【RefactoringCode】The description of the refactoring book

Last night the book named [Data Structure with Java Hubbed] was closed. When talked about the advantage that I have taken of, with the help of that book I familize myself with data structure,
especially the Java Collection Framework. I think it important for me to further get my position promptation. So today night I prepare to start a new book, whose name is <Refactoring : Imporve Design the existing code> written by by Martin Fowler, Kent Beck
(Contributor), John Brant (Contributor), William

Opdyke, don Roberts. In the past  this book was always talked by friends and was strongly recommended to me as a primary guigude to senior software deverloper. However, for the sake of my laziness, I start to read this book until

Refactoring: Imporvinmg the design of the existing code shows how refactoring can make object-oriented code simple and easier to maintain. Today refactorign require considerable design know-how,
but once tools become availables, all programmers should be able to imporve their coding using refactoring techniques.

Early chapters stress the importance of testing in the successful refactoring (When you imporve code, you have to test tot verify that it still works).After the discuss on how to detect ‘smell‘
of bad code, readers get to heart of the book,it catalog of over 70 ‘refactorings‘--tips for better and simpler class design. Each tip of is illustrated with before and after code.

时间: 2024-10-29 19:11:53

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