Study ExtJS 4.x

Before we start:

1.  All my knowledge comes from Internet and I will try my best to present the reference link。

2.  I would be glad if u could join me with the same topic.

3.  I am green hand, really..

4.  never code for u , u code for urself.(I give u my pics never codes)


1. Start with a fine demo.    -----2014/10/11


Now We Begin:

1. A fine Demo with extjs.

what is extjs?

JavaScript Framework for building Rich Desktop Web Applications.(一句话:把网页做的丰富的像桌面程序那样)

I recommend you to use Firefox as a dev tool.

also we need extjs 4.x  (please go to your extjs 4.x)

(recommend: pls use version4.2,if there is any new version like 5.x, we will see it in a future article  )

create a new folder "demo1" in which create another folder "extjs" and a html file "HelloWorld.html"

copy this to your newly created folder "extjs"

write these code in helloworld.html

key file:  (1 css file and 1 js file)

1.  extjs/resources/css/ext-all.css

2. bootstrap.js

Have a look at what happends..(run helloworld.html)

what we get?

A beautiful UI(or ...) for web applications which is amazing and attractive.

what we really get?

1. css

2. javascript

3. pics in html or other sources in html.

(this framework has done all I could think in web view layer, at least now , I believe so)

Study ExtJS 4.x

时间: 2024-08-01 22:41:09

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