Linux Programe/Dynamic Shared Library Entry/Exit Point && Glibc Entry Point/Function


1. 引言
2. C/C++运行库
3. 静态Glibc && 可执行文件 入口/终止函数
4. 动态Glibc && 可执行文件 入口/终止函数
5. 静态Glibc && 共享库 入口/终止函数
6. 动态Glibc && 共享库 入口/终止函数

1. 引言

0x1: glibc

Any Unix-like operating system needs a C library: the library which defines the ‘system calls‘ and other basic facilities such as open, malloc, printf, exit...
The GNU C Library is used as the C library in the GNU systems and most systems with the Linux kernel.
The GNU C Library is primarily designed to be a portable and high performance C library. It follows all relevant standards including ISO C11 and POSIX.1-2008. It is also internationalized and has one of the most complete internationalization interfaces known.

glibc是GNU发布的libc库,即c运行库。glibc是linux系统中最底层的api,几乎其它任何运行库都会依赖于glibc。glibc除了封装linux操作系统所提供的系统服务外,它本身也提供了许多其它一些必要功能服务的实现。由于 glibc 囊括了几乎所有的 UNIX 通行的标准,其内容包罗万象。而就像其他的 UNIX 系统一样,其内含的档案群分散于系统的树状目录结构中,像一个支架一般撑起整个操作系统


1. string: 字符串处理
2. signal: 信号处理
3. dlfcn: 管理共享库的动态加载
4. direct: 文件目录操作
5. elf: 共享库的动态加载器,也即interpreter
6. iconv: 不同字符集的编码转换
7. inet: socket接口的实现
8. intl: 国际化,也即gettext的实现
9. io
10. linuxthreads
11. locale: 本地化
12. login: 虚拟终端设备的管理,及系统的安全访问
13. malloc: 动态内存的分配与管理
14. nis
15. stdlib: 其它基本功能

0x2: 初始化代码和终止代码(Initialization and Termination code)


1. 可执行ELF文件可以独立运行可执行代码,并且可以载入外部的动态共享库ELF中的代码进行执行
2. 共享对象自身仅仅是可执行代码的一个"集合体",需要被载入到可执行程序中得以执行


1. 可执行文件
    1) 初始化代码: 初始化代码在用户程序开始执行前执行,即在main()函数之前执行
    2) 终止代码: 终止代码则在进程退出时执行,即程序return、exit返回的时候

2. 共享对象
    1) 共享对象的初始化代码(_init()函数)在可共享对象文件获得控制权之前执行
    2) 共享对象的终止代码(_fint()函数)在共享对象被卸载之后执行


0x3: Linux程序运行的基本流程

1. 操作系统运行用户程序时,将ELF文件映射到内存中 

2. 当它看到可执行文件中的"PT_INERP"段时,操作系统将"PT_INTERP"段指定的"动态共享库加载器("映射进内存,并通过栈向其传递它所需要的参数,并跳到"动态共享库加载器("的入口处开始执行,将控制权交给"动态共享库加载器("

3. "动态共享库加载器("开始自举(Bootstrap)
    1) 动态链接器入口地址就是自举代码的入口,当操作系统将进程控制权交给动态链接器时,动态链接器的自举代码即开始执行
    2) 自举代码会找到自己的GOT。而GOT的第一个入口保存的即是".dynamic"段的偏移地址,由此获得了动态链接器本身的".dynamic"段
    3) 通过".dynamic"段中的信息,自举代码便可以获得动态链接器本身的重定位表和符号表等,从而得到动态链接器本身的重定位入口,先将它们全部重定位
    4) 从这一步开始动态链接器代码中才可以开始使用自己的全局变量和静态变量

4. 自举完成后,动态链接器根据可执行文件".dynamic"段中的"DT_NEEDED"元素开始依次加载(广度优先)依赖的共享对象,并加入它的符号表。如果这个共享对象依赖其它的共享对象,动态链接器也会加载它们。当这个过程结束时,所有需要的共享对象都已加载进内存,动态链接器也具有了程序和所有共享库的符号表

5. 当完成动态链接器的装载、普通共享对象的装载之后,链接器开始重新遍历可执行文件和每个共享对象的重定位表,将它们的GOT/PLT中的每个需要重定位的位置进行修正
    1) 对数据的引用(在.rel.dyn段中),需要初始化一个 GOT(在.got中)项为一个全局符号的地址
    2) 对代码的引用(在.rel.plt段中),需要初始化一个 GOT(在.got.plt)项为PLT表中第二条指令的地址(Procedure Linkage Table)

6. 重定位完成后就,如果某个共享对象有".init"段,那么动态链接器会执行".init"段中的代码,用以实现共享对象特有的初始化过程,例如
    1) 共享对象中的C++全局/静态对象的构造就是通过"init"段来初始化
当完成了重定位和初始化后,所有的准备工作就宣告完成了,所需要的共享对象也都已经装载并且链接完成了,程序执行逻辑准备开始运行可执行程序本身了,值得注意的是,为了能在程序退出时让动态链接器有机会调用共享对象的终止代码,动态链接器会传递 一个"终止函数"(用以调用共享对象的终止代码)给用户程序

7. Glibc运行库负责在可执行程序main()函数执行前对运行库和程序的运行环境进行必要的初始化工作,包括
    1) 堆、栈
    2) I/O
    3) 线程
    4) 全局变量构造 

8. 用户程序开始执行
    1) 注册动态链接器的终止函数
    2) 注册已加载的共享对象的终止函数
    3) 注册可执行程序自身的终止函数

9. 调用用户定义的main()函数,正式开始执行程序主体部分,这已部分是程序员可以控制的部分

10. main()函数返回后,返回到Glibc运行库入口函数,Glibc运行库入口函数进行清理工作,,包括
    1) 全局变量析构
    2) 堆的销毁
    3) 关闭I/O
    1) 调用用户程序的终止函数
    2) 调用已加载的共享对象的终止函数
    3) 调用动态链接器的终止函数

Relevant Link:


2. C/C++运行库

运行时库(Runtime Library 运行期库),在计算机程序设计领域中,是指一种被编译器用来实现编程语言内置函数以提供该语言程序运行时(执行)支持的一种特殊的计算机程序库。这种库一般包括基本的输入输出或是内存管理等支持。它是一群支持正在运行程序的函数,与操作系统合作提供诸如数学运算、输入输出等功能,让程序员不需要"重新发明轮子",并善用操作系统提供的功能

1. Windows Visual Basic
Visual Basic Virtual Machine (5.1)
Visual Basic Virtual Machine (6.0)

2. Windwos C/C++
Microsoft C Runtime Library (7.0)
Microsoft C Runtime Library (7.10)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 (8.0.59193)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 (9.0.30729)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 ATL Update kb973924 (9.0.30729.4148)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (10.0.40219)

3. Windows .NET/C#
.NET Framework 

4. Java
JVM(Java Virtual Machine)

5. Linux C/C++
Glibc Runtime Library 

0x1: C语言运行库

任何一个C程序,它的背后都有一套庞大的代码库来支撑,以使得程序能够正常运行,这样的代码集合库称之为"运行时库(Runtime Library)",而其中C语言的运行库,即被称为C运行库(CRT),这套代码库包括

1. 启动与退出:
    1) 入口函数
    2) 入口函数所依赖的其他函数
    3) 终止函数
2. 标准函数: 由C语言标准规定的C语言标准库所拥有的函数实现
3. I/O: I/O功能的封装和实现
4. 堆: 堆的封装和实现
5. 语言实现: 语言中一些特殊功能的实现
6. 调试: 实现调试功能的代码


ANSI C的标准库由24个C头文件组成,与许多其他语言(如java)的标准库不同,C语言的标准库非常轻量,它仅仅包含了数学函数、字符/字符串处理、I/O等基本方面,例如

1. 标准输入输出: stdio.h
2. 文件操作: stdio.h
3. 字符操作: ctype.h
4. 字符串操作: string.h
5. 数学函数: math.h
6. 资源管理: stdlib.h
7. 格式转换: stdlib.h
8. 时间/日期: time.h
9. 断言: assert.h
10. 各种类型上的常数: limits.h & float.h
11. 变长参数: stdarg.h
12. 非局部跳转: setjmp.h

0x2: glibc && MSVC CRT


Glibc(GNU C Library)是Linux平台下的主要运行库,MSVCRT(Microsoft Visual C Run-time)

Relevant Link:

3. 静态Glibc && 可执行文件 入口/终止函数


    xorl %ebp, %ebp

    Extract the arguments as encoded on the stack and set up the arguments for main(argc, argv).  envp will be determined later in __libc_start_main.
    // Pop the argument count.
    popl %esi
    // argv starts just at the current stack top. %ecx指向argv和env环境变量数组
    movl %esp, %ecx        

    Before pushing the arguments align the stack to a 16-byte
    (SSE needs 16-byte alignment) boundary to avoid penalties from
    misaligned accesses.  T
    andl $0xfffffff0, %esp
    pushl %eax
    /* Push garbage because we allocate 28 more bytes. */

    /* Provide the highest stack address to the user code (for stacks which grow downwards).  */
    pushl %esp
    /* Push address of the shared library termination function.  */
    pushl %edx        

#ifdef SHARED
    /* Load PIC register.  */
    call 1f
    addl $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_, %ebx

    /* Push address of our own entry points to .fini and .init.  */
    leal [email protected](%ebx), %eax
    pushl %eax
    leal [email protected](%ebx), %eax
    pushl %eax

    /* Push second argument: argv.  */
    pushl %ecx
    /* Push first argument: argc.  */
    pushl %esi        

    pushl [email protected](%ebx)

    /* Call the user‘s main function, and exit with its value. But let the libc call main. */
    call [email protected]
    /* Push address of our own entry points to .fini and .init.  */
    pushl $__libc_csu_fini
    pushl $__libc_csu_init

    /* Push second argument: argv.  */
    pushl %ecx
    /* Push first argument: argc.  */
    pushl %esi        

    pushl $main

    /* Call the user‘s main function, and exit with its value. But let the libc call main.    */
    call __libc_start_main

    /* Crash if somehow `exit‘ does return.  */


void _start()
    %ebp = 0;
    int argc = pop from stack;
    char** argv = top of stack;
    __libc_start_main( main, argc, argv, __libc_csu_init, __libc_csu_finit, edx, top of stack );


