JustMock Lite (Free Mocking Framework For .net)

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    public class ClassUnderTest
        private IFirstDependency firstDep;
        private ISecondDependency secondDep;

        public ClassUnderTest(IFirstDependency first, ISecondDependency second)
            this.firstDep = first;
            this.secondDep = second;

        public IList<object> CollectionMethod()
            var firstCollection = firstDep.GetList();

            return firstCollection;

        public string StringMethod()
            var secondString = secondDep.GetString();

            return secondString;

    public interface IFirstDependency
        IList<object> GetList();

    public interface ISecondDependency
        string GetString();


        public void ShouldMockDependenciesWithContainer()
            // ARRANGE
            // Creating a MockingContainer of ClassUnderTest.
            // To instantiate the system uder test (the container) you should use the Instance property
            // For example: container.Instance.
            var container = new MockingContainer<ClassUnderTest>();

            string expectedString = "Test";

            // Arranging: When the GetString() method from the ISecondDependecy interface
            //              is called from the container, it should return expectedString.
               secondDep => secondDep.GetString()).Returns(expectedString);

            // ACT - Calling SringMethod() from the mocked instance of ClassUnderTest
            var actualString = container.Instance.StringMethod();

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedString, actualString);




        AutoMockSettings settings = new AutoMockSettings
                ConstructorArgTypes = new Type[]{

            // ARRANGE
            // Creating a MockingContainer of ClassUnderTest.
            // To instantiate the system uder test (the container) you should use the Instance property
            // For example: container.Instance.
            var container = new MockingContainer<ClassUnderTest>(settings);



时间: 2024-12-12 13:08:21

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【Entity Framework系列】Overview - 版本历史概览

EF版本 .net framework和IDE版本 主要功能 EF(or EF3.5) Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (.NET 3.5 SP1) 基本的O/R映射支持,使用DB First开发模式 EF 4 Visual Studio 2010 (.NET 4.0) 支持POCO实体 延迟加载 提高单元测试能力 自定义的代码生成机制 支持Model First开发模式 EF 4.1 NuGet 提供简化的DbContext接口 支持Code First开发模式 EF 4.1.1

第一篇:Entity Framework 简介

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