Accept Job Offer Email Template

Accept Job Offer Email Template


<Hiring Manager’s name>

<Company name>

<Company address>

Dear Mr. / Ms. <last name>

It was a joy to receive your call today regarding the job offer for the position of <position title> at <name of the company>. I am pleased to accept your offer.

As we discussed, <date> will be my official start date. My base salary will be <amount>, and I will be eligible for <detail other benefits including medical> after <number of days> days of employment. I look forward to reporting to <name of immediate supervisor> on my 1st day.

I have read the formal job offer, signed it and sent it to the company’s address as you requested. As suggested, I have kept a copy for myself.

For additional information or any paperwork, please email me at <email address> or contact me at <phone number>.

I look forward to seeing you soon.




时间: 2024-08-30 18:15:26

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