Note: the fini parameter is ignored here for shared library.  It is registered with __cxa_atexit.  This had the disadvantage that finalizers were called in more than one place.
    int (*main) (int, char **, char ** MAIN_AUXVEC_DECL),
    int argc,
    char **argv,
    ElfW(auxv_t) *auxvec,
    //init: main调用前的初始化工作
        __typeof (main) init,
    //fini: main结束后的收尾工作
        void (*fini) (void),
    //rtld_fini: 和动态加载有关的收尾工作,rtld_fini即runtime loader
        void (*rtld_fini) (void),
    //stack_end: 标明了栈底的地址,即最高的栈地址
    void *stack_end)
  /* Result of the ‘main‘ function.  */
  int result;

  __libc_multiple_libcs = &_dl_starting_up && !_dl_starting_up;

#ifndef SHARED
  char **ev = &argv[argc + 1];
  __environ = ev;

  /* Store the lowest stack address.  This is done in if this is he code for the DSO.  */
  __libc_stack_end = stack_end;

  /* First process the auxiliary vector since we need to find the program header to locate an eventually present PT_TLS entry.  */
  ElfW(auxv_t) *auxvec;
    char **evp = ev;
    while (*evp++ != NULL)
    auxvec = (ElfW(auxv_t) *) evp;
#  endif
  _dl_aux_init (auxvec);
  if (GL(dl_phdr) == NULL)
# endif
      Starting from binutils-2.23, the linker will define the magic symbol __ehdr_start to point to our own ELF header if it is visible in a segment that also includes the phdrs. So we can set up _dl_phdr and _dl_phnum even without any information from auxv.
      extern const ElfW(Ehdr) __ehdr_start
    __attribute__ ((weak, visibility ("hidden")));
      if (&__ehdr_start != NULL)
          assert (__ehdr_start.e_phentsize == sizeof *GL(dl_phdr));
          GL(dl_phdr) = (const void *) &__ehdr_start + __ehdr_start.e_phoff;
          GL(dl_phnum) = __ehdr_start.e_phnum;

  if (!__libc_multiple_libcs)
      /* This needs to run to initiliaze _dl_osversion before TLS
     setup might check it.  */
      DL_SYSDEP_OSCHECK (__libc_fatal);
# endif

  /* Perform IREL{,A} relocations.  */
  apply_irel ();

  /* Initialize the thread library at least a bit since the libgcc
     functions are using thread functions if these are available and
     we need to setup errno.  */
  __pthread_initialize_minimal ();

  /* Set up the stack checker‘s canary.  */
  uintptr_t stack_chk_guard = _dl_setup_stack_chk_guard (_dl_random);
  THREAD_SET_STACK_GUARD (stack_chk_guard);
# else
  __stack_chk_guard = stack_chk_guard;
# endif

  Register the destructor of the dynamic linker if there is any.
  if (__builtin_expect (rtld_fini != NULL, 1))
    __cxa_atexit ((void (*) (void *)) rtld_fini, NULL, NULL);

#ifndef SHARED
  Call the initializer of the libc.  This is only needed here if we are compiling for the static library in which case we haven‘t run the constructors in `_dl_start_user‘.
  __libc_init_first (argc, argv, __environ);

  Register the destructor of the program, if any.
  if (fini)
    __cxa_atexit ((void (*) (void *)) fini, NULL, NULL);

  /* Some security at this point.  Prevent starting a SUID binary where
     the standard file descriptors are not opened.  We have to do this
     only for statically linked applications since otherwise the dynamic
     loader did the work already.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (__libc_enable_secure, 0))
    __libc_check_standard_fds ();

  /* Call the initializer of the program, if any.  */
#ifdef SHARED
  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS, 0))
    GLRO(dl_debug_printf) ("\ninitialize program: %s\n\n", argv[0]);
  if (init)
    (*init) (argc, argv, __environ MAIN_AUXVEC_PARAM);

#ifdef SHARED
  /* Auditing checkpoint: we have a new object.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_naudit) > 0, 0))
      struct audit_ifaces *afct = GLRO(dl_audit);
      struct link_map *head = GL(dl_ns)[LM_ID_BASE]._ns_loaded;
      for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < GLRO(dl_naudit); ++cnt)
      if (afct->preinit != NULL)
        afct->preinit (&head->l_audit[cnt].cookie);

      afct = afct->next;

#ifdef SHARED
  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS, 0))
    GLRO(dl_debug_printf) ("\ntransferring control: %s\n\n", argv[0]);

  /* Memory for the cancellation buffer.  */
  struct pthread_unwind_buf unwind_buf;

  int not_first_call;
  not_first_call = setjmp ((struct __jmp_buf_tag *) unwind_buf.cancel_jmp_buf);
  if (__builtin_expect (! not_first_call, 1))
      struct pthread *self = THREAD_SELF;

      /* Store old info.  */ = THREAD_GETMEM (self, cleanup_jmp_buf); = THREAD_GETMEM (self, cleanup);

      /* Store the new cleanup handler info.  */
      THREAD_SETMEM (self, cleanup_jmp_buf, &unwind_buf);

      /* Run the program.  */
      result = main (argc, argv, __environ MAIN_AUXVEC_PARAM);
      /* Remove the thread-local data.  */
# ifdef SHARED
      PTHFCT_CALL (ptr__nptl_deallocate_tsd, ());
# else
      extern void __nptl_deallocate_tsd (void) __attribute ((weak));
      __nptl_deallocate_tsd ();
# endif

      /* One less thread.  Decrement the counter.  If it is zero we
     terminate the entire process.  */
      result = 0;
# ifdef SHARED
      unsigned int *ptr = __libc_pthread_functions.ptr_nthreads;
      PTR_DEMANGLE (ptr);
#  endif
# else
      extern unsigned int __nptl_nthreads __attribute ((weak));
      unsigned int *const ptr = &__nptl_nthreads;
# endif

      if (! atomic_decrement_and_test (ptr))
    /* Not much left to do but to exit the thread, not the process.  */
    __exit_thread (0);
  Nothing fancy, just call the function.
  result = main (argc, argv, __environ MAIN_AUXVEC_PARAM);

  exit (result);


1. main函数正常返回
2. 程序中用exit退出


Relevant Link:

4. 动态Glibc && 可执行文件 入口/终止函数

5. 静态Glibc && 共享库 入口/终止函数

6. 动态Glibc && 共享库 入口/终止函数
动态连接器的入口是_start, 在glibc/sysdeps/i386/dl-machine.h中的RTLD_START宏中定义。它首先调 用_dl_start()

#define RTLD_START asm ("\n\
    .text\n    .align 16\n0:    movl (%esp), %ebx\n    ret\n    .align 16\n.globl _start\n.globl _dl_start_user\n_start:\n    # Note that _dl_start gets the parameter in %eax.\n    movl %esp, %eax\n    call _dl_start\n...


static ElfW(Addr) __attribute_used__ internal_function _dl_start (void *arg)
# define bootstrap_map GL(dl_rtld_map)
  struct dl_start_final_info info;
# define bootstrap_map info.l

  /* This #define produces dynamic linking inline functions for bootstrap relocation instead of general-purpose relocation.
     Since must not have any undefined symbols the result is trivial: always the map of itself.  */
#define RESOLVE_MAP(sym, version, flags) (&bootstrap_map)
#include "dynamic-link.h"

    HP_TIMING_NOW (start_time);
    HP_TIMING_NOW (info.start_time);

  /* Partly clean the `bootstrap_map‘ structure up.  Don‘t use
     `memset‘ since it might not be built in or inlined and we cannot
     make function calls at this point.  Use ‘__builtin_memset‘ if we
     know it is available.  We do not have to clear the memory if we
     do not have to use the temporary bootstrap_map.  Global variables
     are initialized to zero by default.  */
  __builtin_memset (bootstrap_map.l_info, ‘\0‘, sizeof (bootstrap_map.l_info));
# else
  for (size_t cnt = 0;
       cnt < sizeof (bootstrap_map.l_info) / sizeof (bootstrap_map.l_info[0]);
    bootstrap_map.l_info[cnt] = 0;
# endif
  bootstrap_map.l_tls_modid = 0;
# endif

  /* Figure out the run-time load address of the dynamic linker itself.  */
  bootstrap_map.l_addr = elf_machine_load_address ();

  /* Read our own dynamic section and fill in the info array.  */
  bootstrap_map.l_ld = (void *) bootstrap_map.l_addr + elf_machine_dynamic ();
  elf_get_dynamic_info (&bootstrap_map, NULL);

#if NO_TLS_OFFSET != 0
  bootstrap_map.l_tls_offset = NO_TLS_OFFSET;

  /* Get the dynamic linker‘s own program header.  First we need the ELF
     file header.  The `_begin‘ symbol created by the linker script points
     to it.  When we have something like GOTOFF relocs, we can use a plain
     reference to find the runtime address.  Without that, we have to rely
     on the `l_addr‘ value, which is not the value we want when prelinked.  */
  dtv_t initdtv[3];
  ElfW(Ehdr) *ehdr
    = (ElfW(Ehdr) *) &_begin;
# else
#  error This will not work with prelink.
    = (ElfW(Ehdr) *) bootstrap_map.l_addr;
# endif
  ElfW(Phdr) *phdr = (ElfW(Phdr) *) ((void *) ehdr + ehdr->e_phoff);
  size_t cnt = ehdr->e_phnum;    /* PT_TLS is usually the last phdr.  */
  while (cnt-- > 0)
    if (phdr[cnt].p_type == PT_TLS)
    void *tlsblock;
    size_t max_align = MAX (TLS_INIT_TCB_ALIGN, phdr[cnt].p_align);
    char *p;

    bootstrap_map.l_tls_blocksize = phdr[cnt].p_memsz;
    bootstrap_map.l_tls_align = phdr[cnt].p_align;
    if (phdr[cnt].p_align == 0)
      bootstrap_map.l_tls_firstbyte_offset = 0;
      bootstrap_map.l_tls_firstbyte_offset = (phdr[cnt].p_vaddr
                          & (phdr[cnt].p_align - 1));
    assert (bootstrap_map.l_tls_blocksize != 0);
    bootstrap_map.l_tls_initimage_size = phdr[cnt].p_filesz;
    bootstrap_map.l_tls_initimage = (void *) (bootstrap_map.l_addr
                          + phdr[cnt].p_vaddr);

