leetcode——Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 求算式值(AC)

Evaluate the value of an arithmetic expression in Reverse Polish Notation.

Valid operators are +-*/.
Each operand may be an integer or another expression.

Some examples:

  ["2", "1", "+", "3", "*"] -> ((2 + 1) * 3) -> 9
  ["4", "13", "5", "/", "+"] -> (4 + (13 / 5)) -> 6
class Solution {
    int evalRPN(vector<string> &tokens) {
        stack<int> myStack;
        int first,second,merge;
        for(int i=0; i<tokens.size(); i++)
            if(tokens[i]=="+" || tokens[i]=="-" || tokens[i]=="*" || tokens[i]=="/")
                first = myStack.top();
                second = myStack.top();
                if(tokens[i] == "+")
                    merge = first + second;
                else if(tokens[i] == "-")
                    merge = second - first;
                else if(tokens[i] == "*")
                    merge = first * second;
                else if(tokens[i] == "/")
                    merge = second / first;
                merge = atoi(tokens[i].c_str());
        return myStack.top();

leetcode——Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 求算式值(AC)

时间: 2024-10-10 13:13:01

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