

ifcfg-ethx网卡配置 文件路径,假设配置的是eth0网卡

[[email protected] ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
DEVICE=eth0 #网卡设备名称
ONBOOT=yes #启动时是否激活 yes|no
BOOTPROTO=static #协议类型 dhcp bootp none
NETMASK= #网络子网地址
GATEWAY= #网关地址
TYPE=Ethernet #网卡类型为以太网

:wq 保存配置
[[email protected] ~]#service network restart
bringing up interface eth0 error ... device not managed by networkmanager or unavailable
1[[email protected] ~]#chkconfig NetworkManager off
2[[email protected] ~]#chkconfig network on
3 [[email protected] ~]#service NetworkManager stop
4 [[email protected] ~]#service network start

1. Remove Network Manager from startup Services.
chkconfig NetworkManager off
2. Add Default Net Manager
chkconfig network on
Stop NetworkManager first
service NetworkManager stop
and then start Default Manager
service network start
or you can change it easy:
uncheck the box that sets the eth0 as managed by NetworkManager and set IP info from there.
stop and disable NetworkManager , start and enable network
you have problem because both of NetworkManager and Network using same
Network driver and default network blocking access for NetworkManager.
if you disable NetworkManager your problem will disappeared after

时间: 2024-11-06 14:18:00


虚拟化--002 VCAC vcac配置sso一直报错

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