    /* We can now allocate the initial TLS block.  This can happen
       on the stack.  We‘ll get the final memory later when we
       know all about the various objects loaded at startup
       time.  */
    tlsblock = alloca (roundup (bootstrap_map.l_tls_blocksize,
               + TLS_INIT_TCB_SIZE
               + max_align);
# elif TLS_DTV_AT_TP
    tlsblock = alloca (roundup (TLS_INIT_TCB_SIZE,
               + bootstrap_map.l_tls_blocksize
               + max_align);
# else
    /* In case a model with a different layout for the TCB and DTV
       is defined add another #elif here and in the following #ifs.  */
#  error "Either TLS_TCB_AT_TP or TLS_DTV_AT_TP must be defined"
# endif
    /* Align the TLS block.  */
    tlsblock = (void *) (((uintptr_t) tlsblock + max_align - 1)
                 & ~(max_align - 1));

    /* Initialize the dtv.  [0] is the length, [1] the generation
       counter.  */
    initdtv[0].counter = 1;
    initdtv[1].counter = 0;

    /* Initialize the TLS block.  */
    initdtv[2].pointer = tlsblock;
# elif TLS_DTV_AT_TP
    bootstrap_map.l_tls_offset = roundup (TLS_INIT_TCB_SIZE,
    initdtv[2].pointer = (char *) tlsblock + bootstrap_map.l_tls_offset;
# else
#  error "Either TLS_TCB_AT_TP or TLS_DTV_AT_TP must be defined"
# endif
    p = __mempcpy (initdtv[2].pointer, bootstrap_map.l_tls_initimage,
    __builtin_memset (p, ‘\0‘, (bootstrap_map.l_tls_blocksize
                    - bootstrap_map.l_tls_initimage_size));
# else
      size_t remaining = (bootstrap_map.l_tls_blocksize
                  - bootstrap_map.l_tls_initimage_size);
      while (remaining-- > 0)
        *p++ = ‘\0‘;
# endif

    /* Install the pointer to the dtv.  */

    /* Initialize the thread pointer.  */
      = roundup (bootstrap_map.l_tls_blocksize, TLS_INIT_TCB_ALIGN);

    INSTALL_DTV ((char *) tlsblock + bootstrap_map.l_tls_offset,

    const char *lossage = TLS_INIT_TP ((char *) tlsblock
                       + bootstrap_map.l_tls_offset, 0);
# elif TLS_DTV_AT_TP
    INSTALL_DTV (tlsblock, initdtv);
    const char *lossage = TLS_INIT_TP (tlsblock, 0);
# else
#  error "Either TLS_TCB_AT_TP or TLS_DTV_AT_TP must be defined"
# endif
    if (__builtin_expect (lossage != NULL, 0))
      _dl_fatal_printf ("cannot set up thread-local storage: %s\n",

    /* So far this is module number one.  */
    bootstrap_map.l_tls_modid = 1;

    /* There can only be one PT_TLS entry.  */
#endif    /* USE___THREAD */

  ELF_MACHINE_BEFORE_RTLD_RELOC (bootstrap_map.l_info);

  if (bootstrap_map.l_addr || ! bootstrap_map.l_info[VALIDX(DT_GNU_PRELINKED)])
      /* Relocate ourselves so we can do normal function calls and
     data access using the global offset table.  */

      ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE (&bootstrap_map, 0, 0, 0);
  bootstrap_map.l_relocated = 1;

  /* Please note that we don‘t allow profiling of this object and
     therefore need not test whether we have to allocate the array
     for the relocation results (as done in dl-reloc.c).  */

  /* Now life is sane; we can call functions and access global data.
     Set up to use the operating system facilities, and find out from
     the operating system‘s program loader where to find the program
     header table in core.  Put the rest of _dl_start into a separate
     function, that way the compiler cannot put accesses to the GOT
     before ELF_DYNAMIC_RELOCATE.  */
    ElfW(Addr) entry = _dl_start_final (arg);
    ElfW(Addr) entry = _dl_start_final (arg, &info);

# define ELF_MACHINE_START_ADDRESS(map, start) (start)

    return ELF_MACHINE_START_ADDRESS (GL(dl_ns)[LM_ID_BASE]._ns_loaded, entry);



This is the second half of _dl_start (below).  It can be inlined safely under DONT_USE_BOOTSTRAP_MAP, where it is careful not to make any GOT references.
When the tools don‘t permit us to avoid using a GOT entry for _dl_rtld_global (no attribute_hidden support), we must make sure this function is not inlined (see below).

static inline ElfW(Addr) __attribute__ ((always_inline)) _dl_start_final (void *arg)
static ElfW(Addr) __attribute__ ((noinline)) _dl_start_final (void *arg, struct dl_start_final_info *info)
  ElfW(Addr) start_addr;

      /* If it hasn‘t happen yet record the startup time.  */
      if (! HP_TIMING_INLINE)
    HP_TIMING_NOW (start_time);
    start_time = info->start_time;

      /* Initialize the timing functions.  */

  /* Transfer data about ourselves to the permanent link_map structure.  */
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_addr = info->l.l_addr;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_ld = info->l.l_ld;
  memcpy (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_info, info->l.l_info,
      sizeof GL(dl_rtld_map).l_info);
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_mach = info->l.l_mach;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_relocated = 1;
  _dl_setup_hash (&GL(dl_rtld_map));
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_real = &GL(dl_rtld_map);
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_map_start = (ElfW(Addr)) _begin;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_map_end = (ElfW(Addr)) _end;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_text_end = (ElfW(Addr)) _etext;
  /* Copy the TLS related data if necessary.  */
  assert (info->l.l_tls_modid != 0);
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_tls_blocksize = info->l.l_tls_blocksize;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_tls_align = info->l.l_tls_align;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_tls_firstbyte_offset = info->l.l_tls_firstbyte_offset;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_tls_initimage_size = info->l.l_tls_initimage_size;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_tls_initimage = info->l.l_tls_initimage;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_tls_offset = info->l.l_tls_offset;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_tls_modid = 1;
# else
#  if NO_TLS_OFFSET != 0
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_tls_offset = NO_TLS_OFFSET;
#  endif
# endif


  HP_TIMING_NOW (GL(dl_cpuclock_offset));

  /* Initialize the stack end variable.  */
  __libc_stack_end = __builtin_frame_address (0);

  Call the OS-dependent function to set up life so we can do things like file access.
  It will call `dl_main‘ (below) to do all the real work of the dynamic linker, and then unwind our frame and run the user entry point on the same stack we entered on.
  start_addr = _dl_sysdep_start (arg, &dl_main);

  hp_timing_t rtld_total_time;
      hp_timing_t end_time;

      /* Get the current time.  */
      HP_TIMING_NOW (end_time);

      /* Compute the difference.  */
      HP_TIMING_DIFF (rtld_total_time, start_time, end_time);

  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_STATISTICS, 0))
      print_statistics (&rtld_total_time);
      print_statistics (NULL);

  return start_addr;

_dl_start_final()收集一些基本的运行时信息后 调用_dl_sysdep_start()


ElfW(Addr) _dl_sysdep_start (
      void **start_argptr,
          void (*dl_main) (const ElfW(Phdr) *phdr,
      ElfW(Word) phnum,
            ElfW(Addr) *user_entry,
      ElfW(auxv_t) *auxv)
  const ElfW(Phdr) *phdr = NULL;
  ElfW(Word) phnum = 0;
  ElfW(Addr) user_entry;
  ElfW(auxv_t) *av;
# define set_seen(tag) (tag)    /* Evaluate for the side effects.  */
# define set_seen_secure() ((void) 0)
  uid_t uid = 0;
  gid_t gid = 0;
  unsigned int seen = 0;
# define set_seen_secure() (seen = -1)
# ifdef HAVE_AUX_XID
#  define set_seen(tag) (tag)    /* Evaluate for the side effects.  */
# else
#  define M(type) (1 << (type))
#  define set_seen(tag) seen |= M ((tag)->a_type)
# endif
  uintptr_t new_sysinfo = 0;

  __libc_stack_end = DL_STACK_END (start_argptr);
  1. _dl_argc: 命令行参数的个数
  2. _dl_argv: 命令行参数数组
  3. _environ: 环境数组
  4. _dl_auxv: 传递给动态连接器的附加参数数组
  DL_FIND_ARG_COMPONENTS (start_argptr, _dl_argc, INTUSE(_dl_argv), _environ, GLRO(dl_auxv));

  user_entry = (ElfW(Addr)) ENTRY_POINT;
  GLRO(dl_platform) = NULL; /* Default to nothing known about the platform.  */

  for (av = GLRO(dl_auxv); av->a_type != AT_NULL; set_seen (av++))
    switch (av->a_type)
      case AT_PHDR:
    phdr = (void *) av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_PHNUM:
    phnum = av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_PAGESZ:
    GLRO(dl_pagesize) = av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_ENTRY:
    user_entry = av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_BASE:
    _dl_base_addr = av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_UID:
      case AT_EUID:
    uid ^= av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_GID:
      case AT_EGID:
    gid ^= av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_SECURE:
    seen = -1;
    INTUSE(__libc_enable_secure) = av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_PLATFORM:
    GLRO(dl_platform) = (void *) av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_HWCAP:
    GLRO(dl_hwcap) = (unsigned long int) av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_HWCAP2:
    GLRO(dl_hwcap2) = (unsigned long int) av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_CLKTCK:
    GLRO(dl_clktck) = av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_FPUCW:
    GLRO(dl_fpu_control) = av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_SYSINFO:
    new_sysinfo = av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_SYSINFO_EHDR:
    GLRO(dl_sysinfo_dso) = (void *) av->a_un.a_val;
      case AT_RANDOM:
    _dl_random = (void *) av->a_un.a_val;

  if (seen != -1)
      /* Fill in the values we have not gotten from the kernel through the
     auxiliary vector.  */
# ifndef HAVE_AUX_XID
#  define SEE(UID, var, uid)    if ((seen & M (AT_##UID)) == 0) var ^= __get##uid ()
      SEE (UID, uid, uid);
      SEE (EUID, uid, euid);
      SEE (GID, gid, gid);
      SEE (EGID, gid, egid);
# endif

