
configure: error: Please reinstall the BZip2 distribution

解决: yum install bzip2-devel

configure: error: Please reinstall the libcurl distribution – easy.h should be in/include/curl/

解决: yum install curl-devel

configure: error: DBA: Could not find necessary header file(s).

解决: yum install db4-devel

configure: error: jpeglib.h not found.

解决: yum install libjpeg-devel

configure: error: png.h not found.

解决: yum install libpng-devel

configure: error: freetype.h not found.

解决: yum install -y freetype freetype-devel

configure: error: libXpm.(a|so) not found.

解决: yum install libXpm-devel

configure: error: Unable to locate gmp.h

解决: yum install gmp-devel

configure: error: utf8_mime2text() has new signature, but U8T_CANONICAL is missing. This should not happen. Check config.log for additional information.

解决: yum install libc-client-devel

configure: error: Cannot find ldap.h

解决: yum install openldap-devel

configure: error: ODBC header file ‘/usr/include/sqlext.h’ not found!

解决:yum install unixODBC-devel

configure: error: Cannot find libpq-fe.h. Please specify correct PostgreSQL installation path

解决: yum install postgresql-devel

configure: error: Please reinstall the sqlite3 distribution

解决: yum install sqlite-devel

configure: error: Cannot find pspell

解决: yum install aspell-devel

config.log for more information.

解决: yum install net-snmp-devel

configure: error: xslt-config not found. Please reinstall the libxslt >= 1.1.0 distribution

解决: yum install libxslt-devel

configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation.

解决: yum install libxml2-devel

configure: error: Could not find pcre.h in /usr

解决: yum install pcre-devel

configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under yes. Note that the MySQL client library is not bundled anymore!

解决: yum install mysql-devel

configure: error: ODBC header file ‘/usr/include/sqlext.h’ not found!

解决: yum install unixODBC-devel

configure: error: Cannot find libpq-fe.h. Please specify correct PostgreSQL installation path

解决:yum install postgresql-devel

configure: error: Cannot find pspell

解决: yum install pspell-devel

configure: error: Could not find net-snmp-config binary. Please check your net-snmp installation.

解决: yum install net-snmp-devel

configure: error: xslt-config not found. Please reinstall the libxslt >= 1.1.0 distribution

解决: yum install libxslt-devel

configure: error: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt.

解决: yum install -y  libmcrypt-devel

时间: 2024-12-24 11:01:23


oracle11g 安装错误汇总

oracle11g安装错误总结: 1,执行./runInstaller报错如下: You are atempting to install 64-bit Oracle on a 32-bit operating system,this is not support and will not work 查看uname显示确实64位 [[email protected]_master ~]uname -a  Linux oracle_master 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 #1 S

离线安装SharePoint 2013必备组件,AppFabric安装错误问题解决

背景:要安装SharePoint的Windows 2012 Server在IDC机房,无法使用产品准备工具在线安装诸多依赖的必备组件 问题:SharePoint 2013的部分必备组件间存在依赖关系,若安装失败只要调整顺序即可,但AppFabric安装错误很难解决 现象: 1.只选择默认功能时安装AppFabric可以成功,但SharePoint安装程序会因组件不完整无法进行下去 2.选择所有功能安装AppFabric会报错误:“由于安装程序MSI返回错误代码1603,因此,AppFabric安

kali 2.0 U盘安装错误Your installation cd-rom couldn't be mounted

1.kali 2.0前天(2015.08.11)发布了.果断下载下来换掉本机的1.0版本. 2.用U盘安装的过程中,出现cd-rom无法挂载.提示错误Your installation CD-ROM couldn't be mounted. 3.在谷歌搜索后,参考国外的 4.经过


今天同事按照官方网站上的方法安装varnish,遇到一个问题,如下: 执行 rpm --nosignature -i 提示error: skipping - transfer failed - Unknown or unexpected error 报这个错误,安装v

[转载]DirectX SDK (June 2010)安装错误S1023,解决方法

导致这个错误的原因是在安装DirectX SDK (June 2010)之前.我就安装了VS2010 . 所以也就安装了: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable 而DirectX SDK (June 2010)会在安装的过程中再次安装.囧 所以解决的办法就是在安装DirectX SDK (June 2010)之前先将以上两个程序卸载. 在运行中执行以下

mysql-python 安装错误 fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'config-win.h': No such file or directory

安装mysql-python之前, 请先安装setuptools. 下载mysql-python. 下载源码包. 解压后执行 python install 提示错误: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'config-win.h': No s

SharePoint 2013 必备组件之 Windows Server AppFabric 安装错误

SharePoint 2013 必备组件之 Windows Server AppFabric 安装错误 1.如下图,在使用SharePoint2013产品准备工具的时候,网上下载安装Windows Server AppFabric的时候,报错,点击完成重启计算机,重新安装依然报错. 2.无奈之下,只有选择手动安装,下载好安装包,双击安装: 安装完成就报错,但是有如下提示,不过相比日志看起来人性化多了. 由于安装程序MSI返回错误代码1603,因此,AppFabric安装失败. 3.经过不懈的百度


ASM安装错误整理 错误1 描述 最后运行root.sh时出现如下错误: #/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/ Adding daemon to inittab CRS-4124: Oracle High Availability Services startup failed. CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors. ohasd failed to start: Inappropriate ioc

Oracle VM Virtualbox 安装错误处理

在win7 2009 旗舰版中安装VirtualBox版本高于4.3.12时候会报安装错误: 创建COM对象失败.应用程序将被中断.明细:被召者 RC:E_INVALIDARG(0x80070057)->点击确定后: 不能为虚拟电脑xp打开一个新任务.The virtual machine'xp' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1). More details may be available in


按了无数遍VC6 都没有碰到这个问题,我的可恶的win7上 第一遍没有问题但是VC6不能用? 打开就说有错误 卸载重装遇到这个问题:——Error Launching ......acmboot.exe 今天被我碰到了---Google一下 找到答案 (1)需要修改注册表键值: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/VisualStudio/6.0/Setup/Microsoft Visual C++/SetupWizard/aspo键值改为00000000