First flight, Let's do it!

First flight? Let‘s do it!


Hey, guys, this is Jack from Shanghai, again ;)  How‘s everything going?

Today, I took my first flight in my whole life. Guess what, I make it! And fortunately, we get back to the ground, safe and sound. Now let me tell you some of my feelings about this flight.

Firstly, what a small airplane.

My first flight is with an Boein 737, which I think is a big and fanta sitic plane. But the reality is, it‘s small and old,  not cool at all. Meh! But at least, it‘s my first flight. So I am habby to fly with such an old buddy.

In the PuDong airport, this my first time to do the check-in, security check and board. I am glad that I come with Alex and Megan, they‘re so nice to introduce my about those details and tips. I can absolutely not finish this complex procedure on my own.

As I said before, it‘s a win-win situation. Never say that I only help them to do the translation job, actually, they also help me with broaden horizons.

Secondly, it‘s just like  a boat trip.

When we boarded, the worker just ckecked our ticket, as the way as a boat trip does. I came from ChongMing Island, so I am pretty familiar with such kind of procedure because in the past, I have to take boat from the downtown to ChongMing every holiday.  So it seems taking a flight is not as super misterious as I thought long time ago.

Thirdly, takeoff and landing are such a "magic" time.

Now, let‘s come to this part(my favorite)!  I was never thinking taking off and landing was so disgusting like that. I was a lot disgusting during that. The jerk(derivation of acceleration ) effect was so big  that makes me feel uncomfortable.  Long time ago, when I was on the ground, (of course), looking up to the sky, It looks so cool when the airplane takes off and landing. But the fact, taking off and landing is the most terrifying part of the whole process. Next time when I see an airplane take off or landing on the ground, honestly, I would say glob bless those on that plane!

That‘s it.

But anyway, today, about taking up my first flight experience, I should say, it‘s pretty good, awesome and fantastic. I enjoyed it very much!   Thanks to my best friends, Alex and Megan!


From Shanghai

First flight, Let's do it!

时间: 2024-12-15 04:52:38

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