      /* If one of the two pairs of IDs does not match this is a setuid
     or setgid run.  */
      INTUSE(__libc_enable_secure) = uid | gid;

  if (GLRO(dl_pagesize) == 0)
    GLRO(dl_pagesize) = __getpagesize ();

  if (new_sysinfo != 0)
      /* Only set the sysinfo value if we also have the vsyscall DSO.  */
      if (GLRO(dl_sysinfo_dso) != 0)
# endif
        GLRO(dl_sysinfo) = new_sysinfo;



  /* Determine the length of the platform name.  */
  if (GLRO(dl_platform) != NULL)
    GLRO(dl_platformlen) = strlen (GLRO(dl_platform));

  if (__sbrk (0) == _end)
    /* The dynamic linker was run as a program, and so the initial break
       starts just after our bss, at &_end.  The malloc in dl-minimal.c
       will consume the rest of this page, so tell the kernel to move the
       break up that far.  When the user program examines its break, it
       will see this new value and not clobber our data.  */
    __sbrk (GLRO(dl_pagesize)
        - ((_end - (char *) 0) & (GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)));

  /* If this is a SUID program we make sure that FDs 0, 1, and 2 are
     allocated.  If necessary we are doing it ourself.  If it is not
     possible we stop the program.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (INTUSE(__libc_enable_secure), 0))
    __libc_check_standard_fds ();

  (*dl_main) (phdr, phnum, &user_entry, GLRO(dl_auxv));
  return user_entry;

dl_main()非常长,主要工作是加载可执行文件依赖的所有共享对象,构造符号表,并进行加载时重定位(有些重定位可以延迟到需要时再进行,称为 运行时重定位)


static void dl_main (
  const ElfW(Phdr) *phdr,
    ElfW(Word) phnum,
    ElfW(Addr) *user_entry,
    ElfW(auxv_t) *auxv)
  const ElfW(Phdr) *ph;
  enum mode mode;
  struct link_map *main_map;
  size_t file_size;
  char *file;
  bool has_interp = false;
  unsigned int i;
  bool prelinked = false;
  bool rtld_is_main = false;
  hp_timing_t start;
  hp_timing_t stop;
  hp_timing_t diff;
  void *tcbp = NULL;

  /* Explicit initialization since the reloc would just be more work.  */
  GL(dl_error_catch_tsd) = &_dl_initial_error_catch_tsd;

  GL(dl_init_static_tls) = &_dl_nothread_init_static_tls;

#if defined SHARED && defined _LIBC_REENTRANT     && defined __rtld_lock_default_lock_recursive
  GL(dl_rtld_lock_recursive) = rtld_lock_default_lock_recursive;
  GL(dl_rtld_unlock_recursive) = rtld_lock_default_unlock_recursive;

  /* The explicit initialization here is cheaper than processing the reloc in the _rtld_local definition‘s initializer.  */
  GL(dl_make_stack_executable_hook) = &_dl_make_stack_executable;

  /* Process the environment variable which control the behaviour.  */
  process_envvars (&mode);

  /* Set up a flag which tells we are just starting.  */
  INTUSE(_dl_starting_up) = 1;

  if (*user_entry == (ElfW(Addr)) ENTRY_POINT)
      Ho ho.  We are not the program interpreter!  We are the program itself!  This means someone ran as a command.
      Well, that might be convenient to do sometimes.  We support it by interpreting the args like this: PROGRAM ARGS...
      The first argument is the name of a file containing an ELF executable we will load and run with the following arguments.
      To simplify life here, PROGRAM is searched for using the normal rules for shared objects, rather than $PATH or anything like that.  We just load it and use its entry point; we don‘t pay attention to its PT_INTERP command (we are the interpreter ourselves).
      This is an easy way to test a new before installing it.  */
      rtld_is_main = true;

      /* Note the place where the dynamic linker actually came from.  */
      GL(dl_rtld_map).l_name = rtld_progname;

      while (_dl_argc > 1)
    if (! strcmp (INTUSE(_dl_argv)[1], "--list"))
        mode = list;
        GLRO(dl_lazy) = -1;    /* This means do no dependency analysis.  */

    else if (! strcmp (INTUSE(_dl_argv)[1], "--verify"))
        mode = verify;

    else if (! strcmp (INTUSE(_dl_argv)[1], "--inhibit-cache"))
        GLRO(dl_inhibit_cache) = 1;
    else if (! strcmp (INTUSE(_dl_argv)[1], "--library-path")
         && _dl_argc > 2)
        library_path = INTUSE(_dl_argv)[2];

        _dl_skip_args += 2;
        _dl_argc -= 2;
        INTUSE(_dl_argv) += 2;
    else if (! strcmp (INTUSE(_dl_argv)[1], "--inhibit-rpath")
         && _dl_argc > 2)
        GLRO(dl_inhibit_rpath) = INTUSE(_dl_argv)[2];

        _dl_skip_args += 2;
        _dl_argc -= 2;
        INTUSE(_dl_argv) += 2;
    else if (! strcmp (INTUSE(_dl_argv)[1], "--audit") && _dl_argc > 2)
        process_dl_audit (INTUSE(_dl_argv)[2]);

        _dl_skip_args += 2;
        _dl_argc -= 2;
        INTUSE(_dl_argv) += 2;

      /* If we have no further argument the program was called incorrectly.
     Grant the user some education.  */
      if (_dl_argc < 2)
    _dl_fatal_printf ("\
Usage: [OPTION]... EXECUTABLE-FILE [ARGS-FOR-PROGRAM...]\nYou have invoked `‘, the helper program for shared library executables.\n\
This program usually lives in the file `/lib/‘, and special directives\n\
in executable files using ELF shared libraries tell the system‘s program\n\
loader to load the helper program from this file.  This helper program loads\nthe shared libraries needed by the program executable, prepares the program\nto run, and runs it.  You may invoke this helper program directly from the\ncommand line to load and run an ELF executable file; this is like executing\nthat file itself, but always uses this helper program from the file you\nspecified, instead of the helper program file specified in the executable\nfile you run.  This is mostly of use for maintainers to test new versions\nof this helper program; chances are you did not intend to run this program.\n\n  --list                list all dependencies and how they are resolved\n  --verify              verify that given object really is a dynamically linked\n            object we can handle\n  --inhibit-cache       Do not use " LD_SO_CACHE "\n  --library-path PATH   use given PATH instead of content of the environment\n            variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n  --inhibit-rpath LIST  ignore RUNPATH and RPATH information in object names\n            in LIST\n  --audit LIST          use objects named in LIST as auditors\n");


      /* The initialization of _dl_stack_flags done below assumes the
     executable‘s PT_GNU_STACK may have been honored by the kernel, and
     so a PT_GNU_STACK with PF_X set means the stack started out with
     execute permission.  However, this is not really true if the
     dynamic linker is the executable the kernel loaded.  For this
     case, we must reinitialize _dl_stack_flags to match the dynamic
     linker itself.  If the dynamic linker was built with a
     PT_GNU_STACK, then the kernel may have loaded us with a
     nonexecutable stack that we will have to make executable when we
     load the program below unless it has a PT_GNU_STACK indicating
     nonexecutable stack is ok.  */

      for (ph = phdr; ph < &phdr[phnum]; ++ph)
    if (ph->p_type == PT_GNU_STACK)
        GL(dl_stack_flags) = ph->p_flags;

      if (__builtin_expect (mode, normal) == verify)
      const char *objname;
      const char *err_str = NULL;
      struct map_args args;
      bool malloced;

      args.str = rtld_progname;
      args.loader = NULL;
      args.mode = __RTLD_OPENEXEC;
      (void) _dl_catch_error (&objname, &err_str, &malloced, map_doit,
      if (__builtin_expect (err_str != NULL, 0))
        /* We don‘t free the returned string, the programs stops
           anyway.  */
        _exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
      HP_TIMING_NOW (start);
      _dl_map_object (NULL, rtld_progname, lt_library, 0,
              __RTLD_OPENEXEC, LM_ID_BASE);
      HP_TIMING_NOW (stop);

      HP_TIMING_DIFF (load_time, start, stop);

      /* Now the map for the main executable is available.  */
      main_map = GL(dl_ns)[LM_ID_BASE]._ns_loaded;

      if (__builtin_expect (mode, normal) == normal
      && GL(dl_rtld_map).l_info[DT_SONAME] != NULL
      && main_map->l_info[DT_SONAME] != NULL
      && strcmp ((const char *) D_PTR (&GL(dl_rtld_map), l_info[DT_STRTAB])
             + GL(dl_rtld_map).l_info[DT_SONAME]->d_un.d_val,
             (const char *) D_PTR (main_map, l_info[DT_STRTAB])
             + main_map->l_info[DT_SONAME]->d_un.d_val) == 0)
    _dl_fatal_printf ("loader cannot load itself\n");

      phdr = main_map->l_phdr;
      phnum = main_map->l_phnum;
      We overwrite here a pointer to a malloc()ed string.  But since the malloc() implementation used at this point is the dummy implementations which has no real free() function it does not makes sense to free the old string first.  */
      main_map->l_name = (char *) "";
      *user_entry = main_map->l_entry;

      /* Adjust the on-stack auxiliary vector so that it looks like the binary was executed directly.  */
      for (ElfW(auxv_t) *av = auxv; av->a_type != AT_NULL; av++)
    switch (av->a_type)
      case AT_PHDR:
        av->a_un.a_val = (uintptr_t) phdr;
      case AT_PHNUM:
        av->a_un.a_val = phnum;
      case AT_ENTRY:
        av->a_un.a_val = *user_entry;
      /* Create a link_map for the executable itself.
     This will be what dlopen on "" returns.  */
      main_map = _dl_new_object ((char *) "", "", lt_executable, NULL,
                 __RTLD_OPENEXEC, LM_ID_BASE);
      assert (main_map != NULL);
      main_map->l_phdr = phdr;
      main_map->l_phnum = phnum;
      main_map->l_entry = *user_entry;

      /* Even though the link map is not yet fully initialized we can add
     it to the map list since there are no possible users running yet.  */
      _dl_add_to_namespace_list (main_map, LM_ID_BASE);
      assert (main_map == GL(dl_ns)[LM_ID_BASE]._ns_loaded);

      /* At this point we are in a bit of trouble.  We would have to
     fill in the values for l_dev and l_ino.  But in general we
     do not know where the file is.  We also do not handle AT_EXECFD
     even if it would be passed up.

