Linux -- w

W(1)                                                               User Commands                                                               W(1)

       w - Show who is logged on and what they are doing.

       w [options] user [...]

       w  displays  information  about the users currently on the machine, and their processes.  The header shows, in this order, the current time,
       how long the system has been running, how many users are currently logged on, and the system load averages for the past 1, 5,  and  15  min‐

The  following  entries  are  displayed for each user: login name, the tty name, the remote host, login time, idle time, JCPU, PCPU, and the
       command line of their current process.

The JCPU time is the time used by all processes attached to the tty.  It does not include past background jobs, but does  include  currently
       running background jobs.

The PCPU time is the time used by the current process, named in the "what" field.

       -h, --no-header
              Don‘t print the header.

-u, --no-current
              Ignores the username while figuring out the current process and cpu times.  To demonstrate this, do a "su" and do a "w" and a "w -u".

-s, --short
              Use the short format.  Don‘t print the login time, JCPU or PCPU times.

-f, --from
              Toggle  printing  the  from  (remote hostname) field.  The default as released is for the from field to not be printed, although your
              system administrator or distribution maintainer may have compiled a version in which the from field is shown by default.

--help Display help text and exit.

-i, --ip-addr
              Display IP address instead of hostname for from field.

-V, --version
              Display version information.

-o, --old-style
              Old style output.  Prints blank space for idle times less than one minute.

user   Show information about the specified user only.

              Override the default width of the username column.  Defaults to 8.

              Override the default width of the from column.  Defaults to 16.

              information about who is currently logged on

/proc  process information

       free(1), ps(1), top(1), uptime(1), utmp(5), who(1)

       w was re-written almost entirely by Charles Blake, based on the version by Larry  Greenfield  [email protected]?  and  Michael  K.
       Johnson [email protected]?

       Please send bug reports to [email protected]?

procps-ng                                                             May 2012                                                                 W(1)

时间: 2024-10-13 17:00:51

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w 选项及其说明 -h 不显示输出信息的标题 -l 用长格式输出 -s 用短格式输出,不显示登录时间.JCPU时间和PCPU时间 -V 显示版本信息 举例 [[email protected] ~]# w 20:00:42 up 17:56,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05USER     TTY      FROM             [email protected]   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHATroot    

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将以下语句添加到用户目录下的 .bashrc 文件中,然后执行 source .bashrc 使其立即生效. PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\[email protected]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$' 标识符列表:<常用的>\u :当前用户的账号名称\h :仅取主机的第一个名字,如上例,则为fc4,.linux则被省略\H :完整的主机名称.例如:


系 统 中 有 一 些 重 要 的 痕 迹 日 志 文 件 , 如 /var/log/wtmp . /var/run/utmp . /var/log/btmp ./var/log/lastlog 等日志文件,如果你用 vim 打开这些文件,你会发现这些文件是二进制乱码.这是由于这些日志中保存的是系统的重要登录痕迹,包括某个用户何时登录了系统,何时退出了系统,错误登录等重要的系统信息.这些信息要是可以通过 vim 打开,就能编辑,这样痕迹信息就不准确,所以这些重要的痕迹日志,只能通过对应的命令来进


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转贴:色值和颜色对照 前景 背景 颜色 30 40 黑色 31 41 紅色 32 42 綠色 33 43 黃色 34 44 藍色 35 45 紫紅色 36 46 青藍色 37 47 白色 属性代码 代码 行为 0 OFF 1 高亮显示 4 underline 5 闪烁 7 反白显示 8 不可见 两种格式来控制输出样式: 1.设置属性和字体颜色:\[\e[属性;字体颜色m\] 或者写作 \[\033[属性;字体颜色m\] 2.设置属性和字体颜色和背景色:\[\e[属性;字体颜色;背景色m\] 或者

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