Next Permutation[leetcode]



    void nextPermutation(vector<int> &num) {
        int index = num.size() - 2;
        int rIndex = index;
        //traverse forward till find first decending num, save in index
        for (; index >= 0; index--)
            //find first num larger than nun[index], save in rIndex
            if (num[index + 1] > num[index])
                for (rIndex = num.size() - 1; rIndex > index && num[index] >= num[rIndex]; rIndex--);
                swap(*(num.begin() + index), *(num.begin() + rIndex));
        reverse(num.begin() + index + 1, num.end());//do not need sort, just reverse
时间: 2024-10-30 03:35:05

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