How to install BMW ENET E-sys F-series coding software step-by-step

BMW ENET (Ethernet to OBD) Interface
E-sys ICOM coding software with soft EST tokens and Pin
psdzdata 54.2
A laptop running Win XP O / S
Backup necessary CAF file

Install E-sys software
Install E-sys EST tokens
Install psdzdata 54.2
Connect and configure ENET cable
Install E-sys patch
E-sys coding example video

The most detail BMW E-sys coding software installation instruction:

E-sys coding software installation:

1) Run "E-sys \ E-Sys_Setup_3_25_3_RC_b40861.exe" to install program to default location "C: \ EC-Apps \ ESG" (ie "C: \ EC-Apps \ ESG \ E-Sys \")

2) During E-Sys installation, when prompted change the default Data Path from "C: \ Data \" to "C: \ ESysData \".

3) Copy "EDIABAS" folder to the root of "C: \" (ie "C: \ EDIABAS")

4) Run "C: \ EDIABAS \ Hardware \ Ediabas-Konfigurator \ Ediabas-Konfigurator.exe" and make sure "Interface:" is set to "INTERFACE = ENET" Pull down the drop-down list and select "INTERFACE = ENET. "and then" Andern "and then" Ende ".

E-sys soft EST Tokens installation:

5) Create subfolder "E-Sys EST" under "C: \ ESysData \" (ie "C: \ ESysData \ E-Sys EST")

How to set and create tokens for E-sys software
Please refer to the guide here: E-sys soft tokens generation instruction (hyperlinks)

6) Copy EST Token File (eg "esys_v1.4.EST") to "E-Sys EST" folder (ie "C: \ ESysData \ E-Sys EST \ esys_v1.4.EST")

PSdZData / psdzdata 54.2 installation:

7) Delete "psdzdata" folder exists in "C: \ ESysData \" (ie "C: \ ESysData \ psdzdata")

8) Copy downloaded "psdzdata" folder to "C: \ ESysData \" (ie "C: \ ESysData \ psdzdata")

9) Check if there is a "Dist" folder in each of the Chassis folders, eg "C: \ ESysData \ psdzdata \ mainseries \ F010 \ F010_12_03_511 \ odx \ dist"

ENET E-sys cable Connection & Configuration

10) Connect ENET cable with laptop and connect it with vehicle via OBD port
11) Turn on ignition switch with engine off
12) Navigate "C: \ EDIABAS \ Hardware \ ENET \ ZGW_SEARCH.exe" to check if ENET cable is well connected Select Reflash button until connection data appears..
13) Run "C: \ EC-Apps \ ESG \ E-Sys \ E-Sys.exe"
There are some option in the Settings:
On the PROGRAM TAB, set the Directories - Data Path to "C: \ ESysData"
On the EST Tab, set the Developer-Soft-Token EST Path to match EST Token installed in Step 06 above (eg "C: \ ESysData \ E-Sys EST \ Code Away.EST"
On the ODX Tab, set the ODX Rule Path to "C: \ ESysData \ Rules"

14) Press the Connect button on E-sys toolbar and select desired Target Vehicle, eg TargetSelector: Project = F010-12-03-511m VehicleInfo = F010
15) Select "Connection via VIN" and press Connect. Wait for connection successful message.

E-sys Patch installation

16) Replace the original JAR files with the ones supplied below:
[*] Est-cm-01.05.01.jar -> C: \ EC-Apps \ ESG \ E-Sys \ lib \ estcm \ est-cm-01.05.01.jar
[*] Psdz-core.jar -> C: \ EC-Apps \ ESG \ E-Sys \ lib \ PsdZ \ psdz-core.jar
[*] Copy EST Token File (eg "esys_v1.4.est") to "E-Sys EST" folder (ie "C: \ ESysData \ E-Sys EST \ esys_v1.4.est")

Please refer to the BWM F30 coding with E-sys coding software example video here:

时间: 2024-12-14 08:35:21

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