HDU-2236 无题II



#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

#define rep(i, l, r) for(int i=l; i<=r; i++)
#define down(i, l, r) for(int i=l; i>=r; i--)
#define N 123

using namespace std;
int read()
	int x=0, f=1; char ch=getchar();
	while (ch<‘0‘ || ch>‘9‘) { if (ch==‘-‘) f=-1; ch=getchar(); }
	while (ch>=‘0‘ && ch<=‘9‘) { x=x*10+ch-‘0‘; ch=getchar(); }
	return x*f;

int n, l, r, m, low, d[N][N], k[N];
bool b[N];

bool Find(int x)
	rep(i, 1, n) if (d[x][i]>=low && d[x][i]<=low+m && !b[i])
		b[i]=1; if (!k[i] || Find(k[i])) { k[i]=x; return true; }
	return false;

int main()
	int t=read(); while (t--)

		rep(i, 1, n) rep(j, 1, n) d[i][j]=read();
		int l=0, r=100;
		while (l!=r)
			m=(l+r)/2; low=0; bool can=false;
			while (low+m<=100)
				bool can2=true;
				rep(i, 1, n) k[i]=0;
				rep(i, 1, n)
					rep(j, 1, n) b[j]=0;
					if (!Find(i)) { can2=false; break; }
				if (can2) { can=true; break; }
			if (can) r=m; else l=m+1;
		printf("%d\n", l);
	return 0;
时间: 2024-11-04 17:44:30

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