     We leave the values here defined to 0.  This is normally no
     problem as the program code itself is normally no shared
     object and therefore cannot be loaded dynamically.  Nothing
     prevent the use of dynamic binaries and in these situations
     we might get problems.  We might not be able to find out
     whether the object is already loaded.  But since there is no
     easy way out and because the dynamic binary must also not
     have an SONAME we ignore this program for now.  If it becomes
     a problem we can force people using SONAMEs.  */

      /* We delay initializing the path structure until we got the dynamic
     information for the program.  */

  main_map->l_map_end = 0;
  main_map->l_text_end = 0;
  /* Perhaps the executable has no PT_LOAD header entries at all.  */
  main_map->l_map_start = ~0;
  /* And it was opened directly.  */

  /* Scan the program header table for the dynamic section.  */
  for (ph = phdr; ph < &phdr[phnum]; ++ph)
    switch (ph->p_type)
      case PT_PHDR:
    /* Find out the load address.  */
    main_map->l_addr = (ElfW(Addr)) phdr - ph->p_vaddr;
      case PT_DYNAMIC:
    /* This tells us where to find the dynamic section,
       which tells us everything we need to do.  */
    main_map->l_ld = (void *) main_map->l_addr + ph->p_vaddr;
      case PT_INTERP:
    /* This "interpreter segment" was used by the program loader to
       find the program interpreter, which is this program itself, the
       dynamic linker.  We note what name finds us, so that a future
       dlopen call or DT_NEEDED entry, for something that wants to link
       against the dynamic linker as a shared library, will know that
       the shared object is already loaded.  */ = ((const char *) main_map->l_addr
                 + ph->p_vaddr);
    /* = NULL;    Already zero.  */
    GL(dl_rtld_map).l_libname = &_dl_rtld_libname;

    /* Ordinarilly, we would get additional names for the loader from
       our DT_SONAME.  This can‘t happen if we were actually linked as
       a static executable (detect this case when we have no DYNAMIC).
       If so, assume the filename component of the interpreter path to
       be our SONAME, and add it to our name list.  */
    if (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_ld == NULL)
        const char *p = NULL;
        const char *cp =;

        /* Find the filename part of the path.  */
        while (*cp != ‘\0‘)
          if (*cp++ == ‘/‘)
        p = cp;

        if (p != NULL)
          { = p;
        /* = NULL;  Already zero.  */ = &_dl_rtld_libname2;

    has_interp = true;
      case PT_LOAD:
      ElfW(Addr) mapstart;
      ElfW(Addr) allocend;

      /* Remember where the main program starts in memory.  */
      mapstart = (main_map->l_addr
              + (ph->p_vaddr & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)));
      if (main_map->l_map_start > mapstart)
        main_map->l_map_start = mapstart;

      /* Also where it ends.  */
      allocend = main_map->l_addr + ph->p_vaddr + ph->p_memsz;
      if (main_map->l_map_end < allocend)
        main_map->l_map_end = allocend;
      if ((ph->p_flags & PF_X) && allocend > main_map->l_text_end)
        main_map->l_text_end = allocend;

      case PT_TLS:
    if (ph->p_memsz > 0)
        /* Note that in the case the dynamic linker we duplicate work
           here since we read the PT_TLS entry already in
           _dl_start_final.  But the result is repeatable so do not
           check for this special but unimportant case.  */
        main_map->l_tls_blocksize = ph->p_memsz;
        main_map->l_tls_align = ph->p_align;
        if (ph->p_align == 0)
          main_map->l_tls_firstbyte_offset = 0;
          main_map->l_tls_firstbyte_offset = (ph->p_vaddr
                          & (ph->p_align - 1));
        main_map->l_tls_initimage_size = ph->p_filesz;
        main_map->l_tls_initimage = (void *) ph->p_vaddr;

        /* This image gets the ID one.  */
        GL(dl_tls_max_dtv_idx) = main_map->l_tls_modid = 1;

      case PT_GNU_STACK:
    GL(dl_stack_flags) = ph->p_flags;

      case PT_GNU_RELRO:
    main_map->l_relro_addr = ph->p_vaddr;
    main_map->l_relro_size = ph->p_memsz;

  /* Adjust the address of the TLS initialization image in case
     the executable is actually an ET_DYN object.  */
  if (main_map->l_tls_initimage != NULL)
      = (char *) main_map->l_tls_initimage + main_map->l_addr;
  if (! main_map->l_map_end)
    main_map->l_map_end = ~0;
  if (! main_map->l_text_end)
    main_map->l_text_end = ~0;
  if (! GL(dl_rtld_map).l_libname && GL(dl_rtld_map).l_name)
      /* We were invoked directly, so the program might not have a
     PT_INTERP.  */ = GL(dl_rtld_map).l_name;
      /* = NULL;    Already zero.  */
      GL(dl_rtld_map).l_libname =  &_dl_rtld_libname;
    assert (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_libname); /* How else did we get here?  */

  /* If the current libname is different from the SONAME, add the
     latter as well.  */
  if (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_info[DT_SONAME] != NULL
      && strcmp (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_libname->name,
         (const char *) D_PTR (&GL(dl_rtld_map), l_info[DT_STRTAB])
         + GL(dl_rtld_map).l_info[DT_SONAME]->d_un.d_val) != 0)
      static struct libname_list newname; = ((char *) D_PTR (&GL(dl_rtld_map), l_info[DT_STRTAB])
              + GL(dl_rtld_map).l_info[DT_SONAME]->d_un.d_ptr); = NULL;
      newname.dont_free = 1;

      assert (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_libname->next == NULL);
      GL(dl_rtld_map).l_libname->next = &newname;
  /* The must be relocated since otherwise loading audit modules
     will fail since they reuse the very same  */
  assert (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_relocated);

  if (! rtld_is_main)
      /* Extract the contents of the dynamic section for easy access.  */
      elf_get_dynamic_info (main_map, NULL);
      /* Set up our cache of pointers into the hash table.  */
      _dl_setup_hash (main_map);

  if (__builtin_expect (mode, normal) == verify)
      /* We were called just to verify that this is a dynamic
     executable using us as the program interpreter.  Exit with an
     error if we were not able to load the binary or no interpreter
     is specified (i.e., this is no dynamically linked binary.  */
      if (main_map->l_ld == NULL)
    _exit (1);

      /* We allow here some platform specific code.  */
      _exit (has_interp ? 0 : 2);

  struct link_map **first_preload = &GL(dl_rtld_map).l_next;
  /* Set up the data structures for the system-supplied DSO early,
     so they can influence _dl_init_paths.  */
  setup_vdso (main_map, &first_preload);

  DL_SYSDEP_OSCHECK (_dl_fatal_printf);

  /* Initialize the data structures for the search paths for shared
     objects.  */
  _dl_init_paths (library_path);

  /* Initialize _r_debug.  */
  struct r_debug *r = _dl_debug_initialize (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_addr,
  r->r_state = RT_CONSISTENT;

  /* Put the link_map for ourselves on the chain so it can be found by
     name.  Note that at this point the global chain of link maps contains
     exactly one element, which is pointed to by dl_loaded.  */
  if (! GL(dl_rtld_map).l_name)
    /* If not invoked directly, the dynamic linker shared object file was
       found by the PT_INTERP name.  */
    GL(dl_rtld_map).l_name = (char *) GL(dl_rtld_map).l_libname->name;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_type = lt_library;
  main_map->l_next = &GL(dl_rtld_map);
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_prev = main_map;

  /* If LD_USE_LOAD_BIAS env variable has not been seen, default
     to not using bias for non-prelinked PIEs and libraries
     and using it for executables or prelinked PIEs or libraries.  */
  if (GLRO(dl_use_load_bias) == (ElfW(Addr)) -2)
    GLRO(dl_use_load_bias) = main_map->l_addr == 0 ? -1 : 0;

  /* Set up the program header information for the dynamic linker
     itself.  It is needed in the dl_iterate_phdr() callbacks.  */
  ElfW(Ehdr) *rtld_ehdr = (ElfW(Ehdr) *) GL(dl_rtld_map).l_map_start;
  ElfW(Phdr) *rtld_phdr = (ElfW(Phdr) *) (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_map_start
                      + rtld_ehdr->e_phoff);
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_phdr = rtld_phdr;
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_phnum = rtld_ehdr->e_phnum;

  /* PT_GNU_RELRO is usually the last phdr.  */
  size_t cnt = rtld_ehdr->e_phnum;
  while (cnt-- > 0)
    if (rtld_phdr[cnt].p_type == PT_GNU_RELRO)
    GL(dl_rtld_map).l_relro_addr = rtld_phdr[cnt].p_vaddr;
    GL(dl_rtld_map).l_relro_size = rtld_phdr[cnt].p_memsz;

  /* Add the dynamic linker to the TLS list if it also uses TLS.  */
  if (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_tls_blocksize != 0)
    /* Assign a module ID.  Do this before loading any audit modules.  */
    GL(dl_rtld_map).l_tls_modid = _dl_next_tls_modid ();

  /* If we have auditing DSOs to load, do it now.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (audit_list != NULL, 0))
      /* Iterate over all entries in the list.  The order is important.  */
      struct audit_ifaces *last_audit = NULL;
      struct audit_list *al = audit_list->next;

      /* Since we start using the auditing DSOs right away we need to
     initialize the data structures now.  */
      tcbp = init_tls ();

      /* Initialize security features.  We need to do it this early
     since otherwise the constructors of the audit libraries will
     use different values (especially the pointer guard) and will
     fail later on.  */
      security_init ();

      int tls_idx = GL(dl_tls_max_dtv_idx);

