Issues I encountered when building Windows Store apps on a new laptop

I took over my beloved wives samsung ativ book 9 recently as her first job granted her a brandnew surface pro 3 cost half covered by her own salary and possessed by her company (hope she will stay with the company a bit longer).

I found the ssd amazing and way faster than my old laptop‘s spinal drive. So I started moving out all the rubbish including the backup partitions unncessary to me and continued programming my windows apps on it straight away.

One thing I found that hindered me was I couldn‘t launch and debug a paid software made by me and purchased by my wife on this new laptop. And the issue was exactly as described by the discussion below

I did what was suggested there and got it amazingly work. However after that I found all my microsoft/live account associated apps stopped working (exit on loading). And I suspect it was to do with what i did above and a few common housekeeping options for windows store didn‘t work (like wsreset.exe). the only easiest way I fount to resolve that was to uninstall them first and retrieve them again from the store. once reinstalled it still reported error when launching. But this time it provided me a link to the store where it shows that the app needs repair and I can repair it. after that all seems back to perfect.

时间: 2024-10-08 23:29:16

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