Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery() 异常处理








时间: 2024-12-30 19:33:42

Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery() 异常处理的相关文章

兔子-- Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery()

  Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery() 出错地方:st.executeQuery("insert  into  student  values("1","2","3")") ; 如果你的SQL 语句是 update,insert等更新语句,用statement的execute() 如果sql语句是查询语句则用statement.execu

Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery()的解决方案

Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery() 报错的解决方案: 把"ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);"改成"boolean rs = statement.execute(sql);"就不会报错了. 原因是查询sql是把查询的结果都打印出来,修改更新(update)只需要判断是否执行成功,不需要打印结果, 所以这里不能用executeQ

java.sql.SQLException:Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery()

1.错误描述 2.错误原因 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection conn = null; Statement stat = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.executeQuery(sql); }

Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery().解决的方法

query是查询用的,而update是插入和更新,删除修改用的. executeQuery()语句是用于产生单个结果集的语句,如select语句,在什么情况下用,当你的数据库已经保存了数据后,要进行查询了. executeUpdate(),用于执行insert.update或者delete语句,返回值一个表示受影响的行数,即更新值execute()运行语句,返回是否有结果集. 如下这样写就没有问题了. String sql = "insert into student(id,name,age,s

java sql SQLException Can not issue data manipulation statem

1.错误描述 java.sql.SQLException:Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery() 2.错误原因 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection conn = null; Statement stat = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnecti

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