Head Frist Python 读书笔记 构建发布

构建发布 p41



1. 首先需要在系统中注册python环境变量:假设python的安装路径为c:\python2.6,则修改我的电脑->属性->高级->环境变量->系统变量中的PATH为:



上述环境变量设置成功之后,就可以在命令行直接使用python命令。或执行"python *.py"运行python脚本了。

2. 此时,还是只能通过"python *.py"运行python脚本,若希望直接运行*.py,只需再修改另一个环境变量PATHEXT:



python setup.py sdist

(assuming you haven’t specified any sdist options in the setup script or config file), sdist creates the archive of the default format for the current platform. The default format is a gzip’ed tar file (.tar.gz) on Unix, and ZIP file on Windows.

You can specify as many formats as you like using the --formats option, for example:

python setup.py sdist --formats=gztar,zip

to create a gzipped tarball and a zip file. The available formats are:

Format Description Notes
zip zip file (.zip) (1),(3)
gztar gzip’ed tar file (.tar.gz) (2)
bztar bzip2’ed tar file (.tar.bz2)  
ztar compressed tar file (.tar.Z) (4)
tar tar file (.tar)  


  1. default on Windows
  2. default on Unix
  3. requires either external zip utility or zipfile module (part of the standard Python library since Python 1.6)
  4. requires the compress program. Notice that this format is now pending for deprecation and will be removed in the future versions of Python.

When using any tar format (gztarbztarztar or tar), under Unix you can specify the owner and group names that will be set for each member of the archive.

For example, if you want all files of the archive to be owned by root:

python setup.py sdist --owner=root --group=root


时间: 2024-08-09 01:29:42

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