      /* Now it is time to determine the layout of the static TLS
         block and allocate it for the initial thread.  Note that we
         always allocate the static block, we never defer it even if
         no DF_STATIC_TLS bit is set.  The reason is that we know
         glibc will use the static model.  */
      struct dlmopen_args dlmargs;
      dlmargs.fname = al->name; = NULL;

      const char *objname;
      const char *err_str = NULL;
      bool malloced;
      (void) _dl_catch_error (&objname, &err_str, &malloced, dlmopen_doit,
      if (__builtin_expect (err_str != NULL, 0))
          _dl_error_printf ("\
ERROR: object ‘%s‘ cannot be loaded as audit interface: %s; ignored.\n",
                al->name, err_str);
          if (malloced)
        free ((char *) err_str);
          struct lookup_args largs;
 = "la_version";

          /* Check whether the interface version matches.  */
          (void) _dl_catch_error (&objname, &err_str, &malloced,
                      lookup_doit, &largs);

          unsigned int (*laversion) (unsigned int);
          unsigned int lav;
          if  (err_str == NULL
           && (laversion = largs.result) != NULL
           && (lav = laversion (LAV_CURRENT)) > 0
           && lav <= LAV_CURRENT)
          /* Allocate structure for the callback function pointers.
             This call can never fail.  */
            struct audit_ifaces ifaces;
#define naudit_ifaces 8
            void (*fptr[naudit_ifaces]) (void);
          } *newp = malloc (sizeof (*newp));

          /* Names of the auditing interfaces.  All in one
             long string.  */
          static const char audit_iface_names[] =
#if __ELF_NATIVE_CLASS == 32
#elif __ELF_NATIVE_CLASS == 64
# error "__ELF_NATIVE_CLASS must be defined"
#define STRING(s) __STRING (s)
            "la_" STRING (ARCH_LA_PLTENTER) "\0"
            "la_" STRING (ARCH_LA_PLTEXIT) "\0"
          unsigned int cnt = 0;
          const char *cp = audit_iface_names;
     = cp;
              (void) _dl_catch_error (&objname, &err_str, &malloced,
                          lookup_doit, &largs);

              /* Store the pointer.  */
              if (err_str == NULL && largs.result != NULL)
              newp->fptr[cnt] = largs.result;

              /* The dynamic linker link map is statically
                 allocated, initialize the data now.   */
                = (intptr_t) &GL(dl_rtld_map);
            newp->fptr[cnt] = NULL;

              cp = (char *) rawmemchr (cp, ‘\0‘) + 1;
          while (*cp != ‘\0‘);
          assert (cnt == naudit_ifaces);

          /* Now append the new auditing interface to the list.  */
          newp-> = NULL;
          if (last_audit == NULL)
            last_audit = GLRO(dl_audit) = &newp->ifaces;
            last_audit = last_audit->next = &newp->ifaces;

          /* Mark the DSO as being used for auditing.  */
>l_auditing = 1;
          /* We cannot use the DSO, it does not have the
             appropriate interfaces or it expects something
             more recent.  */
#ifndef NDEBUG
          Lmid_t ns =>l_ns;
          _dl_close (;

          /* Make sure the namespace has been cleared entirely.  */
          assert (GL(dl_ns)[ns]._ns_loaded == NULL);
          assert (GL(dl_ns)[ns]._ns_nloaded == 0);

          GL(dl_tls_max_dtv_idx) = tls_idx;
          goto not_loaded;

      al = al->next;
      while (al != audit_list->next);

      /* If we have any auditing modules, announce that we already
     have two objects loaded.  */
      if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_naudit) > 0, 0))
      struct link_map *ls[2] = { main_map, &GL(dl_rtld_map) };

      for (unsigned int outer = 0; outer < 2; ++outer)
          struct audit_ifaces *afct = GLRO(dl_audit);
          for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < GLRO(dl_naudit); ++cnt)
          if (afct->objopen != NULL)
            = afct->objopen (ls[outer], LM_ID_BASE,

            |= ls[outer]->l_audit[cnt].bindflags != 0;

          afct = afct->next;

  /* Set up debugging before the debugger is notified for the first time.  */
  /* Some machines (e.g. MIPS) don‘t use DT_DEBUG in this way.  */
  ELF_MACHINE_DEBUG_SETUP (main_map, r);
  ELF_MACHINE_DEBUG_SETUP (&GL(dl_rtld_map), r);
  if (main_map->l_info[DT_DEBUG] != NULL)
    /* There is a DT_DEBUG entry in the dynamic section.  Fill it in
       with the run-time address of the r_debug structure  */
    main_map->l_info[DT_DEBUG]->d_un.d_ptr = (ElfW(Addr)) r;

  /* Fill in the pointer in the dynamic linker‘s own dynamic section, in
     case you run gdb on the dynamic linker directly.  */
  if (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_info[DT_DEBUG] != NULL)
    GL(dl_rtld_map).l_info[DT_DEBUG]->d_un.d_ptr = (ElfW(Addr)) r;

  /* We start adding objects.  */
  r->r_state = RT_ADD;
  _dl_debug_state ();
  LIBC_PROBE (init_start, 2, LM_ID_BASE, r);

  /* Auditing checkpoint: we are ready to signal that the initial map
     is being constructed.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_naudit) > 0, 0))
      struct audit_ifaces *afct = GLRO(dl_audit);
      for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < GLRO(dl_naudit); ++cnt)
      if (afct->activity != NULL)
        afct->activity (&main_map->l_audit[cnt].cookie, LA_ACT_ADD);

      afct = afct->next;

  /* We have two ways to specify objects to preload: via environment
     variable and via the file /etc/  The latter can also
     be used when security is enabled.  */
  assert (*first_preload == NULL);
  struct link_map **preloads = NULL;
  unsigned int npreloads = 0;

  if (__builtin_expect (preloadlist != NULL, 0))
      /* The LD_PRELOAD environment variable gives list of libraries
     separated by white space or colons that are loaded before the
     executable‘s dependencies and prepended to the global scope
     list.  If the binary is running setuid all elements
     containing a ‘/‘ are ignored since it is insecure.  */
      char *list = strdupa (preloadlist);
      char *p;

      HP_TIMING_NOW (start);

      /* Prevent optimizing strsep.  Speed is not important here.  */
      while ((p = (strsep) (&list, " :")) != NULL)
    if (p[0] != ‘\0‘
        && (__builtin_expect (! INTUSE(__libc_enable_secure), 1)
        || strchr (p, ‘/‘) == NULL))
      npreloads += do_preload (p, main_map, "LD_PRELOAD");

      HP_TIMING_NOW (stop);
      HP_TIMING_DIFF (diff, start, stop);
      HP_TIMING_ACCUM_NT (load_time, diff);

  /* There usually is no file, it should only be used
     for emergencies and testing.  So the open call etc should usually
     fail.  Using access() on a non-existing file is faster than using
     open().  So we do this first.  If it succeeds we do almost twice
     the work but this does not matter, since it is not for production
     use.  */
  static const char preload_file[] = "/etc/";
  if (__builtin_expect (__access (preload_file, R_OK) == 0, 0))
      /* Read the contents of the file.  */
      file = _dl_sysdep_read_whole_file (preload_file, &file_size,
                     PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
      if (__builtin_expect (file != MAP_FAILED, 0))
      /* Parse the file.  It contains names of libraries to be loaded,
         separated by white spaces or `:‘.  It may also contain
         comments introduced by `#‘.  */
      char *problem;
      char *runp;
      size_t rest;

      /* Eliminate comments.  */
      runp = file;
      rest = file_size;
      while (rest > 0)
          char *comment = memchr (runp, ‘#‘, rest);
          if (comment == NULL)

          rest -= comment - runp;
        *comment = ‘ ‘;
          while (--rest > 0 && *++comment != ‘\n‘);

      /* We have one problematic case: if we have a name at the end of
         the file without a trailing terminating characters, we cannot
         place the \0.  Handle the case separately.  */
      if (file[file_size - 1] != ‘ ‘ && file[file_size - 1] != ‘\t‘
          && file[file_size - 1] != ‘\n‘ && file[file_size - 1] != ‘:‘)
          problem = &file[file_size];
          while (problem > file && problem[-1] != ‘ ‘
             && problem[-1] != ‘\t‘
             && problem[-1] != ‘\n‘ && problem[-1] != ‘:‘)

          if (problem > file)
        problem[-1] = ‘\0‘;
          problem = NULL;
          file[file_size - 1] = ‘\0‘;

      HP_TIMING_NOW (start);

      if (file != problem)
          char *p;
          runp = file;
          while ((p = strsep (&runp, ": \t\n")) != NULL)
        if (p[0] != ‘\0‘)
          npreloads += do_preload (p, main_map, preload_file);

      if (problem != NULL)
          char *p = strndupa (problem, file_size - (problem - file));

          npreloads += do_preload (p, main_map, preload_file);

      HP_TIMING_NOW (stop);
      HP_TIMING_DIFF (diff, start, stop);
      HP_TIMING_ACCUM_NT (load_time, diff);

      /* We don‘t need the file anymore.  */
      __munmap (file, file_size);

  if (__builtin_expect (*first_preload != NULL, 0))
      /* Set up PRELOADS with a vector of the preloaded libraries.  */
      struct link_map *l = *first_preload;
      preloads = __alloca (npreloads * sizeof preloads[0]);
      i = 0;
      preloads[i++] = l;
      l = l->l_next;
    } while (l);
      assert (i == npreloads);

  /* Load all the libraries specified by DT_NEEDED entries.  If LD_PRELOAD
     specified some libraries to load, these are inserted before the actual
     dependencies in the executable‘s searchlist for symbol resolution.  */
  HP_TIMING_NOW (start);
  _dl_map_object_deps (main_map, preloads, npreloads, mode == trace, 0);
  HP_TIMING_NOW (stop);
  HP_TIMING_DIFF (diff, start, stop);
  HP_TIMING_ACCUM_NT (load_time, diff);

  /* Mark all objects as being in the global scope.  */
  for (i = main_map->l_searchlist.r_nlist; i > 0; )
    main_map->l_searchlist.r_list[--i]->l_global = 1;

  /* Remove _dl_rtld_map from the chain.  */
  GL(dl_rtld_map).l_prev->l_next = GL(dl_rtld_map).l_next;
  if (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_next != NULL)
    GL(dl_rtld_map).l_next->l_prev = GL(dl_rtld_map).l_prev;

  for (i = 1; i < main_map->l_searchlist.r_nlist; ++i)
    if (main_map->l_searchlist.r_list[i] == &GL(dl_rtld_map))

  bool rtld_multiple_ref = false;
  if (__builtin_expect (i < main_map->l_searchlist.r_nlist, 1))
      /* Some DT_NEEDED entry referred to the interpreter object itself, so
     put it back in the list of visible objects.  We insert it into the
     chain in symbol search order because gdb uses the chain‘s order as
     its symbol search order.  */
      rtld_multiple_ref = true;

