现象:安装刚刚开始就会蓝屏:Ghost版本的也无法正常开机. 原因:硬盘引起,通常是主板的RAID.或STAT的设置引起????? 最直接的原因是安装所在的分区的文件系统格式不正确,为NTFS 解决:将安装分区的格式改为FAT32 新机器,分区为NTFS, 安装 Windows XP.Windows Server 2003 时蓝屏问题,修改为 FAT32 即可,布布扣,bubuko.com 新机器,分区为NTFS, 安装 Windows XP.Windows Server 2003 时蓝屏问题,
Installing Virtual Box and Windows XP SP3 during Fedora 21 The first step:Download and Install Virtual BoxThe first method:Download address:https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads;According to system, we click onVirtualBox 4.3.20 for Linux hosts, a
安装Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1时出现的错误(附解决办法) (2012-07-10 191344) 错误回放一: A problem occurred while installing selected Windows SDK components. Installation of the "Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 Compilers for x86" product has reported the followi