how bad you want success

I do not know how many of you all have asthma in here today, but have you ever had an asthma attack before, you are short of breathe,(…?) you’re weezy, and the only thing you’re trying to do is get some air.You do not care about no basketball game! You don’t care about what’s on TV. You don’t care about anybody calling you. You don’t care about a party. The only thing you care about when u trying to breathe is getting some fresh air, that’s it! When you get to the point where all you wanna like to be is successful as bad as you would want to breathe, then you will be successful! I’m here to tell you that the No.1 the most of you say you want to be successful but you don’t want it bad , you just kind of want it.

You don’t want it badder than you would like
to party, you don’t want it as much as you wanna be cool, most of you
don’t want success as much as you want to sleep!

Some of you
love sleep more than you love success. And I’m here to tell you that if
you’re going to be successful you’ve got to be willing to give up sleep.

时间: 2024-12-26 20:44:48

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一,接口返回 liudehua(["zhangsan","lisi","wangwu"]); 二,jsonpCallback 指明回调方法名字 三,利用success,定义jsonpCallback方法. 示意代码: var jsonpCallback-Name = success; 四,调用 jsonCallback-Name方法.


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Success story

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1,问题,在上图中,数据传输正常,但是一直输出为空的p,再输出66, 2,原因,默认开启了异步加载, 3,解决方法,开启同步,或者在success中添加函数.

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