Question about of Softlayer IPSec

Recently, one Softlayer customer complained that they have issue when the servers on the corporate network talk to VM guest on Softlayer.  They found that their VM guests in Softlayer always see the same source IP when different hosts from their corporate network through IPSec Tunnel.

They suggested the fact of all traffic from the same IP (Softlayer VPN Gateway) brings the issue to their applications. So they asked if Softlayer can disable this NAT liking feature for them.

Unfortunately, the customer misunderstand the Softlayer IPSec offering.

SoftLayer IPSec offering in customer portal is for admin/management purpose only. It is not really for application integration, .e.g. customer VM to server on their corporate network.

If customer wants to establish secure connectivity from their corporate network to Softlayer for application integration purpose. There are two options:

Pick up one of them due to the requirements.

(1) virtual vyatta gateway--- for small deployment (e.g. <50 VMs)

(2) Physical HA vyatta gateway-- for big scale deployment and has HA and performance requirement ;

Question about of Softlayer IPSec,布布扣,

时间: 2024-12-23 10:05:41

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