No.004:Median of Two Sorted Arrays


There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively.
Find the median of the two sorted arrays.
The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).
nums1 = [1, 3]
nums2 = [2]
The median is 2.0
nums1 = [1, 2]
nums2 = [3, 4]
The median is (2 + 3)/2 = 2.5



















 1 // 因为两数组分别有序,用类二分查找法寻找中位数,时间复杂度O(log(m+n))
 2     private static double method3(int[] array1, int[] array2) {
 3         // 优先判断,一个数组用完的情况
 4         if (array1.length == 0 || array2.length == 0) {
 5             int[] tempArray;
 6             if (array1.length == 0) {
 7                 tempArray = array2;
 8             } else {
 9                 tempArray = array2;
10             }
11             // 直接返回单个有序数组的中位数,奇偶情况可以用一个式子表达
12             return (tempArray[tempArray.length / 2] + tempArray[(tempArray.length - 1) / 2]) / 2.0;
13         }
14         // 两个数组都存在的情况
15         int medianIndex1 = (array1.length - 1) / 2;
16         int medianIndex2 = (array2.length - 1) / 2;
17         // 操作数组统一赋值
18         int[] tempMedianMinArray;
19         int[] tempMedianMaxArray;
20         // 操作数组中位数索引标志
21         int minIndex;
22         int maxIndex;
23         // 两数组统一赋值处理
24         if (array1[medianIndex1] < array2[medianIndex2]) {
25             tempMedianMinArray = array1;
26             tempMedianMaxArray = array2;
27             minIndex = medianIndex1;
28             maxIndex = medianIndex2;
29         } else {
30             tempMedianMinArray = array2;
31             tempMedianMaxArray = array1;
32             minIndex = medianIndex2;
33             maxIndex = medianIndex1;
34         }
35         // 要去掉的数组赋值
36         int[] arrayToReduceFromBegin = Arrays.copyOf(tempMedianMinArray, minIndex);
37         int[] arrayToReduceToEnd = Arrays.copyOfRange(tempMedianMaxArray, tempMedianMaxArray.length - maxIndex,
38                 tempMedianMaxArray.length);
39         // 要去掉的数组长度不为0
40         if (!(arrayToReduceFromBegin.length == 0 || arrayToReduceToEnd.length == 0)) {
41             // 两数组每次减去的数组长度必须相同
42             int reduceLength = Math.min(arrayToReduceFromBegin.length, arrayToReduceToEnd.length);
43             int[] nextArray1 = Arrays.copyOfRange(tempMedianMinArray, reduceLength, tempMedianMinArray.length);
44             int[] nextArray2 = Arrays.copyOf(tempMedianMaxArray, tempMedianMaxArray.length - reduceLength);
45             return method3(nextArray1, nextArray2);
46         } else {
47             // 存在2种情况:情况1.存在长度为1的数组;情况2.存在长度为2且中位数比较较小的那一方
48             // 先考虑情况2,包括部分情况1也适用
49             if (tempMedianMinArray.length == 2) {
50                 // 小数组去最前的1位,大数组去最后的1位
51                 int[] nextArray1 = Arrays.copyOfRange(tempMedianMinArray, 1, 2);
52                 int[] nextArray2 = Arrays.copyOf(tempMedianMaxArray, tempMedianMaxArray.length - 1);
53                 return method3(nextArray1, nextArray2);
54             } else {
55                 // 情况1
56                 // 两数组长度都为1,特殊考虑
57                 if (tempMedianMinArray.length == 1 && tempMedianMaxArray.length == 1) {
58                     return (tempMedianMinArray[0] + tempMedianMaxArray[0]) / 2.0;
59                 }
60                 // 统一操作赋值
61                 int[] tempArray1;
62                 int[] tempArray2;
63                 if (tempMedianMinArray.length == 1) {
64                     tempArray1 = tempMedianMinArray;
65                     tempArray2 = tempMedianMaxArray;
66                 } else {
67                     tempArray1 = tempMedianMaxArray;
68                     tempArray2 = tempMedianMinArray;
69                 }
70                 // 之后有4中情况
71                 if (tempArray1[0] < tempArray2[tempArray2.length / 2]) {
72                     if (tempArray1[0] < tempArray2[0]) {
73                         // 形如[1]和[6,7,8]
74                         tempArray1 = new int[] {};
75                         // 去尾
76                         tempArray2 = Arrays.copyOf(tempArray2, tempArray2.length - 1);
77                     } else {
78                         // 形如[7]和[6,8,9]
79                         tempArray2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(tempArray2, 1, tempArray2.length - 1);
80                     }
81                 } else {
82                     if (tempArray1[0] > tempArray2[tempArray2.length - 1]) {
83                         // 形如[9]和[6,7,8]
84                         tempArray1 = new int[] {};
85                         // 去头
86                         tempArray2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(tempArray2, 1, tempArray2.length);
87                     } else {
88                         // 形如[8]和[6,7,9]
89                         tempArray2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(tempArray2, 1, tempArray2.length - 1);
90                     }
91                 }
92                 return method3(tempArray1, tempArray2);
93             }
94         }





时间: 2024-08-05 19:21:06

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