湖南第九届省赛 高桥和低桥

Q: There are one high bridge and one low bridge across the river. The river has flooded twice, why the

high bridge is flooded twice but the low bridge is flooded only once?

A: Because the lower bridge is so low that it’s still under water after the first flood is over.

If you’re confused, here’s how it happens:

? Suppose high bridge and low bridge’s heights are 2 and 5, respectively, and river’s initial water

level is 1.

? First flood: the water level is raised to 6 (Both bridges are flooded), and then back to 2 (high

bridge is not flooded anymore, but low bridge is still flooded).

? Second flood: the water level is raised to 8 (The high bridge is flooded again), and then back to


Just a word game, right? The key is that if a bridge is still under water (i.e. the water level is no

less than the bridge height) after a flood, then next time it will not be considered flooded again.

Suppose the i-th flood raises the water level to ai and then back to bi

. Given n bridges’ heights,

how many bridges are flooded at least k times? The initial water level is 1.


The input contains at most 25 test cases. Each test case begins with 3 integers n, m, k in the first line

(1 ≤ n, m, k ≤ 105

). The next line contains n integers hi

, the heights of each bridge (2 ≤ hi ≤ 108


Each of the next m lines contains two integers ai and bi (1 ≤ bi < ai ≤ 108

, ai > bi?1). The file size of

the whole input does not exceed 5MB.


For each test case, print the number of bridges that is flooded at least k times.


For the second sample, 5 bridges are flooded 1, 2, 3, 2, 0 times, respectively.

Sample Input

2 2 2

2 5

6 2

8 3

5 3 2

2 3 4 5 6

5 3

4 2

5 2

Sample Output

Case 1: 1

Case 2: 3




using namespace std;

    Date: 07/05/16 21:29
const int maxn=100005;
int c[maxn<<2];
int a[maxn];

int low(int ns){
    return ns&(-ns);
int n;
void updata(int x,int y){

int sum(int x){
    int ans=0;
    return ans;
int w[maxn][2];

int main(){
    int m,k;
    int coun=0;

        for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)
        w[0][0] = 1;
        for(int i=0; i<m; i++){
        for(int i=0;i<m;++i){
            int poss=upper_bound(a+1,a+n+1,w[i][1])-a-1;
            int post=upper_bound(a+1,a+n+1,w[i][0])-a;
//          cout<<"pos="<<post<<" "<<poss<<endl;
        int ans=0;
        for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){
//           cout<<sum(i)<<endl;
        printf("Case %d: %d\n",++coun,ans);
    return 0;
时间: 2024-10-28 11:08:51

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