How to update multi functions Opcom to V1.59

There are a lot of cheap clone OP-COM with VAUX-COM 120309in the market, new opcom firmware 1.59 is available now.

As we all know, china clone opel Op-com opcom diagnostic interface has been updated to V1.59.All of them are ork with 2010.08 opcom software. Next let WOBD2Repair guide you how to update clone Opcom firmware to 1.59

How to update clone Opcom firmware to 1.59
Step 1:
Download free 2014 op-com software, and install the program.
2010.08 opcom clone software Free download link:
Step 2:
Make sure obd tools website ( Op com china clone 2014 onnect the computer to install the drivers correctly, PLS disconnect the internet.
Step 3:
Open the OCflash and update the op-com with firmware 1.59 HEX file
Step 4:
At last we opened the vaux-com software version is 2012.08, you can check opcom firmware version have be updated to 1.59.

1: True V1.39 Firmware PCB

2: Latest V1.45 Firmware PCB

china clone opcom have two version:
V1.39 Firmware and V1.45 Firmware Op-com diagonistic interface
more information you can click here.

Now FW 1.59 is the latest version Op-com opcom diagnostic interface.OPcom 1.59 has multi functions and avaliable price.

时间: 2024-08-18 11:10:32

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