      GL(dl_rtld_map).l_prev = main_map->l_searchlist.r_list[i - 1];
      if (__builtin_expect (mode, normal) == normal)
      GL(dl_rtld_map).l_next = (i + 1 < main_map->l_searchlist.r_nlist
                    ? main_map->l_searchlist.r_list[i + 1]
                    : NULL);
      if (GLRO(dl_sysinfo_map) != NULL
          && GL(dl_rtld_map).l_prev->l_next == GLRO(dl_sysinfo_map)
          && GL(dl_rtld_map).l_next != GLRO(dl_sysinfo_map))
        GL(dl_rtld_map).l_prev = GLRO(dl_sysinfo_map);
    /* In trace mode there might be an invisible object (which we
       could not find) after the previous one in the search list.
       In this case it doesn‘t matter much where we put the
       interpreter object, so we just initialize the list pointer so
       that the assertion below holds.  */
    GL(dl_rtld_map).l_next = GL(dl_rtld_map).l_prev->l_next;

      assert (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_prev->l_next == GL(dl_rtld_map).l_next);
      GL(dl_rtld_map).l_prev->l_next = &GL(dl_rtld_map);
      if (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_next != NULL)
      assert (GL(dl_rtld_map).l_next->l_prev == GL(dl_rtld_map).l_prev);
      GL(dl_rtld_map).l_next->l_prev = &GL(dl_rtld_map);

  /* Now let us see whether all libraries are available in the
     versions we need.  */
    struct version_check_args args;
    args.doexit = mode == normal;
    args.dotrace = mode == trace;
    _dl_receive_error (print_missing_version, version_check_doit, &args);

  /* We do not initialize any of the TLS functionality unless any of the
     initial modules uses TLS.  This makes dynamic loading of modules with
     TLS impossible, but to support it requires either eagerly doing setup
     now or lazily doing it later.  Doing it now makes us incompatible with
     an old kernel that can‘t perform TLS_INIT_TP, even if no TLS is ever
     used.  Trying to do it lazily is too hairy to try when there could be
     multiple threads (from a non-TLS-using libpthread).  */
  bool was_tls_init_tp_called = tls_init_tp_called;
  if (tcbp == NULL)
    tcbp = init_tls ();

  if (__builtin_expect (audit_list == NULL, 1))
    /* Initialize security features.  But only if we have not done it
       earlier.  */
    security_init ();

  if (__builtin_expect (mode, normal) != normal)
      /* We were run just to list the shared libraries.  It is
     important that we do this before real relocation, because the
     functions we call below for output may no longer work properly
     after relocation.  */
      struct link_map *l;

      if (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK)
      struct r_scope_elem *scope = &main_map->l_searchlist;

      for (i = 0; i < scope->r_nlist; i++)
          l = scope->r_list [i];
          if (l->l_faked)
          _dl_printf ("\t%s => not found\n", l->l_libname->name);
          if (_dl_name_match_p (GLRO(dl_trace_prelink), l))
        GLRO(dl_trace_prelink_map) = l;
          _dl_printf ("\t%s => %s (0x%0*Zx, 0x%0*Zx)",
              DSO_FILENAME (l->l_libname->name),
              DSO_FILENAME (l->l_name),
              (int) sizeof l->l_map_start * 2,
              (size_t) l->l_map_start,
              (int) sizeof l->l_addr * 2,
              (size_t) l->l_addr);

          if (l->l_tls_modid)
        _dl_printf (" TLS(0x%Zx, 0x%0*Zx)\n", l->l_tls_modid,
                (int) sizeof l->l_tls_offset * 2,
                (size_t) l->l_tls_offset);
        _dl_printf ("\n");
      else if (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_UNUSED)
      /* Look through the dependencies of the main executable
         and determine which of them is not actually
         required.  */
      struct link_map *l = main_map;

      /* Relocate the main executable.  */
      struct relocate_args args = { .l = l,
                    .reloc_mode = ((GLRO(dl_lazy)
                               ? RTLD_LAZY : 0)
                               | __RTLD_NOIFUNC) };
      _dl_receive_error (print_unresolved, relocate_doit, &args);

      /* This loop depends on the dependencies of the executable to
         correspond in number and order to the DT_NEEDED entries.  */
      ElfW(Dyn) *dyn = main_map->l_ld;
      bool first = true;
      while (dyn->d_tag != DT_NULL)
          if (dyn->d_tag == DT_NEEDED)
          l = l->l_next;
          /* Skip the VDSO since it‘s not part of the list
             of objects we brought in via DT_NEEDED entries.  */
          if (l == GLRO(dl_sysinfo_map))
            l = l->l_next;
          if (!l->l_used)
              if (first)
              _dl_printf ("Unused direct dependencies:\n");
              first = false;

              _dl_printf ("\t%s\n", l->l_name);


      _exit (first != true);
      else if (! main_map->l_info[DT_NEEDED])
    _dl_printf ("\tstatically linked\n");
      for (l = main_map->l_next; l; l = l->l_next)
        if (l->l_faked)
          /* The library was not found.  */
          _dl_printf ("\t%s => not found\n", l->l_libname->name);
        else if (strcmp (l->l_libname->name, l->l_name) == 0)
          _dl_printf ("\t%s (0x%0*Zx)\n", l->l_libname->name,
              (int) sizeof l->l_map_start * 2,
              (size_t) l->l_map_start);
          _dl_printf ("\t%s => %s (0x%0*Zx)\n", l->l_libname->name,
              l->l_name, (int) sizeof l->l_map_start * 2,
              (size_t) l->l_map_start);

      if (__builtin_expect (mode, trace) != trace)
    for (i = 1; i < (unsigned int) _dl_argc; ++i)
        const ElfW(Sym) *ref = NULL;
        ElfW(Addr) loadbase;
        lookup_t result;

        result = _dl_lookup_symbol_x (INTUSE(_dl_argv)[i], main_map,
                      &ref, main_map->l_scope,
                      NULL, ELF_RTYPE_CLASS_PLT,
                      DL_LOOKUP_ADD_DEPENDENCY, NULL);

        loadbase = LOOKUP_VALUE_ADDRESS (result);

        _dl_printf ("%s found at 0x%0*Zd in object at 0x%0*Zd\n",
            (int) sizeof ref->st_value * 2,
            (size_t) ref->st_value,
            (int) sizeof loadbase * 2, (size_t) loadbase);
      /* If LD_WARN is set, warn about undefined symbols.  */
      if (GLRO(dl_lazy) >= 0 && GLRO(dl_verbose))
          /* We have to do symbol dependency testing.  */
          struct relocate_args args;
          unsigned int i;

          args.reloc_mode = ((GLRO(dl_lazy) ? RTLD_LAZY : 0)
                 | __RTLD_NOIFUNC);

          i = main_map->l_searchlist.r_nlist;
          while (i-- > 0)
          struct link_map *l = main_map->l_initfini[i];
          if (l != &GL(dl_rtld_map) && ! l->l_faked)
              args.l = l;
              _dl_receive_error (print_unresolved, relocate_doit,

          if ((GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK)
          && rtld_multiple_ref)
          /* Mark the link map as not yet relocated again.  */
          GL(dl_rtld_map).l_relocated = 0;
          _dl_relocate_object (&GL(dl_rtld_map),
                       main_map->l_scope, __RTLD_NOIFUNC, 0);
      if (version_info)
          /* Print more information.  This means here, print information
         about the versions needed.  */
          int first = 1;
          struct link_map *map;

          for (map = main_map; map != NULL; map = map->l_next)
          const char *strtab;
          ElfW(Dyn) *dyn = map->l_info[VERNEEDTAG];
          ElfW(Verneed) *ent;

          if (dyn == NULL)

          strtab = (const void *) D_PTR (map, l_info[DT_STRTAB]);
          ent = (ElfW(Verneed) *) (map->l_addr + dyn->d_un.d_ptr);

          if (first)
              _dl_printf ("\n\tVersion information:\n");
              first = 0;

          _dl_printf ("\t%s:\n", DSO_FILENAME (map->l_name));

          while (1)
              ElfW(Vernaux) *aux;
              struct link_map *needed;

              needed = find_needed (strtab + ent->vn_file);
              aux = (ElfW(Vernaux) *) ((char *) ent + ent->vn_aux);

              while (1)
              const char *fname = NULL;

              if (needed != NULL
                  && match_version (strtab + aux->vna_name,
                fname = needed->l_name;

              _dl_printf ("\t\t%s (%s) %s=> %s\n",
                      strtab + ent->vn_file,
                      strtab + aux->vna_name,
                      aux->vna_flags & VER_FLG_WEAK
                      ? "[WEAK] " : "",
                      fname ?: "not found");

              if (aux->vna_next == 0)
                /* No more symbols.  */

              /* Next symbol.  */
              aux = (ElfW(Vernaux) *) ((char *) aux
                           + aux->vna_next);

              if (ent->vn_next == 0)
            /* No more dependencies.  */

              /* Next dependency.  */
              ent = (ElfW(Verneed) *) ((char *) ent + ent->vn_next);

      _exit (0);

  if (main_map->l_info[ADDRIDX (DT_GNU_LIBLIST)]
      && ! __builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_profile) != NULL, 0)
      && ! __builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_dynamic_weak), 0))
      ElfW(Lib) *liblist, *liblistend;
      struct link_map **r_list, **r_listend, *l;
      const char *strtab = (const void *) D_PTR (main_map, l_info[DT_STRTAB]);

      assert (main_map->l_info[VALIDX (DT_GNU_LIBLISTSZ)] != NULL);
      liblist = (ElfW(Lib) *)
        main_map->l_info[ADDRIDX (DT_GNU_LIBLIST)]->d_un.d_ptr;
      liblistend = (ElfW(Lib) *)
           ((char *) liblist +
            main_map->l_info[VALIDX (DT_GNU_LIBLISTSZ)]->d_un.d_val);
      r_list = main_map->l_searchlist.r_list;
      r_listend = r_list + main_map->l_searchlist.r_nlist;

      for (; r_list < r_listend && liblist < liblistend; r_list++)
      l = *r_list;

      if (l == main_map)

