Leetcode 200.岛屿的数量 - DFS、BFS

Leetcode 200 岛屿的数量:



class Solution {  // DFS解法,8ms/10.7MB,99.7% / 92%

    * row,col: 坐标,以0开始.
    * 用row和col,而不是x,y. 否则容易写成grid[x][y],顺序不对!!
    void dfs_set_zero(vector<vector<char>>& grid, int row, int col) {
        int n_rows = grid.size();
        if (!n_rows) return;
        int n_cols = grid[0].size();
        if (!n_cols) return;

        if (row<0 || row>=n_rows || col<0 || col>=n_cols) return;

        if (grid[row][col] == '1') {
            grid[row][col] = '0';
            dfs_set_zero(grid, row-1, col);
            dfs_set_zero(grid, row+1, col);
            dfs_set_zero(grid, row, col-1);
            dfs_set_zero(grid, row, col+1);

    int numIslands(vector<vector<char>>& grid) {
        int result = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<grid.size(); ++i) {
            for (int j=0; j<grid[0].size(); ++j) {
                if (grid[i][j] == '1') {
                    dfs_set_zero(grid, i, j);
        return result;
class Solution {  // BFS解法,12ms/11MB, 96.9% / 69.4%
    queue<pair<int,int>> q;

    void bfs_set_zero(vector<vector<char>>& grid) {
        int n_rows = grid.size();
        if(!n_rows) return;
        int n_cols = grid[0].size();
        if(!n_cols) return;

        while (!q.empty()) {
            auto pos = q.front();
            if (grid[pos.first][pos.second] == '1') {
                grid[pos.first][pos.second] = '0';
                if (pos.first-1>=0 && grid[pos.first-1][pos.second] == '1')
                if (pos.first+1<n_rows && grid[pos.first+1][pos.second] == '1')
                if (pos.second-1>=0 && grid[pos.first][pos.second-1] == '1')
                if (pos.second+1<n_cols && grid[pos.first][pos.second+1] == '1')

    int numIslands(vector<vector<char>>& grid) {
        int result = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<grid.size(); i++) {
            for (int j=0; j<grid[0].size(); j++) {
                if (grid[i][j] == '1') {
                    q.emplace(i,j);  // 使用emplace而非push,constructed in-place
        return result;


时间: 2024-11-05 22:41:23

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