作者考虑的是二维地图场景,优化目标就是位姿图,X = [x1,...xn],每个x都是一个pose





Additional constraints can be made by exploiting the measurement characteristics of the magnetic fields under certain conditions. Assuming our robot runs on a 2D plane, the magnetic field vector represented in a global coordinate frame should be stationary when the robot rotates without any translational displacement. Fig. 1 further illustrates this situation. Since this constraint is based on the magnetic measurements during the robot’s rotating motion, let us call it a magnetic pivoting (MP) constraint. In addition to the odometric constraints, the MP constraint is added to the pose graph whenever the following condition is satisfied:




机器人采的数据,但是measurement interval似乎有点大啊,30cm和60cm。






As the robot moves along a linear path, a sequence of three-component magnetic measurements are grouped into a single vector si. The corresponding pose nodes are also grouped to generate a super node Xi.


The reason for requiring a linear motion is that in this way we can restrain the magnetic fluctuation occurring by the robot’s orientation change, which enhances the matching performance. 为什么要直线走,因为旋转会让它没办法匹配,yes;磁力在这里还挺麻烦的。




时间: 2024-08-10 16:14:27

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