      /* If the library is not mapped where it should, fail.  */
      if (l->l_addr)

      /* Next, check if checksum matches.  */
      if (l->l_info [VALIDX(DT_CHECKSUM)] == NULL
          || l->l_info [VALIDX(DT_CHECKSUM)]->d_un.d_val
         != liblist->l_checksum)

      if (l->l_info [VALIDX(DT_GNU_PRELINKED)] == NULL
          || l->l_info [VALIDX(DT_GNU_PRELINKED)]->d_un.d_val
         != liblist->l_time_stamp)

      if (! _dl_name_match_p (strtab + liblist->l_name, l))


      if (r_list == r_listend && liblist == liblistend)
    prelinked = true;

      if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_LIBS, 0))
    _dl_debug_printf ("\nprelink checking: %s\n",
              prelinked ? "ok" : "failed");

  /* Now set up the variable which helps the assembler startup code.  */
  GL(dl_ns)[LM_ID_BASE]._ns_main_searchlist = &main_map->l_searchlist;

  /* Save the information about the original global scope list since
     we need it in the memory handling later.  */
  GLRO(dl_initial_searchlist) = *GL(dl_ns)[LM_ID_BASE]._ns_main_searchlist;

  /* Remember the last search directory added at startup, now that
     malloc will no longer be the one from dl-minimal.c.  */
  GLRO(dl_init_all_dirs) = GL(dl_all_dirs);

  /* Print scope information.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_SCOPES, 0))
      _dl_debug_printf ("\nInitial object scopes\n");

      for (struct link_map *l = main_map; l != NULL; l = l->l_next)
    _dl_show_scope (l, 0);

  if (prelinked)
      if (main_map->l_info [ADDRIDX (DT_GNU_CONFLICT)] != NULL)
      ElfW(Rela) *conflict, *conflictend;
      hp_timing_t start;
      hp_timing_t stop;

      HP_TIMING_NOW (start);
      assert (main_map->l_info [VALIDX (DT_GNU_CONFLICTSZ)] != NULL);
      conflict = (ElfW(Rela) *)
        main_map->l_info [ADDRIDX (DT_GNU_CONFLICT)]->d_un.d_ptr;
      conflictend = (ElfW(Rela) *)
        ((char *) conflict
         + main_map->l_info [VALIDX (DT_GNU_CONFLICTSZ)]->d_un.d_val);
      _dl_resolve_conflicts (main_map, conflict, conflictend);
      HP_TIMING_NOW (stop);
      HP_TIMING_DIFF (relocate_time, start, stop);

      /* Mark all the objects so we know they have been already relocated.  */
      for (struct link_map *l = main_map; l != NULL; l = l->l_next)
      l->l_relocated = 1;
      if (l->l_relro_size)
        _dl_protect_relro (l);

      /* Add object to slot information data if necessasy.  */
      if (l->l_tls_blocksize != 0 && tls_init_tp_called)
        _dl_add_to_slotinfo (l);
      Now we have all the objects loaded.  Relocate them all except for the dynamic linker itself.
      We do this in reverse order so that copy relocs of earlier objects overwrite the data written by later objects.
      We do not re-relocate the dynamic linker itself in this loop because that could result in the GOT entries for functions we call being changed, and that would break us.
      It is safe to relocate the dynamic linker out of order because it has no copy relocs (we know that because it is self-contained).     先重定位一个对象文件所依赖的所有对象文件再重定位这个对象文件
      int consider_profiling = GLRO(dl_profile) != NULL;
      hp_timing_t start;
      hp_timing_t stop;

      /* If we are profiling we also must do lazy reloaction.  */
      GLRO(dl_lazy) |= consider_profiling;

      HP_TIMING_NOW (start);
      unsigned i = main_map->l_searchlist.r_nlist;
      while (i-- > 0)
      struct link_map *l = main_map->l_initfini[i];

      /* While we are at it, help the memory handling a bit.  We have to
         mark some data structures as allocated with the fake malloc()
         implementation in  */
      struct libname_list *lnp = l->l_libname->next;

      while (__builtin_expect (lnp != NULL, 0))
          lnp->dont_free = 1;
          lnp = lnp->next;
      /* Also allocated with the fake malloc().  */
      l->l_free_initfini = 0;

      if (l != &GL(dl_rtld_map))
        _dl_relocate_object (l, l->l_scope, GLRO(dl_lazy) ? RTLD_LAZY : 0,

      /* Add object to slot information data if necessasy.  */
      if (l->l_tls_blocksize != 0 && tls_init_tp_called)
        _dl_add_to_slotinfo (l);
      HP_TIMING_NOW (stop);

      HP_TIMING_DIFF (relocate_time, start, stop);

      /* Now enable profiling if needed.  Like the previous call,
     this has to go here because the calls it makes should use the
     rtld versions of the functions (particularly calloc()), but it
     needs to have _dl_profile_map set up by the relocator.  */
      if (__builtin_expect (GL(dl_profile_map) != NULL, 0))
    /* We must prepare the profiling.  */
    _dl_start_profile ();

# define NONTLS_INIT_TP do { } while (0)

  if (!was_tls_init_tp_called && GL(dl_tls_max_dtv_idx) > 0)

  /* Now that we have completed relocation, the initializer data
     for the TLS blocks has its final values and we can copy them
     into the main thread‘s TLS area, which we allocated above.  */
  _dl_allocate_tls_init (tcbp);

  /* And finally install it for the main thread.  If itself uses
     TLS we know the thread pointer was initialized earlier.  */
  if (! tls_init_tp_called)
      const char *lossage
#ifdef USE___THREAD
    = TLS_INIT_TP (tcbp, USE___THREAD);
    = TLS_INIT_TP (tcbp, 0);
      if (__builtin_expect (lossage != NULL, 0))
    _dl_fatal_printf ("cannot set up thread-local storage: %s\n",

  /* Make sure no new search directories have been added.  */
  assert (GLRO(dl_init_all_dirs) == GL(dl_all_dirs));

  if (! prelinked && rtld_multiple_ref)
      /* There was an explicit ref to the dynamic linker as a shared lib.
     Re-relocate ourselves with user-controlled symbol definitions.

     We must do this after TLS initialization in case after this
     re-relocation, we might call a user-supplied function
     (e.g. calloc from _dl_relocate_object) that uses TLS data.  */

      hp_timing_t start;
      hp_timing_t stop;
      hp_timing_t add;

      HP_TIMING_NOW (start);
      /* Mark the link map as not yet relocated again.  */
      GL(dl_rtld_map).l_relocated = 0;
      _dl_relocate_object (&GL(dl_rtld_map), main_map->l_scope, 0, 0);
      HP_TIMING_NOW (stop);
      HP_TIMING_DIFF (add, start, stop);
      HP_TIMING_ACCUM_NT (relocate_time, add);

  /* Do any necessary cleanups for the startup OS interface code.
     We do these now so that no calls are made after rtld re-relocation
     which might be resolved to different functions than we expect.
     We cannot do this before relocating the other objects because
     _dl_relocate_object might need to call `mprotect‘ for DT_TEXTREL.  */
  _dl_sysdep_start_cleanup ();

#ifdef SHARED
  /* Auditing checkpoint: we have added all objects.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_naudit) > 0, 0))
      struct link_map *head = GL(dl_ns)[LM_ID_BASE]._ns_loaded;
      /* Do not call the functions for any auditing object.  */
      if (head->l_auditing == 0)
      struct audit_ifaces *afct = GLRO(dl_audit);
      for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < GLRO(dl_naudit); ++cnt)
          if (afct->activity != NULL)
        afct->activity (&head->l_audit[cnt].cookie, LA_ACT_CONSISTENT);

          afct = afct->next;

  /* Notify the debugger all new objects are now ready to go.  We must re-get
     the address since by now the variable might be in another object.  */
  r = _dl_debug_initialize (0, LM_ID_BASE);
  r->r_state = RT_CONSISTENT;
  _dl_debug_state ();
  LIBC_PROBE (init_complete, 2, LM_ID_BASE, r);

#if defined USE_LDCONFIG && !defined MAP_COPY
  /* We must munmap() the cache file.  */
  _dl_unload_cache ();

  /* Once we return, _dl_sysdep_start will invoke the DT_INIT functions and then *USER_ENTRY.  */

重定位完成后返回到_dl_sysdep_start(),然后返回 到_dl_start_final(),然后再返回到_dl_start(),继续返回到_start


#define RTLD_START asm ("\n\
    movl %eax, %edi\n\
    call 0b\n    addl $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_, %ebx\n\
    movl [email protected](%ebx), %eax\n\
    popl %edx\n\
    leal (%esp,%eax,4), %esp\n\
    subl %eax, %edx\n\
    push %edx\n\
    movl [email protected](%ebx), %eax\n    leal 8(%esp,%edx,4), %esi\n    leal 4(%esp), %ecx\n    movl %esp, %ebp\n\
    andl $-16, %esp\n    pushl %eax\n    pushl %eax\n    pushl %ebp\n    pushl %esi\n\
    xorl %ebp, %ebp\n\
    _start调用动态连接器的初始化函数(以调用每个共享对象的初始化代码 _init()..)
    call [email protected]\n\
    把动态连接器的终止函数(以调用每个共享对象的终止代码 _fini)地址存入EDX寄存器以传给可执行文件
    leal [email protected](%ebx), %edx\n\
    movl (%esp), %esp\n\
    jmp *%edi\n    .previous\n");


0x1: 共享库的初始化 && 终止函数

但是,我们直接在程序中去重写/实现这2个函数,例如: test.c

#include <stdio.h>

void _init(void)
    printf("%s", __func__);

void _fini(void)
    printf("%s", __func__);
//gcc test.c -o test



#include <stdio.h>

__attribute ((constructor)) void _init(void)
    printf("%s/n", __func__);

__attribute ((destructor)) void _fini(void)
    printf("%s/n", __func__);

int main(int n)
    return n;
//gcc t.c -o t

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Copyright (c) 2014 LittleHann All rights reserved

时间: 2024-10-24 08:13:11

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