LeetCode 977. Squares of a Sorted Array

977. Squares of a Sorted Array(有序数组的平方)


  给定一个按非递减顺序排序的整数数组 A,返回每个数字的平方组成的新数组,要求也按非递减顺序排序。

  示例 1:


  示例 2:



    1.   1 <= A.length <= 10000
    2.   -10000 <= A[i] <= 10000
    3.   A 已按非递减顺序排序。





 1     public int[] sortedSquares(int[] A)
 2     {
 3         int len = A.length;
 4         int head = 0;
 5         int tail = len-1;
 6         int [] B = new int [len] ;
 7         while(head <= tail)
 8         {
 9             len--;
10             int i = A[head]*A[head];
11             int j = A[tail]*A[tail];
12             if(i>j)
13             {
14                 B[len] = i;
15                 head++;
16             }
17             else
18             {
19                 B[len] = j;
20                 tail--;
21             }
22         }
23         return B;
24     }


时间: 2024-07-30 13:12:14

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