Timer class with various behaviors
About: Have a system allowing to easily create and extend complex timer behaviors.
//Start simple repeater Timer.Repeater(5f, () => Debug.Log("Repeater test")); //Start countdown and call Draw in 2.5 seconds Timer.Countdown(2.5f, Draw);
Concept: A manager class pools and constructs new timers, timer store up to 4 handlers, and arbitrarely raise events in concrete implementation.
private class CountdownBehavior : TimerBehaviorBase, ITimerBehavior { float exitTime; public void Initialize() { exitTime = f1; } public void Update(float deltaTime) { TimePassed += deltaTime; TotalTimeActive += deltaTime; if (TimePassed > exitTime) { Completed = true; c1(); } } }
Countdown inherits TimerBehaviorBase and implements ITimerBehavior. On top of that only concrete behavior in implemented that uses data and callbacks provided in constructor:
public static Timer Countdown(float exitTime, Action callback) { Timer timer = TimerManager.getTimer(); timer.SetBehavior<CountdownBehavior>(); timer.behaviorBase .SetFloats(exitTime, 0, 0, 0) .SetCallbacks(callback, null, null, null); timer.behavior.Initialize(); return timer; }
as you can see you can set 4 floats, and 4 callbacks and use them in your implementation of behavior as you like. Examples
For concrete real example look at Ability class, it implements typical game ability, with cooldown.
时间: 2024-10-24 00:24:35