



import 'reflect-metadata';

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueTypedi from 'vue-typedi';

import App from './App.vue';
import router from './router';
import store from './store';

Vue.config.productionTip = false;

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App),
import Vue from "vue";
import Router from "vue-router";

import About from "./views/About";
import Home from "./views/Home";


export default new Router({
  routes: [
      component: Home,
      name: "home",
      path: "/",
      component: About,
      name: "about",
      path: "/about",


import { Module, State } from '../../../../src';
import { MyModule } from '../my';

export class TestState {
  public my1 = new MyModule(5);

  public my2 = new MyModule();

  public counter: number = 10;

  public name: string = 'Will';
import { Mutation, State } from '../../../src';

export class MyModule {
  public counter: number = 0;

  public increment() {

  constructor(counter = 0) {
    this.counter = counter;
import { Getter } from '../../../../src';
import { TestState } from './state';

export class TestGetters extends TestState {
  public get cachedGetter() {
    return {
      item: this.counter + 100

  public get total() {
    return this.counter + this.my1.counter + this.my2.counter;

  public get normalGetter() {
    return {
      item: this.counter + 100
import { Mutation } from '../../../../src';
import { TestGetters } from './getters';

export class TestMutations extends TestGetters {
  public setCounter(count: number) {
    this.counter = count;

  public increment() {
import { Action, Getter, Module, Mutation, State } from '../../src';
import { MyModule } from './modules/my';
import { TestModule } from './modules/test';
import { TodoModule } from './modules/todo';

export class MyStore {
  public my = new MyModule(20);

  public test = new TestModule();

  public todo = new TodoModule();

  public version = '2.0.0';

  public rootCounter = 0;

  public get aRootCounter() {
    return this.rootCounter;

   * Getter example with method style access
  public get numberButIncreased() {
    return (nb: number) => {
      return nb + 1;

  public incrementRootCounter() {
    this.rootCounter += 1;

  public async actionIncrementRootCounter() {
    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));



时间: 2024-08-12 19:38:18


初译 Support Vector Machines:A Simple Tutorial(一)

从本次开始我将开始尝试着逐章翻译一下 Alexey Nefedov的<Support Vector Machines:A Simple Tutorial>这本教材,这可是我们导师极力推荐的SVM教材,看了好久一直感觉一脸懵逼,索性开坑翻译一下吧,也当是加深理解,毕竟我也是一知半解,如果翻译的有不对的地方还望大佬们斧正,欢迎提意见,欢迎讨论. 嗯,就是这样. (一)Introduction 在本章节中将会介绍一些用于定义支持向量机(SVM)的基础的概念,这些概念对于理解SVM至关重要,假定读者了


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[bzoj3489]A simple rmq problem

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